Résumé Sample Clauses

Résumé. All applicants will submit a personal résumé, accompanied by a (preferably) one-page statement stating why the applicant believes that he/she is qualified for the assignment. (Applications for more than one assignment require only one (1) résumé and a separate statement for each assignment.)
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Résumé. Submit a cover letter and a résumé outlining your experience as it relates to this project, and the following competencies or qualifications:
Résumé. Objectif : Nous avons cherché à évaluer l’applicabilité de l’échelle canadienne de triage et de gravité (ÉTG) pour les ser- vices d’urgence dans le contexte préhospitalier en comparant INTRODUCTION Triage systems have been in use in Canadian emergency departments (EDs) for decades; however, the method From the *Faculté des Sciences Infirmières, Université Laval, Québec City, Que., †Faculté de Médecine, Université Laval, Québec City, Que., ‡Axe de recherche en médecine d’urgence du Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire Hôtel-Xxxx xx Xxxxx, Lévis, Que., and §Unité de traumatologie-urgence-soins intensifs du Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec, Québec City, Que. Submitted Oct. 29, 2008; Revised Mar. 2, 2009; Accepted Jul. 4, 2009 This article has been peer reviewed.
Résumé. Les systèmes de micromobilité, comme le vélo-partage et les trottinettes électriques, s’intègrent aux objectifs du Plan directeur des transports de la Ville d’Ottawa et offrent une option de transport écologique aux résidents et aux touristes. Des services de vélo-partage, qui permettent aux cyclistes xx xxxxx une bicyclette à une station, généralement située sur une emprise routière, ont déjà été offerts dans la ville d’Ottawa; la dernière fois, en 2018. On avait alors levé les exigences du Règlement en matière d’empiètement sur les voies publiques pour que les stations puissent être installées sur les emprises routières municipales comme empiètement temporaire. Cette année-là, la Ville d’Ottawa avait xxxxx un projet pilote (ACS2018-ECC-Comité des transports-0009) visant à localiser des emplacements de vélo-partage, avec et sans station, sur les emprises et les terrains de la Ville. Ce projet pilote avait été renouvelé pour la saison estivale 2019; toutefois, aucun fournisseur n’a offert ses services. Le 27 novembre 2019, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé un projet pilote de cinq ans, autorisant à partir du 1er janvier 2020 la présence de trottinettes électriques sur la voie publique. Récemment, on a vu une tendance chez les fournisseurs à privilégier les technologies « sans station » par rapport aux technologies « avec station ». De fait, les systèmes de partage de trottinettes électriques ne nécessiteront pas de station physique sur les emprises. Le personnel a donc proposé une nouvelle tarification qui permettrait de recouvrer xxx xxxxx du programme. Il a aussi rencontré deux entreprises de trottinettes électriques intéressées et un fournisseur de services de vélo-partage avec station. Le personnel recommande de poursuivre le projet pilote de vélo-partage en 2020 et d’y inclure les trottinettes électriques. Pour ce faire, il faudrait lever le Règlement en matière d’empiètement sur les voies publiques de la Ville pour autoriser un empiètement temporaire des stations (là où c’est nécessaire) et déléguer au gestionnaire, Emprises, Patrimoine et Design urbain le pouvoir de conclure des ententes avec les fournisseurs intéressés d’après la tarification approuvée par le Comité et le Conseil.
Résumé. ‌ In this deliverable we presented the baseline principles for multi-agency systems of systems orchestration using workflows as actionable business processes in chapter 2. We discussed the aspects of workflow representation, automated collaborative workflow generation, instantiation management and Quality of Service management. These principles are to be validated in the context of a Productive4.0 use case, which has been discussed in chapter 3. This chapter also provided the architectural requirements for collaborative WFGM and QoS management in an ePLM context. In turn, we discussed workflow representation (chapter 4), workflow generation and management (chapter 5) and Quality of Service management (chapter 6), where each chapter formulated requirements on these aspects and evaluated candidates against these requirements.
