CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. A full-time employee shall be deemed to be any employee regularly scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week. A regular employee is one whose employment is reasonably expected to continue for longer than fifteen (15) months. Section 2. A part-time employee shall be deemed to be any employee regularly scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week. Section 3. The Company shall have the right to reduce employee classifications from full-time to part-time or to increase employee classifications from part-time to full-time. Should the Company deem it appropriate to reclassify full-time employees to part-time employees, it will seek volunteers from the affected group and then force in reverse order of seniority. Section 4. A temporary employee is one who is engaged for a specific project or a limited period, with the definite understanding that his/her employment is to terminate upon completion of the project or at the end of the period, and whose employment is expected to continue for more than three (3) consecutive weeks, but not more than fifteen (15) months. The termination of the employment of such temporary employees shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this Agreement. Section 5. Agency workers and independent contractors shall not be deemed to be employees of the Company and, as such, shall not be covered by any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement.