QUALITY ASSURANCE/INSPECTION. All goods furnished and services performed pursuant hereto shall be subject to inspection and test by Buyer at all reasonable times and places, during the Order term, and in any event, prior to Final Acceptance as that term is defined in the Statement of Work. No inspection made prior to Final Acceptance shall relieve Seller from responsibility for defects or other to meet the failure requirements of this Order. In the event that goods furnished or services supplied are not in accordance with the Statement of Work and Schedule or other requirements, Buyer may require Seller to promptly correct, repair, replace or re-perform the goods or services. The cost of correction, repair, replacement, or re-performance shall be determined under Section 6 of this Order. If Seller fails to proceed with reasonable promptness to perform the required correction, repair, replacement, or re-performance, Buyer may terminate the Order for default. If Seller is unable to accomplish the foregoing, then Buyer may procure such materials and services from another source or perform such services in- house and charge to Seller’s account all costs, expenses and damages associated therewith. Buyer’s approval of designs furnished by Seller shall not relieve Seller of its obligations hereunder.
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QUALITY ASSURANCE/INSPECTION. All goods furnished and services performed pursuant hereto shall be subject to inspection and testing by SAIC-F at all reasonable times and places during the Agreement term and in any event prior to Final Acceptance as defined in the individual Orders. No inspection made prior to Final Acceptance shall relieve Subcontractor from responsibility for defects or other failure to meet the requirements of this Agreement. In the event that goods furnished or services supplied are not in accordance with the individual Order's Statement of Work or other requirements, SAIC-F may require Subcontractor to promptly correct, repair, replace or re-perform the goods or services. The cost of correction, repair, replacement, or re-performance shall be determined under Section 26 "Legal Construction and Interpretation" of this Agreement. If Subcontractor fails to proceed with the required correction, repair, replacement, or re-performance within the period established by Section 21 "Termination", SAIC-F may terminate the Agreement for default. If Subcontractor is unable to accomplish the foregoing, then SAIC-F may procure such materials and services from another source or perform such services in-house and charge to Subcontractor's account all costs, expenses and damages associated with the reprocurement. SAIC-F's approval of designs furnished by Subcontractor shall not relieve Subcontractor of its obligations hereunder.
QUALITY ASSURANCE/INSPECTION. Supplier has the option to audit Consigned Inventory upon forty-eight hours notice to Hawaiian Telcom. Consigned Inventory audits must be conducted during normal business hours or at a specific time mutually agreed to between Supplier and Hawaiian Telcom. Supplier may inspect, count or catalog Consigned Inventory located at Hawaiian Telcom’s facility. Any condition which does not conform to the terms of this Agreement shall be promptly corrected by Hawaiian Telcom. Hawaiian Telcom Confidential
QUALITY ASSURANCE/INSPECTION. Contractor and its approved subcontractors shall maintain and implement quality assurance programs to ensure that the Stemming Services are provided in accordance with the PM Requirements. PM shall be given the opportunity to review and comment on such quality assurance program as well as on any proposed revisions thereto. PM shall have reasonable access to Contractor's facilities (including, but not limited to, the Stemming Facilities) and the facilities of Contractor's subcontractors for the purpose of (a) auditing compliance with Contractor's and Contractor's subcontractors' quality assurance programs, (b) observing the performance of the Stemming Services, and (c) auditing and inspecting the PM tobacco received, processed and packed hereunder by Contractor and all records related thereto. PM shall be entitled to review all quality assurance records related to the Stemming Services; provided, however, unless otherwise agreed, PM shall have no right to review Contractor's financial records, to witness the processing of tobacco for Contractor's other customers or to review Contractor records related to the processing of tobacco for Contractor's other customers. In addition, and as a condition to PM's acceptance of tobacco delivered to PM following processing, PM shall have the right to inspect all such tobacco for conformance with the PM Requirements. Such inspection shall occur any time after delivery of the processed tobacco to PM but prior to utilization of tobacco in a cigarette manufacturing process. The pre-delivery and post-delivery inspections discussed in this Section 3.7 shall not relieve Contractor of its obligation to provide Stemming Services that comply in all respects with the PM Requirements and the other requirements of this Agreement.


  • Quality Assurance The parties endorse the underlying principles of the Company’s Quality Management System, which seeks to ensure that its services are provided in a manner which best conforms to the requirements of the contract with its customer. This requires the Company to establish and maintain, implement, train and continuously improve its procedures and processes, and the employees to follow the procedures, document their compliance and participate in the improvement process. In particular, this will require employees to regularly and reliably fill out documentation and checklists to signify that work has been carried out in accordance with the customer’s specific requirements. Where necessary, training will be provided in these activities.

  • Inspection; Compliance Lessor and Lessor's "Lender" (as defined in Paragraph 30 below) and consultants shall have the right to enter into Premises at any time, in the case of an emergency, and otherwise at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting the condition of the Premises and for verifying compliance by Lessee with this Lease. The cost of any such inspections shall be paid by Lessor, unless a violation of Applicable Requirements, or a contamination is found to exist or be imminent, or the inspection is requested or ordered by a governmental authority. In such case, Lessee shall upon request reimburse Lessor for the cost of such inspections, so long as such inspection is reasonably related to the violation or contamination.