Résumé. Ce manuscrit présente les résultats d’une analyse exhaustive des mécanismes physiques qui limitent les performances et la fiabilité des transistors à haute mobilité d’électrons (HEMT) sur nitrure de gallium (GaN). En particulier : • Les phénomènes de dégradation à fort champ électrique des HEMT sur GaN sont analysés en comparant les données expérimentales avec les résultats de simulations physiques. Des stresses DC de 150 heures ont été effectués en conditions de canal ouvert et de pincement. Les effets des dégradations qui ont caractérisé ces deux types de stresses sont les suivants: une chute de courant DC de drain, une amplification des effets de gate-lag, et une diminution du courant inverse de grille. Les simulations physiques indiquent que la génération simultanée de piéges de surface (et/ou barrière) et de volume peut expliquer tous les modes de dégradation décrits plus haut. Les mesures expérimentales ont également montré que le stress en canal ouvert a causé une chute de la transconductance seulement pour xx xxxxxx valeurs de la tension VGS, alors que le stress au pincement a provoqué une chute de transconductance uniforme pour toutes les valeurs de VGS. Ce comportement peut être reproduit par la simulation physique pourvu que, dans le cas de stress a canal ouvert, on considère que les piéges s’accumulent au long d’une vaste région qui s’étend latéralement du bord de la grille vers le contact de drain, tandis que, dans le cas du stress au pincement, on considère que la génération des pièges ait lieu dans une portion plus petite de la zone d’accès à proximité de la grille et qu’elle soit accompagnée par une grande dégradation des paramètres de transport du canal. Enfin on propose que les électrons chauds et l’augmentation de la contrainte par le champ électrique soient à l’origine des dégradations observées après les stresses a canal ouvert et au pincement respectivement. • Les piéges dans les HEMT sur GaN ont été caractérisés en utilisant les techniques de DLTS et leur comportement associé de charge/décharge est interprété à l’aide des simulations physiques. Sous certaines conditions de polarisation, les piéges du buffer peuvent produire de faux signaux de piéges de surface, c'est-à-dire, le même type de signaux I-DLTS et ICTS attribués généralement aux piéges de surface. Clarifier cet aspect est très important à la fois pour les tests de fiabilité et pour l’optimisation des dispositifs, car il peut provoquer une identification erronée du mécanism...
Résumé. Dans cet article, l’auteure examine la proposition intitulée « Trusteeship Agreement for Palestine » (« Accord de tu- telle pour la Palestine ») qu’avait fait circuler les États- Unis au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies et dans les sous-comités de l’Assemblée générale pendant la période allant de mars à mai 1948. Les États-Unis avaient propo- sé une tutelle des Nations Unies pour la Palestine comme solution possible pouvant fournir une transition pacifique entre la fin du mandat britannique sur la Palestine et l’émergence d’une nouvelle entité gouvernementale qui aurait garanti l’égalité de tous ses citoyens devant la loi. En particulier, ce plan de tutelle aurait évité la partition de la Palestine. L’auteur affirme qu’un tel plan aurait à son tour évité le déplacement forcé de trois-quarts de mil- lion de réfugiés palestiniens en 1948, aussi bien que le re- fus d’Israël par la suite de les rapatrier. L’auteur soutient que la proposition américaine d’ « Accord de Tutelle des Nations Unies pour la Palestine » xxxxx la lumière sur des normes importantes en matière de droit international qui existaient en 1948 et qui auraient pu, et auraient dû, être mises en vigueur par les Nations Unies pour garantir le bien-être et les droits xxxxxx de tous les habitants du man- dat de la Palestine alors qu’avait commencé le compte à rebours pour le retrait annoncé de la Grande Bretagne de la Palestine en tant qu’autorité mandataire, le 15 mai 1948. The U.S.-Proposed “Trusteeship Agreement” for Palestine T
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Résumé. La signature de l’accord de paix en 2016 a aidé à mettre fin au conflit armé interne et encourager une paix stable entre le gouvernement de la Colombie et les forces armées révolutionnaires de la Colombie – l’armée du peuple (FARC-EP). Cependant, cette entente a généré un autre défi, soit celui de respecter le principe d’égalité devant la loi. Afin que les révolutionnaires soient incités à déposer leurs xxxxx, l’État échange la possibilité de se faire juger par une justice transitionnelle. Le pluralisme juridique permet d’expliquer pourquoi la « Juridiction spéciale de paix » (JSP) peut être en conformité avec les normes internationales. Cet article propose une façon d’expliquer ce choix difficile entre le droit à la paix et le droit à l’égalité devant la loi en considérant les normes internationales des droits de la personne. Le texte suggère l’utilisation des contrôles de la constitutionnalité ainsi que de la conventionnalité, comme étant les deux recours judiciaires appropriés qui permettent de vérifier la compatibilité entre les règles de droit national et les principes internationaux relatifs aux droits de la personne. Ces contrôles judiciaires peuvent être utilisés pour analyser l’invalidité d’une norme nationale qui contrevient à une norme internationale relative aux droits de la personne en se xxxxxx sur le principe de la primauté du droit international de type impératif. Finalement, il est conclu que l’égalité devant la loi n’est pas un critère absolu et que la justice transitionnelle devrait être le dernier recours, dans le cas où la guerre permanente se présenterait comme la seule autre option. Quant à la paix, elle est considérée comme étant un droit fondamental dans l’ordre juridique international et national, afin de garantir les conditions nécessaires pour le respect des autres droits et libertés à tous. Mots clés : Accord de paix, Colombie, Principe d'égalité, Justice transitionnelle, Constitutionnalité, Conventionnalité, Compatibilité, Invalidité, Droit international.
