Required Sample Clauses

Required. All requests for expense advancement, reimbursement, and/or purchase orders in the District must be submitted on the appropriate itemized, signed standardized form(s). The form(s) must show the following information:
RequiredCommercial General Liability Insurance covering bodily injury and property damage in a form and with coverage that are satisfactory to the State. This insurance shall include personal and advertising injury liability, products and completed operations, contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided under this Grant Agreement, and have no limitation of coverage to designated premises, project or operation. Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis in an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. Annual aggregate limit shall not be less than $2,000,000.00.
Required. The on-site person designated to receive all member mail, faxes and email; who determines which materials are routed within the member location; who can set up ACA website users for other employees; and who is authorized to report changes to applicant/member information when needed.
RequiredThe PIN is used as the access to the entered account.
RequiredThe PIN is used as the access to the entered account. Required – User ID of the shareholder. As part of the initial access, the shareholder establishes a User ID based on criteria established by the Trust as part of the FAN Web options.
RequiredPrint name Direct email* Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Direct phone Direct fax
RequiredCommercial General Liability insurance must be issued on an “occurrence basis” covering “bodily injury” and “property damage” and shall include personal and advertising injury liability, products and completed operations, and contractual liability coverage. Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 per occurrence. Annual aggregate limits shall not be less than $2,000,000 $4,000,000 10,000,000.
Required. ET 381 Renewable Energy Technology. Note: this class can not be considered to simultaneously fulfill the requirement for both a technical elective and that for a required class – see ET365 below 2 Courses From: ET 365 Building Utilities – Note: this class can not serve both as a tech. elective and as a required ECET class, toward fulfilling degree requirements ET 304 Electrical Machines, ET 374 Electric Power Distribution, ET 382 Solar Energy, ET 384 Wind Energy, ET 396 Heat Transfer and Applications, ET401 Heating & Air Conditioning Systems, EE 332 Introduction to Electric Power Engineering, CHE 466 Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology, or Students may only take one class from the following choices:
Required. This is the current registration or tail number of the aircraft as registered with Flightdocs. Return Values (Array) AircraftId Integer Internal database identifier for this registration (integer) ATACode Integer The ATA code for the item. 101 indicates a XXX item. ATADisplay String(100) Formatted field combining ATACode, Mfg Maint Code, Amendment, and Version for display on reports. CyclesOnPart Decimal Number of cycles the part has at installation DueStatus Integer Status Code to categorize items. (1 - No Categorization, 2 - Greater than 10 days till due, 3 - Within 10 days but not overdue, 4 - Past due but within tolerance, 5 - Past due) Disposition String(50) Disposition of the maintenance task. HasTaskcard Boolean Indicator if the maintenance item has any task cards. Id Guid Unique identifier for a maintenance item. GroupName String(200) Item Grouping Name IntervalFormatted String(max) A textual formatted version of all intervals IntervalAdjustmentFormatted String A textual formatted version of all interval adjustments ItemDescription String(255) The textual description of the item (name). ItemNumber Integer The item number identifier ItemType Integer The type of item this is, which could be part, inspection, AD, etc. LandingsOnPart Integer Number of landings the part has at installation LastCWFormatted String(max) The last complied with formatted HoursOnPart Decimal The number of hours the part has at installation ManufacturingMaintenanceCode String(40) The manufacturer maintenance code NextDueDate Date The next due date (Format YYYY-MM-DD) NextDueHours Decimal The next due hours NextDueLandings Integer The next due landings NextDueCycles Decimal The next due cycles NextDueRIN Integer The next due RIN NextDueFormatted String(max) A formatted text-version of the next due date PartNumberOn String(40) The part number currently on the aircraft, if applicable for the item PartNumberOff String(40) The part number that came off the aircraft on last maintenance, if applicable for the item (Version 1 only) Position String(30) Information about the position for the item. Open text field for customers to defined, not currently used in reporting. Reference String(50) Reference field typically used for storing the AMM reference number. RegularNotes String(max) Text notes RemainingFormatted String(max) The formatted collection of metrics remaining before the next maintenance is due. For date-based items it is a hard date. For all others it is based on the usage pr...