Quarterly Inspection. During the Construction Period, the Project Consultant shall inspect the Project works, at least once in a quarter and make a report of such inspection (the “Inspection Report”) with particular reference to physical and financial progress, funds flow to the Project, quality of work, variation, scrutinising contractual orders made with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and status of statutory approvals/ clearances, compliance to statutes. It shall send a copy of the Inspection Report to the Authority and the Implementation Agency and upon receipt thereof, the Implementation Agency shall undertake remedial actions, if any, against the observations stated in the Inspection Report. Such inspection or submission of Inspection Report by the Project Consultant shall not relieve or absolve the Implementation Agency of its obligations and liabilities hereunder in any manner whatsoever.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once each quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Measure and record the DC-DC power converter and TX FET power supply DC output voltages for each TX/RX unit. Verify that measured voltages are within manufacturer's tolerances.
b. Measure and record the RF output power of each transmitter at the TX monitor connector. (This may require disabling of automatic power level control). Level should be within 1.0 dB of nominal.
c. Measure and record the TX RF frequency on each transmitter at the TX monitor connector. Measured should be within +/-.005% of assigned value.
d. Measure and record the receiver AGC voltage. Correlate AGC voltage to receive signal level. Verify actual RSL is within 3 dB of calculated.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following inspections to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Visually inspect waveguide grounds at the bend from the tower and building entry xxxx bars. Inspect for excessive corrosion and firm connectivity.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following inspections, to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Check and record the voltage of each of the 24 cells.
b. Check battery plant float voltage at load plates (-53.52 to -54.48 VDC). Adjust charger float voltage to within range.
c. Check pilot cell voltage. Range is 2.23-2.27
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following inspection, to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Inspect building ground wires for excessive corrosion and firm connectivity. Clean and tighten as required.
b. Verify operation of each air conditioner unit. Air discharge should be a minimum of 10(degrees) cooler than outside building temperature.
c. Clean or change each air conditioner's filter.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following inspections to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Verify that float output voltage of each rectifier (at battery plant) is -53.52 to DC. Adjust each rectifier to within .1 VDC of each other.
b. Verify equalize voltage is -55.2VDC to -56.4VDC for each rectifier. Adjust each rectifier to within .1 VDC of each other.
c. Verify current limit setting and operation of each rectifier.
d. Verify operation of forced paralleling. Adjust as required.
e. Verify operation and accuracy of DC volts and amps output monitor meters. Adjust meter monitor calibration as required.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following inspections to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Visually check fan belts for fraying and cracks. Replace as required.
b. Inspect starting battery terminals for corrosion and firm connections. Clean and grease battery posts as required.
c. Remotely start generator and transfer load. Run site on generator for minimum of 30 minutes.
d. Ensure starring battery charger is operational.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following to supplement the monthly inspection:
a. Cut excessive grass and weed growth within site perimeter fence.
b. If required spread vegetation killer chemicals within 10 feet of building area.
Quarterly Inspection. At least once a quarter, Incumbent shall perform the following:
a. Visually inspect the tower base and guy anchor ground wires for excessive corrosion and firm connectivity. Clean and tighten as required.
Quarterly Inspection. Each signalized intersection shall be inspected quarterly. At a minimum, the following shall be performed:
a. Walk the intersection and visually inspect all signal heads for proper operation, alignment, broken lenses and missing parts. Depress all pedestrian push buttons and observe the proper timing operation and display. Correct all observed problems as soon as possible thereafter.
b. Examine the functioning of the controller in relation to the traffic. Correct functional problems as soon as possible and report functional and timing problems to the Engineer.
c. Observe and check for proper operation of the detector loops or video detection and amplifiers. Adjust or re-tune detector amplifiers and correct sub-standard splices as necessary. Report improper detection operation and causes to the city.
d. Inspect all relays, switches, and terminals, etc. and replace or make adjustments as necessary. Make arrangements to promptly fix those deficiencies which cannot be corrected immediately.
e. Check and adjust fan operation. Check the filter for tight fit and tape if required. Clean and vacuum the cabinet as necessary. Examine cabinet interior for water, excessive dampness and plant or animal intrusion. Determine cause and correct the condition.
f. Inspect battery backup system to ensure unit is fully operational. Report improper operation to City.
g. Inspect preemption system to ensure equipment is operating and in place, check all connections. Report improper operation to Engineer.
h. Completed record keeping requirements as described below.