Résumé. We can also request a motivation for your job application. Although such motivation is not personal data per sé, it might comprise personal data or data which in conjunction with other data can take on the character of personal data. Please be aware that personal data acquired from you as part of our recruitment process will be stored in our files. We apply a retention period of six weeks counting from the first date of employment for the chosen candidate for a certain job listing. This is taking into account that Transoft has a legitimate interest to take the time diligently but carefully to complete an application procedure. Also, we wish to retain the possibility of contacting candidates if, after a candidate has been chosen, that candidate resigns or is dismissed during his/her probation period. How We Process Your Personal Data Information which you submit via our website is stored on a computer and sometimes on paper at our offices. This is necessary in order to process the information and to send you any information you have requested. Transoft will not hold data for longer than is reasonably necessary for the purposes of the proper conduct of its business or as required by law. Transoft has implemented policies to delete or destroy personal data when there is no longer a business need to retain it. Under the applicable privacy law, Transoft has a legal obligation to implement technical and organizational measures to protect your privacy. Our policies include the following measures to restrict access: - specific training of employees regarding applicable privacy and data protection regulations; - specific communication with employees, associates and suppliers regarding applicable privacy and data protection regulations; - verify that processors are compliant with these terms, or if not setting appropriate contractual conditions for processing by carefully vetted processors; - confidential, state-of-the-art technical security measures to protect unauthorized access to personal data; - organizational measures including an authorization matrix for access to personal data; - application of privacy by default and privacy by design in our product design, including that of our websites; - the execution of data privacy impact assessments where legally mandatory or prudent. Transoft also employs a Privacy Officer who continuously monitors how personal data is handled within the organization. He/she monitors whether the privacy law and data protection law are...

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  • Sincerely, s/ Xxxx Xxxxx ---------------------------------------- Xxxx Xxxxx Senior Vice President ING Investors Trust ING Mutual Funds ING Variable Insurance Trust ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: The Bank of New York By: /s/ Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx --------------------------------- Name: Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx Title: Managing Director, Duly Authorized 0000 X. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Tel: 000-000-0000 ING Investors Trust Scottsdale, AZ 00000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000 ING Mutual Funds xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx ING Variable Insurance Trust AMENDED EXHIBIT A FUND EFFECTIVE DATE ---- ------------------ ING CORPORATE LEADERS TRUST FUND ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series A May 17, 2004 ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series B May 17, 2004 ING EQUITY TRUST ING Convertible Fund June 9, 2003 ING Disciplined LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Financial Services Fund June 9, 2003 ING Fundamental Research Fund December 28, 2005 ING LargeCap Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING LargeCap Value Fund February 1, 2004 ING MidCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING MidCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING MidCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING Opportunistic LargeCap Fund December 28, 2005 ING Principal Protection Fund June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund II June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund III June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IV June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund V June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VI June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VII May 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VIII October 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IX February 2, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund X May 3, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XI August 16, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XII November 15, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XIII TBD ING Principal Protection Fund XIV TBD ING Real Estate Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING SmallCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING FUNDS TRUST ING Classic Money Market Fund April 7, 2003 ING GNMA Income Fund April 7, 2003 ING High Yield Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING Institutional Prime Money Market Fund July 29, 2005 ING Intermediate Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING National Tax-Exempt Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING GET FUND ING GET Fund - Series N July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series P July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series Q July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series R July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series S July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series T July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series U July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series V March 13, 2003 ING GLOBAL EQUITY DIVIDEND AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND March 28, 2005 ING GLOBAL ADVANTAGE AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND October 27, 2005 ING INVESTMENT FUNDS, INC. ING MagnaCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING INVESTORS TRUST ING AllianceBernstein Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING American Funds Growth Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds International Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING Capital Guardian Small/Mid Cap Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Capital Guardian U.S. Equities Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Disciplined Small Cap Value Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Eagle Asset Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING EquitiesPlus Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Evergreen Health Sciences Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING Evergreen Omega Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING FMR(SM) Diversified Mid Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING FMR(SM) Earnings Growth Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING FMR(SM) Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Franklin Income Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Global Real Estate Portfolio January 3, 2006 ING Global Resources Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Tollkeeper(SM) Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING International Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Janus Contrarian Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Small Cap Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Value Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxx Xxxx Foreign Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners All Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Value Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING LifeStyle Aggressive Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Liquid Assets Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Lord Xxxxxx Affiliated Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MarketPro Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx International Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Mercury Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Mercury Large Cap Value Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MFS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Total Return Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Utilities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Main Street