Working Group 1. The Parties hereby establish a Working Group on Temporary Entry for Business Persons, which shall meet at least once every 3 years or on request of the Free Trade Commission to consider any matter arising under this Chapter. 2. The Working Group's functions shall include: (a) to review the implementation and operation of this Chapter; (b) to consider the development of measures to further facilitate temporary entry of business persons on a reciprocal basis; (c) the identification of measures that affect the temporary entry of business persons under this Chapter; and (d) the observance of the issues established under Article 121 (Cooperation).
Working Groups From time to time, a Joint Committee may establish and delegate duties to sub-committees or directed teams (each, a “Working Group”) on an “as-needed” basis to oversee particular projects or activities (e.g., joint project team, joint finance group, or joint intellectual property group). Each such Working Group shall be constituted and shall operate as the Joint Committee determines; provided, that each Working Group shall have equal representation from each Party, unless otherwise mutually agreed. Working Groups may be established on an ad hoc basis for purposes of a specific project or on such other basis as the Joint Committee may determine. Each Working Group and its activities shall be subject to the oversight, review and approval of, and shall report to, the Joint Committee that formed said Working Group. In no event shall the authority of the Working Group exceed that specified for the Joint Committee that formed the Working Group. All decisions of a Working Group shall be by unanimous agreement. Any disagreement between the designees of AbbVie and Ablynx on a Working Group shall be referred to the Joint Committee that formed the Working Group for resolution.
Development Costs Licensee shall be responsible for all of its costs and expenses in connection with the Development of, and obtaining and maintaining Regulatory Approvals for, the Licensed Products in the Field in the Territory.
Development Activities The Development activities referred to in item “b” of paragraph 3.1 include: studies and projects of implementation of the Production facilities; drilling and completion of the Producing and injection xxxxx; and installation of equipment and vessels for extraction, collection, Treatment, storage, and transfer of Oil and Gas. The installation referred to in item “c” includes, but is not limited to, offshore platforms, pipelines, Oil and Gas Treatment plants, equipment and facilities for measurement of the inspected Production, wellhead equipment, production pipes, flow lines, tanks, and other facilities exclusively intended for extraction, as well as oil and gas pipelines for Production Outflow and their respective compressor and pumping stations.
Tax Matters Member (a) Eastern shall be the "tax matters partner" of the Company pursuant to Section 6231(a)(7) of the Code (the "Tax Matters Member"). At the request of each other Member, the Tax Matters Member shall take such action as may be necessary to cause, to the extent possible, such other Member to become a "notice partner" within the meaning of Section 6223 of the Code. The Tax Matters Member shall inform each other Member of all significant matters that may come to its attention in its capacity as Tax Matters Member by giving notice thereof on or before the fifth Business Day after becoming aware thereof and, within that time, shall forward to each other Member copies of all significant written communications it may receive in that capacity. (b) The Tax Matters Member shall take no action without the authorization of the Management Committee, other than such action as may be required by Law. Any cost or expense incurred by the Tax Matters Member in connection with its duties, including the preparation for or pursuance of administrative or judicial proceedings, shall be paid by the Company. (c) The Tax Matters Member shall not enter into any extension of the period of limitations for making assessments on behalf of the Members without first obtaining the consent of the Management Committee. The Tax Matters Member shall not bind any Member to a settlement agreement without obtaining the consent of such Member. Any Member that enters into a settlement agreement with respect to any Company item (as described in Code Section 6231(a)(3)) shall notify the other Members of such settlement agreement and its terms within 90 Days from the date of the settlement. (d) No Member shall file a request pursuant to Code Section 6227 for an administrative adjustment of Company items for any taxable year without first notifying the other Members. If the Management Committee consents to the requested adjustment, the Tax Matters Member shall file the request for the administrative adjustment on behalf of the Members. If such consent is not obtained within 30 Days from such notice, or within the period required to timely file the request for administrative adjustment, if shorter, any Member, including the Tax Matters Member, may file a request for administrative adjustment on its own behalf. Any Member intending to file a petition under Code Sections 6226, 6228 or other Code Section with respect to any item involving the Company shall notify the other Members of such intention and the nature of the contemplated proceeding. In the case where the Tax Matters Member is the Member intending to file such petition on behalf of the Company, such notice shall be given within a reasonable period of time to allow the other Members to participate in the choosing of the forum in which such petition will be filed. (e) If any Member intends to file a notice of inconsistent treatment under Code Section 6222(b), such Member shall give reasonable notice under the circumstances to the other Members of such intent and the manner in which the Member's intended treatment of an item is (or may be) inconsistent with the treatment of that item by the other Members.
