Proposed Plan Sample Clauses
Proposed Plan. A maximum of 12 months in research may be approved by the ABR to meet the requirements of the Alternate Pathway program. Please submit the details for ABR review.
Proposed Plan. 38 Prospectus....................................................................................38 PTCE 95-60....................................................................................38
Proposed Plan. Life - 2 X Annual Salary to age 70 Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) - 2 X annual salary Long Term Disability (LTD) - No Coverage Extended Health & Dental - Same as pre-65 coverage • ODB first payer • Annual $100 deductible in ODB plan paid for member only Sick Leave - 18 days per year accruing at 1.5 days per month. Maximum accrued bank of 60 days. No payout gratuity. Top-Up Bank - A nurse hired prior to January 1, 2000 who may have top-up bank entitlement, i.e. 10% of existing top-up bank will be paid out at age 65, based on the terms of the collective agreement
Proposed Plan. As per our discussions, ’s (Student Name) [indicate DEPT ###] research credits for this semester will entail the following: [ (e.g. data set, draft of chapter, sampling plan, IRB, lit review, manuscript, objectives of proposal)].
Proposed Plan. ● Establish CarbonMeta Research India as a Private Limited Company in Kerala, India with initial equity ownership as follows: ● 80% of the equity will be owned by CarbonMeta Technologies, Inc. ● 20% of the equity will be owned by Fermion Electric Private Limited. ● Establish CarbonMeta Research India as a research and development center: ● Microwave catalysis of waste plastics, natural gas, and other organic waste materials ● Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technologies using novel technologies and adsorbents. ● Development of new catalysts for catalysis, pyrolysis, and electrolysis ● Commercialize and patent technologies that were developed and licensed by CarbonMeta Technologies, Inc. or its subsidiaries ● Build and operate a pilot production facility and demonstration program for the extraction of hydrogen and carbon from plastics, natural gas, and other organic waste materials in India ● Develop and establish supply chain relationships with potential customers of hydrogen and carbon products ● Build a consortium of carbon and hydrogen distribution partners that can help a CarbonMeta subsidiary operate a profitable carbon and hydrogen production facility in India.
Proposed Plan. The first two sentences of Part 11.1 of the Agreement are amended to read as follows:
11.1 After review and consideration of the comments of the PRT on the Approved Feasibility Study, and after approval of the Addendum, the MPCA shall identify a preferred remedy from the alternatives presented in the re-opened Feasibility Study and shall prepare a draft Proposed Plan. In preparing its draft Proposed Plan, the MPCA shall in good faith examine and consider the report or other work product of the PRT as provided in Part 10.7.
Proposed Plan. 37 Section Page ------- ----
Proposed Plan. At least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the license period, Customer shall provide to Authority Customer's proposed plans for its activities in the Center, which shall include information reasonably available to Customer, but which shall include at least the following:
a. final exhibit hall facility floor plan showing locations of all exhibits, aisles and other temporary facilities;
b. meeting room facility set-up information including seating layouts, staging and similar requirements;
c. plan indicating the design, nature and proposed location of all registration and temporary facilities in the common areas;
d. the name and address of Customer's exhibition service contractor and security, emergency medical services, and other event contractors; and
e. a listing of auxiliary aids and services, if any, requested by Customer to be provided by Authority.
Proposed Plan. Briefly describe how you intend to use your CHPI allocation to address various housing and homelessness-related needs of your SM area. For example, you can discuss the following matters:
Proposed Plan. The Record of Decision, Explanation of Significant Differences. The Record of Decision Amendment. EPA/540/G89/007, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington, DC (July). EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 1996Final Guidance: Presumptive Response Strategy and Ex- Situ Treatment Technologies for Contaminated Ground Water at CERLA Sites. Directive 9283.1-12, EPA 540/R-96/023, PB96-963508, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, DC (October). Federal Facility Agreement (FFA), 1993. Federal Facility Agreement for the Savannah River Site, Administrative Docket Number 89-05-FF, Effective Date: August 16, 1993, WSRC-OS-94-42 WSRC 1993. RFI/RI Program Plan WSRC 1994. Phase II RCRA Facility Investigation/Remedial Investigation Work Plan for the C-Area Burning Rubble Pit (131-C). WSRC-RP-91-1122, Rev. 2, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Savannah River Site, Aiken SC. WSRC 1995. C-Area Burning Rubble Pit (131-C) Field Investigation Report (U). WSRC-RP-96-310, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC. WSRC.