Portfolio(R) January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO Core Bond Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO High Yield Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING Pioneer Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Pioneer Fund Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Pioneer Mid Cap Value Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Stock Index Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Equity Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxxxx Global Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING UBS U.S. Allocation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Global Franchise Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Growth and Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Real Estate Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING VP Index Plus International Equity Portfolio July 29, 2005 ING Xxxxx Fargo Mid Cap Disciplined Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxxx Fargo Small Cap Disciplined Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING MAYFLOWER TRUST ING International Value Fund November 3, 2003 ING MUTUAL FUNDS ING Diversified International Fund December 7, 2005 ING Emerging Countries Fund November 3, 2003 ING Emerging Markets Fixed Income Fund December 7, 2005 ING Foreign Fund July 1, 2003 ING Global Bond Fund June 19, 2006 ING Global Equity Dividend Fund September 2, 2003 ING Global Real Estate Fund November 3, 2003 ING Global Value Choice Fund November 3, 2003 ING Greater China Fund December 7, 2005 ING Index Plus International Equity Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Capital Appreciation Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Real Estate Fund February 28, 2006 ING International SmallCap Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING Precious Metals Fund November 3, 2003 ING Russia Fund November 3, 2003 ING PARTNERS, INC. ING American Century Large Company Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Select Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Baron Asset Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Baron Small Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Columbia Small Cap Value II Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxxxx Venture Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Contrafund(R) Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Equity-Income Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Growth Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Mid Cap Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fundamental Research Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Capital Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Structured Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan International Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Aggressive Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Lord Xxxxxx U.S. Government Securities Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING MFS Capital Opportunities Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Partners Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Regency Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING OpCap Balanced Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Global Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Strategic Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING PIMCO Total Return Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Pioneer High Yield Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Solution 2015 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2025 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2035 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2045 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution Income Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Growth Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Foreign Equity Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Large Cap Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity and Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING SERIES FUND, INC. Brokerage Cash Reserves June 2, 2003 ING 130/30 Fundamental Research Fund April 28, 2006 ING Aeltus Money Market Fund June 2, 2003 ING Balanced Fund June 2, 2003 ING Equity Income Fund June 9, 2003 ING Global Science and Technology Fund June 2, 2003 ING Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus MidCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus SmallCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING International Growth Fund November 3, 2003 ING Small Company Fund June 9, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Conservative Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Growth Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Moderate Fund June 2, 2003 ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Strategic Allocation Conservative Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Moderate Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE FUNDS ING VP Growth and Income Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 1 June 13, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 2 September 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 3 December 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 4 March 12, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 5 June 11, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 6 September 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 7 December 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 8 March 9, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 9 June 8, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 10 September 7, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 11 December 6, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 12 March 2, 2006 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 13 June 22, 2006 ING VP Global Equity Dividend Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VARIABLE PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Global Science and Technology Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus LargeCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus MidCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus SmallCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP International Equity Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP Small Company Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Value Opportunity Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE PRODUCTS TRUST ING VP Financial Services Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP High Yield Bond Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP International Value Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP LargeCap Growth Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING XX XxxXxx Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP Real Estate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP BALANCED PORTFOLIO, INC. July 7, 2003 ING VP INTERMEDIATE BOND PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST October 6, 2003

  • FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND OVERSIGHT Measure 2a Is the school meeting financial reporting and compliance requirements?

  • Vynálezy Stávající vynálezy a technologie Zadavatele nebo Zkoušejícího zakládají jejich samostatné vlastnictví a Smlouva na ně nemá žádný vliv. Kompletní práva, nároky a podíly ohledně veškerých vynálezů, autorských práv nebo jiných práv duševního vlastnictví, know-how, které vzniknou, budou vyvinuty nebo použity v praxi, včetně veškerých zlepšení nebo úprav, které i) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Hodnocený lék; ii) jsou zahrnuty nebo předvídány v Protokolu; nebo iii) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Důvěrné informace, zakládají výlučné vlastnictví Zadavatele (společně xxxx xxx „Vynálezy Zadavatele“). Zkoušející je povinen bezodkladně písemně informovat PRA a/nebo Zadavatele o každém takovém Vynálezu Zadavatele a převede (a bude požadovat na všech členech Týmu Studie, aby převedli) na Zadavatele veškerá práva, nároky a podíly týkající se každého jednotlivého Vynálezu Zadavatele. Zkoušející se zavazuje poskytnout Zadavateli na jeho náklady přiměřenou pomoc, xxx xxxx Zadavatel zajistit a uplatňovat svá práva na takové Vynálezy Zadavatele. Zkoušející má výlučný vlastnický titul ke všem vynálezům nebo objevům, které vzniknou nebo budou použity v praxi výhradně zásluhou Zkoušejícího, které nenáleží Zadavateli. 9.

