Legal Assistance The Board shall give full support including legal and other assistance for any assault upon the employee while properly acting in the discharge of his/her duties.
Technical Assistance DFPS may provide informal support, guidance, clarification, and other forms of technical assistance via phone, email, and virtual meeting to resolve Grant or performance compliance issues. Grantee will document all such instances of technical assistance by DFPS in writing, including any implementation work.
Transition Assistance If this Contract is not renewed at the end of this term, if the Contract is otherwise terminated before project completion, or if particular work on a project is terminated for any reason, Contractor shall provide transition assistance for a reasonable, mutually agreed period of time after the expiration or termination of this Contract or particular work under this Contract. The purpose of this assistance is to allow for the expired or terminated portion of the services to continue without interruption or adverse effect, and to facilitate the orderly transfer of such services to State or its designees. The parties agree that such transition assistance is governed by the terms and conditions of this Contract, except for those terms or conditions that do not reasonably apply to such transition assistance. State shall pay Contractor for any resources utilized in performing such transition assistance at the most current Contract rates. If State terminates a project or this Contract for cause, then State may offset the cost of paying Contractor for the additional resources Contractor utilized in providing transition assistance with any damages State may have sustained as a result of Contractor’s breach.