Examples of Termination of Membership in a sentence
The Health Plan will extend benefits for covered Services to Members, without Premium, as defined in the EOC’s Extension of Benefits provision, which can be found in Section 6: Termination of Membership.
Additionally, the Health Plan will mail to each Subscriber a written notification of his/her conversion rights, as defined within the EOC’s Conversion of Membership provision, which can be found in Section 6: Termination of Membership.
The Friend of Optimist Member shall pay annual dues set forth in these Bylaws and shall be ineligible to serve as an officer of an Optimist Club and/or on the Club Board of Directors, or vote at International and District Conventions or Club meetings and shall be exempt from any action by the Optimist Club’s Board of Directors under Club Bylaw Article V – Termination of Membership.
Termination of Membership - You may terminate your membership by withdrawing your minimum required membership share(s), if any, and closing all your accounts.
Termination of Membership by the Members, themselves, shall be authorized, with, or without cause, by majority vote of the Membership at the Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Membership called for that purpose.