Project Files. Contractor shall provide the District a copy of the entire Subcontractor file, including any submittals or shop drawings that were provided by Subcontractor.
Project Files. CITY will furnish CALTRANS with the Project History Files related to the PROJECT facilities on State Highway System within sixty (60) days following the completion of each PROJECT COMPONENT. CITY will prepare the Project History File in accordance with the Project Development Procedures Manual, Chapter 7. All material will be submitted neatly in a three-ring binder and on a CD ROM in PDF format.
Project Files. All supporting documentation maintained in the project files.
Project Files. 28 Project files shall be indexed in accordance with CALTRANS’ Project Development Uniform File System.
Project Files. 1. Maintain accurate, up-to-date accessible and thorough records of all documentation and correspondence associated with the Project.
Project Files. 2. List ofall contractors and Grantee staff that worked on the County funded program. Payroll records including timesheets for Grantee and contractor staff.
Project Files. (a) Delivery of Files. HUD shall endeavor to either give copies of the Project files to the DPA or provide to the DPA access to available Project files and shall endeavor to make such materials available to the DPA or its Subcontractor in the appropriate Field Office location where the DPA may photocopy such files as needed. To the extent feasible, HUD shall provide the files to the DPA electronically.
Project Files. AP Project History File.pda.ap.310.oca.2016-10-01
Project Files. An administering local agency must establish a separate record file for each federal-aid highway project. The project file shall contain all data pertinent to the work and to the requirements of the specifications. In general, project files should support: 1) adequacy of filed control, 2) conformance to contract specifications, and 3) contract payments to the contractor. The file must be complete, available at a single location, and organized and maintained in a manner that permits inspection by Caltrans and FHWA personnel during process reviews or random checks. Generally, whenever the local agency is unable to produce requested data or information, it shall be assumed by reviewing personnel the required actions were either never performed or not properly recorded. Organized project files can minimize these negative assumptions. Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) Chapter 16 ATTACHMENT #6 DLAEs shall periodically perform process reviews and inspect, during construction, local agency project files for compliance with federal and State requirements. Organization and content of the project file is one indicator of the effective and efficient management of the project by the resident engineer. It also minimizes resources necessary for conducting process reviews. Local agency administered federal-aid highway project files shall be organized and include the following information indicated below:
Project Files. C/CAG will furnish CALTRANS with the Project History Files related to the PROJECT facilities on State Highway System within sixty (60) days following the completion of each PROJECT COMPONENT. C/CAG will assure that the Project History File is prepared and submitted in compliance with the Project Development Procedures Manual, Chapter 7. All material will be submitted neatly in a three-ring binder and in PDF format.