  • Financial Management (a) The Recipient shall ensure that a financial management system is maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.09 of the Standard Conditions.

  • Associates The Labor Council may designate only one Labor Council Associate and alternate at each Department/Agency facility. The Labor Council Associates are union stewards as that term is generally used. The alternate shall serve in the absence of the Associate. The Associate or alternate will be permitted reasonable time off during his/her normal tour of duty to attend to the administration of the Agreement, to investigate and process grievances for employees, and represent employees as provided for in the grievance procedure contained in Article 20. Additionally Associates will be permitted reasonable time off during his/her normal tour of duty to represent employees in predisciplinary meetings at regular rate with no loss of benefits. During such time the Associate or alternate shall continue to be paid at his/her regular rate and shall receive all fringe benefits, seniority accrual and other benefits. When not using time for such purposes, Associates and alternates will perform their regularly assigned job duties. An employee must have completed his/her probationary period before becoming an Associate or alternate. In addition to the time permitted by the grievance procedure, each Labor Council Associate or alternate shall be permitted to use a reasonable amount of paid time to consult with Labor Council representatives and represent bargaining unit members at grievance meetings. Associates and alternates, of the Ohio Department of Natural Resource, may cross division lines within each affected department to represent employees in grievance and predisciplinary meetings. Negotiating Committee members who are off duty or using banked hours under Section 10.04 (B.) may cross departmental and division lines for the same purposes. Each Associate or alternate will notify his/her supervisor of the necessity to leave his/her work assignment to carry out duties in connection with this Agreement. Associates may use a reasonable amount of working time to receive and investigate complaints and grievances of employees on the premises of the Employer only if such activity does not interfere with or interrupt Department/Agency operations and with prior approval by the grievant's supervi sor. Permission will be granted after consideration of work operations by the Employer. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. If it should become necessary to deny such paid time in connection with the investigation or processing of a grievance, the time provided in the grievance procedure for action to be taken by the Labor Council will automatically be extended. Such extensions will be calculated by adding one working day to the time limits for each day on which the Labor Council Associate or alternate is denied paid time to carry out his/her duties in connection with this Agreement. Upon entering any work area other than his/her own and prior to engaging in any xxxxxxx duties, the Associate shall report to the supervisor of the work area. He/she shall identify the nature of the activity he/she is to perform. The Labor Council shall provide written notification to the Employer of the appointment of Associates or alternates five (5) days prior to such appointment being effective. No appointment will be recognized until written notification is received by the Employer. All requests for any form of time off from work pursuant to this Article must be made by completing a form or log provided by the Employer, which may include electronic mail. Except by mutual agreement, no employee will be granted any time off pursuant to this Article, without completing the form or log prior to the utilization of such time, and securing authorization by attempting to contact all identified management representatives and obtaining permission to utilize such time. The employee shall enter on the form the time the leave commences, and upon returning, the employee shall enter the return time. Employees who do not return to their worksite prior to the end of the employee’s workday shall complete the form at the beginning of the employee’s next workday. Employees who normally work out of the office, will work out an acceptable alternative union leave request procedure with their supervisor. In the absence of a mutually agreed to form, the employee shall use state leave forms. Additionally, Delegates shall be permitted eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave to attend the Ohio Labor Council Annual One Day Conference and up to eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave shall be granted monthly to any bargaining unit employee who serves on the Ohio Labor Council Board of Directors for the purpose of attending the monthly Board of Directors meeting. Up to eight (8) hours of paid administrative leave shall be granted annually to Labor Council Associates or officers for the purpose of associate training, and paid administrative leave shall be granted for any time spent serving on the OCSEA Benefits Trust Board.

  • Financial Management Services ‌ Definition: Financial Management Services includes the planning, directing, monitoring, organizing, and controlling of the monetary resources of an organization. Examples: Service areas that are included under the Financial Management Services discipline include, but are not limited to the following:

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