  • Periodic Review of Costs of Environmental Compliance In the ordinary course of its business, the Company conducts a periodic review of the effect of Environmental Laws on the business, operations and properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, in the course of which it identifies and evaluates associated costs and liabilities (including, without limitation, any capital or operating expenditures required for clean-up, closure of properties or compliance with Environmental Laws or any permit, license or approval, any related constraints on operating activities and any potential liabilities to third parties). On the basis of such review and the amount of its established reserves, the Company has reasonably concluded that such associated costs and liabilities would not, individually or in the aggregate, result in a Material Adverse Change.

  • Inspection and Verification The Secured Parties and such persons as the Secured Parties may reasonably designate shall have the right to inspect the Collateral, all records related thereto (and to make extracts and copies from such records) and the premises upon which any of the Collateral is located, to discuss the Grantor’s affairs with the officers of the Grantor and its independent accountants and to verify under reasonable procedures the validity, amount, quality, quantity, value, condition and status of, or any other matter relating to, the Collateral, including, in the case of collateral in the possession of any third Person, by contacting any account debtor or third Person possessing such Collateral for the purpose of making such a verification. Out-of-pocket expenses in connection with any inspections by representatives of the Secured Parties shall be (a) the obligations of the Grantor with respect to any inspection after the Secured Parties’ demand payment of the Notes or (b) the obligation of the Secured Parties in any other case.

  • Audits/Inspections Contractor agrees to permit the County’s Auditor-Controller or the Auditor- Controller’s authorized representative (including auditors from a private auditing firm hired by the County) access during normal working hours to all books, accounts, records, reports, files, financial records, supporting documentation, including payroll and accounts payable/receivable records, and other papers or property of Contractor for the purpose of auditing or inspecting any aspect of performance under this Contract. The inspection and/or audit will be confined to those matters connected with the performance of the Contract including, but not limited to, the costs of administering the Contract. The County will provide reasonable notice of such an audit or inspection. The County reserves the right to audit and verify the Contractor’s records before final payment is made. Contractor agrees to maintain such records for possible audit for a minimum of three years after final payment, unless a longer period of records retention is stipulated under this Contract or by law. Contractor agrees to allow interviews of any employees or others who might reasonably have information related to such records. Further, Contractor agrees to include a similar right to the County to audit records and interview staff of any subcontractor related to performance of this Contract. Should the Contractor cease to exist as a legal entity, the Contractor’s records pertaining to this Contract shall be forwarded to the County’s project manager.

  • Records; Inspection Payor shall keep, and shall require its Permitted Sellers to keep, complete, true and accurate books of accounts and records for the purpose of determining the basis and accuracy of payments to be made under this Agreement. Such records shall be kept in accordance with GAAP, showing Net Sales on country-by-country and Licensed Product-by-Licensed Product basis, and Payor’s or its Permitted Sellers’ usual internal practices and procedures (which shall be commercially reasonable), consistently applied. Such books and records shall be kept for at least [*] ([*]) years following the end of the Calendar Quarter to which they pertain. Such records will be open for inspection by Payee during such five (5) year period by independent accountants reasonably acceptable to Payor, solely for the purpose of verifying the basis and accuracy of amounts in the payment statements hereunder. Such inspections shall be made no more than [*] each Calendar Year, at reasonable time and on reasonable notice and shall be limited to information related to Licensed Products. Results of any such inspection shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of Payor. If any errors in favor of Payor are discovered in the course of such inspection, then within thirty (30) days of written request by Payee, Payor shall pay Payee those amounts that Payee would have received in the absence of such errors, plus interest pursuant to and in accordance with Section 6.1(c). Inspections conducted under this Section 6.5 shall be at the expense of Payee, unless a variation or error in favor of Payor exceeding [*] percent ([*] %) of the amount due for the period covered by the inspection is established in the course of such inspection, whereupon all reasonable, documented costs relating to the inspection for such period will be paid promptly by Payor. In the event of overpayment to Payee, any amount of such overpayment shall be fully creditable against amounts payable for the immediately succeeding Calendar Quarter.

  • Audit, Inspection and Visitation The Adviser shall make available to the Trust during regular business hours all records and other data created and maintained pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Agreement for reasonable audit and inspection by the Trust or any regulatory agency having authority over the Trust.

  • Inspection and Testing Each Constructing Entity shall cause inspection and testing of the Interconnection Facilities that it constructs in accordance with the provisions of this section. The Construction Parties acknowledge and agree that inspection and testing of facilities may be undertaken as facilities are completed and need not await completion of all of the facilities that a Constructing Entity is building.

  • Environmental Inspection 13 ARTICLE XI....................................................................14 11.1 Modifications...................................................14 ARTICLE XII...................................................................15 12.1

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