Right of Publication. Notwithstanding Section 5.1, upon completion or termination of the Study and subject to this Article 7, the Institution may publish, otherwise publicly disclose or submit for publication an article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material, in written or electronic form, that includes: (i) an analysis of the results of the Study; (ii) a summary of the Protocol; and (iii) supporting data generated by the Study and identifying information regarding the Investigational Drug, in each case as would be reasonably required for purposes of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (any such article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material, a “Manuscript”).
Right of Publication. Employee will permit Xxxxxxx and its agents to use and distribute for any purpose any pictorial images which are taken of Employee during his/her employment by Xxxxxxx as often as desired for any lawful purpose. Employee waives all rights of prior inspection or approval and releases Xxxxxxx and its agents from any and all claims or demands which Employee may have on account of the lawful use or publication of such pictorial images.
Right of Publication. Institution may freely publish and disseminate the results of the Study, or otherwise publish or submit for publication an article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material containing or dealing with results of the Study {“Publication”).
Right of Publication. 1 The rights to the results of the research belong to the researchers.
Right of Publication. Notwithstanding Section 5.1, upon completion or termination of the Study and subject to this Article 7, the Institution/Principal Investigator may publish, otherwise publicly disclose or submit for publication an article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, 7.1 Právo na publikování. Bez ohledu na oddíl 5.1 po dokončení či ukončení studie a v souladu s tímto článkem 7 smí zdravotnické zařízení/hlavní zkoušející publikovat, jinak veřejně zpřístupnit či předložit ke zveřejnění článek, rukopis, abstrakt, zprávu, plakát, prezentaci nebo jiný materiál v písemné či elektronické
(i) an analysis of the results of the Study;
(ii) a summary of the Protocol; and
(iii) supporting data generated by the Study and identifying information regarding the Investigational Drug, in each case as would be reasonably required for purposes of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (any such article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material, a “Manuscript”). formě, který zahrnuje: (i) analýzu výsledků studie; (ii) shrnutí protokolu; a (iii) podpůrné údaje generované studií a identifikační informace týkající se hodnoceného léčiva, v každém případě tak, jak by bylo přiměřeně vyžadováno pro účely publikace v recenzovaném vědeckém časopise (všechny takové články, texty, abstrakty, zprávy, plakáty, prezentace nebo jiné materiály jsou xxxx označeny jako „rukopis“).
Right of Publication. Notwithstanding Section 5.1, upon completion or termination of the Study and subject to this Article 6, the Institution may publish, otherwise publicly disclose (collectively, “Publish”; such a Publishing is a “Publication”) or submit for Publication an article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material that includes: (i) an analysis of the results of the Study; (ii) a summary of the Protocol; and (iii) supporting data generated by the Study and identifying information regarding the Investigational Product, in each case as would be reasonably required for purposes of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (any such article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material, a “Manuscript”).
Right of Publication. If MAYO wishes to publish, publicly disclose or submit for publication an article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation or other material (collectively “Manuscript”) that includes any information with respect to any Know-How, New Improvements or other intellectual property rights related to the Products, including such Related IP resulting from any clinical trials conducted by MAYO using the Products, as would be reasonably required for purposes of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, it may do so subject to the conditions set forth in subsection (i) below.
Right of Publication. Notwithstanding Section 5.1, upon completion or termination of the Study and subject to this Article 7, the Institution may publish, otherwise publicly disclose or submit for publication an article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material, in written or electronic form, that includes: (i) an analysis of the results of the Study generated by the Institution and/or Principal Investigator at the Institution; (ii) 7.1 Právo publikování. Bez ohledu na část 5.1, po dokončení nebo ukončení studie a podle tohoto článku 7 smí zdravotnické zařízení publikovat nebo jinak zveřejnit nebo předložit k publikování článek, rukopis, abstrakt, zprávu, plakát, prezentaci nebo jiný materiál v písemné nebo elektronické formě, který obsahuje: (i) analýzu výsledků studie vytvořenou zdravotnickým zařízením a/nebo hlavním zkoušejícím ve zdravotnickém zařízení; (ii) souhrn protokolu; a (iii) podpůrné a summary of the Protocol; and (iii) supporting data generated by the Institution and/or Principal Investigator at the Institution in connection with the Study and identifying information regarding the Investigational Drug, in each case as would be reasonably required for purposes of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (any such article, manuscript, abstract, report, poster, presentation, or other material, a “Manuscript”). údaje vytvořené zdravotnickým zařízením a/nebo hlavním zkoušejícím ve zdravotnickém zařízení ve spojení se studií a identifikující informace týkající se hodnoceného přípravku tak, jak by bylo důvodně požadováno pro účely publikace v odborném vědeckém časopise (jakýkoliv takový článek, rukopis, abstrakt, zpráva, plakát, prezentace nebo jiný materiál je označován dále jako „rukopis“).
Right of Publication. Results of the Study, including any Study Confidential Information, will be published or otherwise publicly disclosed in accordance with industry-standard editorial and ethical practices and generally accepted academic and scientific standards, as set out by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors at xxx.xxxxx.xxx. The first publication of Study Confidential Information shall be undertaken by Sponsor, in its sole discretion, based on all data obtained from all sites conducting clinical trials on the Drug and not solely on data from individual centers. Subject to the foregoing, Xxxxxxx agrees that Provider and Principal Investigator shall be entitled to publish or present the Study results zkoušejícího, pokud se jedná o jeho/její roli v klinickém hodnocení. Každá ze smluvních stran zajistí, že její zaměstnanci, zprostředkovatelé a schválení dodavatelé budou dodržovat ustanovení tohoto paragrafu 10(f).
Right of Publication. Possession of this report does not carry with it the right of publication. This inspection report may not be used for any purpose or by any person other that the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the inspector. None of the contents of this inspection report, parts or components of this report or a copy of this report shall be conveyed to the public through any means, purpose or venue without the written consent and approval of the inspector. Parts of the report may be protected by Federal copyrights.