Development of the Project 4.1 TSP's obligations in development of the Project: a. for procuring and maintaining in full force and effect all Consents, Clearances and Permits, required in accordance with Law for development of the Project; b. for financing, constructing, owning and commissioning each of the Element of the Project for the scope of work set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement in accordance with: i. the Electricity Act and the Rules made thereof; ii. the Grid Code; iii. the CEA Regulations applicable, and as amended from time to time, for Transmission Lines and sub-stations: • the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007; • Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulation, 2010; • Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standard) Regulations, 2010; • Central Electricity Authority (Safety requirements for construction, operation and maintenance of Electrical Plants and Electrical Lines) Regulation, 2011; • Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulation, 2010; • Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operation) Regulations, 2020. iv. Safety/ security Guidelines laid down by the Government; v. Prudent Utility Practices, relevant Indian Standards and the Law; not later than the Scheduled COD as per Schedule 2 of this Agreement; c. for entering into a Connection Agreement with the concerned parties in accordance with the Grid Code. d. for owning the Project throughout the term of this Agreement free and clear of any encumbrances except those expressly permitted under Article 15 of this Agreement; e. to co-ordinate and liaise with concerned agencies and provide on a timely basis relevant information with regard to the specifications of the Project that may be required for interconnecting the Project with the Interconnection Facilities; f. for providing all assistance to the Arbitrators as they may require for the performance of their duties and responsibilities; g. to provide to the Nodal Agency and CEA, on a monthly basis, progress reports with regard to the Project and its execution (in accordance with prescribed form) to enable the CEA to monitor and co-ordinate the development of the Project matching with the Interconnection Facilities; h. to comply with Ministry of Power order no. 25-11/6/2018 – PG dated 02.07.2020 as well as other Guidelines issued by Govt. of India pertaining to this; i. to procure the products associated with the Transmission System as per provisions of Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) orders issued by Ministry of Power vide orders No. 11/5/2018 - Coord. dated 28.07.2020 for transmission sector, as amended from time to time read with Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) orders in this regard (Procuring Entity as defined in above orders shall deemed to have included Selected Bidder and/ or TSP). Also, to comply with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide Order (Public Procurement No 1) bearing File No. 6/18/2019- PPD dated 23.07.2020, Order (Public Procurement No 2) bearing File No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020 and Order (Public Procurement No. 3) bearing File No. 6/18/2019-PPD, dated 24.07.2020, as amended from time to time, regarding public procurement from a bidder of a country, which shares land border with India; j. to submit to Nodal Agency information in the prescribed format [To be devised by Nodal Agency] for ensuring compliance to Article 4.1 i) above. k. to comply with all its obligations undertaken in this Agreement. 4.2 Roles of the Nodal Agency in implementation of the Project: 4.2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Nodal Agency shall be the holder and administrator of this Agreement and shall inter alia: a. appoint an Independent Engineer within 90 days of the Effective Date b. provide letters of recommendation to the concerned Indian Governmental Instrumentality, as may be requested by the TSP from time to time, for obtaining the Consents, Clearances and Permits required for the Project; c. coordinate among TSP and upstream/downstream entities in respect of Interconnection Facilities; and d. monitor the implementation of the Agreement and take appropriate action for breach thereof including revocation of guarantees, cancellation of Agreement, blacklisting etc e. provide all assistance to the Arbitrators as required for the performance of their duties and responsibilities; and f. perform any other responsibility (ies) as specified in this Agreement.
Income Tax Return Information Each Company will provide to the other Company information and documents relating to their respective Groups required by the other Company to prepare Tax Returns. The Responsible Company shall determine a reasonable compliance schedule for such purpose in accordance with Distributing Co.'s past practices. Any additional information or documents the Responsible Company requires to prepare such Tax Returns will be provided in accordance with past practices, if any, or as the Responsible Company reasonably requests and in sufficient time for the Responsible Company to file such Tax Returns on a timely basis.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1. In this Agreement, extra-curricular programs and activities include all those that are beyond the provincially prescribed and locally determined curricula of the school district. 2. The Board and the Association consider it desirable that teachers participate in extra-curricular activities, and recognize that participation in extra-curricular activities by the individual teacher is on a voluntary basis.
Tax Return “Tax Return” shall mean any return (including any information return), report, statement, declaration, estimate, schedule, notice, notification, form, election, certificate or other document or information filed with or submitted to, or required to be filed with or submitted to, any Governmental Body in connection with the determination, assessment, collection or payment of any Tax or in connection with the administration, implementation or enforcement of or compliance with any Legal Requirement relating to any Tax.
Development Diligence Pfizer will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop (including to seek Regulatory Approval for) at least one (1) Licensed Product in one (1) Major Market Country for each Research Project Target for which Pfizer exercises its Option. Except as provided in Section 2.2 and this Section 3.2.1, Pfizer will have no other diligence obligations with respect to the Development or Regulatory Approval of Licensed Products under this Agreement. For avoidance of doubt, any actions taken by Pfizer’s Affiliates or Sublicensees under this Agreement shall be treated as actions taken by Pfizer in regard to satisfaction of the requirements of this Section 3.2.1.