Program Review Committee. A Program Review Committee consisting of the City Manager, Fire Chief, Human Resources Director, or their designated alternates; and two (2) representatives of Hayward Firefighters Local 1909 shall assist in the administration of the Program. The Staff Captain in charge of training shall serve as a non-voting, advisory member of the Committee. The Committee shall resolve questions of eligibility, hear appeals from candidates with respect to acceptability of course work or training programs and decide any other question which may arise in the administration of the Program, or the interpretation of this section. A quorum of three (3) voting members shall be required, and decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote of those in attendance.
Program Review Committee. A committee consisting of District and Federation appointees (with a majority being Federation appointees) will consider other educational programs from institutions not recognized by the BOT. Once approved by this committee, the program will be added to the pre-approved lists referenced in Section 6.9.