Regular Membership Sample Clauses

Regular Membership. (a) One elected representative of the professional staff group. (b) One elected representative from the librarian group. (c) One elected faculty representative from each College/School. (d) One representative of the Union appointed ex officio without vote. (e) One representative of the Administration appointed ex officio without vote. (f) The chairperson of the previous year's Committee ex officio without vote. If the chairperson is unable to serve, the vice-chairperson of the previous year's Committee will serve.
Regular Membership. Consists of Individual and Organizational members interested in the advancement of uncrewed vehicle systems and robotics. Organizational members include, but are not limited to, corporations, schools, government agencies, or nonprofit organizations.
Regular Membership. As provided in the Club’s Bylaws, there is one class of membership with voting rights – Regular Membership. Regular Membership consists of two groups—Residential Property Owners and Non-Residents. The membership requirements for the two groups are described in Subsections (a) and (b) below. Based on the City’s desire to impose some limitation on the percentage of Regular Members who do not own Residential Property, the Parties agree the total number of Regular Members who are Non-Resident Members shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the maximum allowable number of Regular Members as further specified in Subsection (b)(ii) below.
Regular Membership. The Regular Annual Membership is for an individual person.
Regular Membership. There are two categories: Individual and Corporate.
Regular Membership. The initial meeting of the TPAC shall be called by Wake County within fifteen (15) days of the execution of this Agreement. Co-chairs shall be established at the initial meeting. Within ninety (90) days of execution of this Agreement, the initial members of the TPAC shall establish rules, agencies, and expectations for regular membership. Membership shall include any agency or groups the initial members of TPAC may deem necessary to fully execute the responsibilities outlined herein. When determining regular membership, the initial members of the TPAC should take into consideration various required skill sets, specifically in local planning, budgeting, finance, project construction and operations.
Regular Membership. Individuals and corporations interested in the advancement of unmanned vehicle systems.
Regular Membership 

Related to Regular Membership

  • Membership The Committee shall include nine (9) members - five (5) representatives from CUPE/SCFP and four (4) representatives from the CTA. Up to two (2) advisors from the Ministry of Education shall act in a resource capacity to the committee. Other persons may attend meetings in order to provide support and resources as mutually agreed. Up to one (1) representative from each of the four (4) employee bargaining agencies at the other education workers tables will be invited to participate on the Committee.

  • Termination of Membership You may terminate your membership by giving us written notice or by withdrawing your minimum required membership share(s), if any, and closing all your accounts. You may be denied services for causing a loss to the Credit Union, or you may be expelled for any reason as allowed by applicable law.