Rock Sample Clauses
Rock. The term „rock‟ shall mean any natural material which cannot be dislodged by a pick and which can only be removed by the use of compressors or by blasting or wedging. This classification does not include materials such as loose rock, concrete or other materials that can be removed by means other than drilling and blasting or drilling and wedging, but which for reasons of economy in excavating; the Contractor prefers to remove by drilling and wedging. Unless specifically stated hereafter, the Contractor must assume that permission to use explosive to remove rock will be refused and he must therefore price for removing rock by compressors etc. only.
Rock. If rock, as hereinafter defined, is encountered, no claim for additional compensation for changes shall lie against the Owner in the absence of previous authorization by the Owner in writing, and the cost to the Owner for any changes shall be determined as provided in this Article. CAUTION: No rock for which extra compensation is expected to be received shall be removed except pursuant to and in conformity with a written authorization or order of the Owner. Shale, rotten stone, or stratified rock that can be loosened with a pick or removed by a backhoe or similar equipment shall not be classified as rock. Rock is defined as follows: any material which cannot be excavated with conventional equipment, and must be removed by drilling, chemical cracking or blasting, and occupies an original volume of at lease one-half cubic yard.
Rock. In the event Seller encounters a subsoil rock formation which (1) prevents penetration with standard excavating equipment, and which (2) requires pulverizing or blasting or construction modifications, then Buyer will be responsible for the cost of removing such rock and/or for the cost of such construction modifications over and above the contract price specified herein.
Rock. Bidders are to include in the Bid the cost of excavating cubic yards of [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock. Payment will be made for all [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock in excess of cubic yards at the net unit price of per cubic yard, which includes all overhead and profit. In the event it is necessary to excavate less than cubic yards of [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock, the Owner will take a credit of per cubic yard. The unit price of per cubic yard shall include the excavation, haul off, and disposal of all [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock, as indicated in the Contract Documents, and replacement with earth as required by {INSERT SPECIFIC SPECIFICATION SECTION} of the specifications and compacted as required by {INSERT SPECIFIC SPECIFICATION SECTION} of the specifications. The Design Professional shall be responsible for calculating the amount of all [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock removed. Measurement of [RIPPABLE] [MASS] [TRENCH] [CAISSON] rock shall be calculated on the basis of in-place compacted material and not expanded hauled material. The Contractor agrees to be bound by the Design Professional’s determination of the quantity of all rock removed.
Rock. In the event that rock is encountered on the Lots by Seller during its grading operation, Seller shall blast and/or excavate rock to cause the finished Lot to conform to the House Location Plan. This will not include any foundation or below finished Lot grading. However, only if contemporaneous with Seller's grading operations, Seller shall blast for foundations and utility trenches upon request by Purchaser. Purchaser shall reimburse Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of Seller's written demand for the costs of such blasting, provided Purchaser pre-approves such work and costs.
Rock. Bidders are to include in the Bid the cost of excavating 0 cubic yards of <Rippable-Mass-Trench- Caisson> rock. Payment will be made for all <Rippable-Mass-Trench-Caisson> rock in excess of 0 cubic yards at the net unit price of $0.00 per cubic yard, which includes all overhead and profit. In the event it is necessary to excavate less than 0 cubic yards of <Rippable-Mass-Trench-Caisson> rock, the Owner will take a credit of $0.00 per cubic yard. The unit price of $0.00 per cubic yard shall include the excavation, haul off, and disposal of all <Rippable-Mass-Trench-Caisson> rock, as indicated in the Contract Documents, and replacement with earth as required by <insert specification section> of the specifications and compacted as required by <insert specification section> of the specifications. The Design Professional shall be responsible for calculating the amount of all <Rippable-Mass-Trench-Caisson> rock removed. Measurement of <Rippable-Mass-Trench- Caisson> rock shall be calculated on the basis of in-place compacted material and not expanded hauled material. The Contractor agrees to be bound by the Design Professional’s determination of the quantity of all rock removed. When rock is encountered, the Contractor shall request a Force Account Change Order to document the actual quantities regardless of whether the amounts are included in the bid or at variance as described above.
Rock. A. If the Contractor encounters rock or other unfavorable trenching conditions, no additional compensation will be paid. When material from the excavation or trenching is unsuitable for use as backfill, additional backfill material suitable for this purpose shall be brought in at the expense of the Contractor. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to remove and dispose of all unsuitable materials removed from the trench that cannot be used in the backfill operation.
Rock. Where excavation, boring, or drilling is included in the Works, a comprehensive definition of rock (always a contentious topic in contract administration), should be provided in the Technical Specification and this definition should be used for the purposes of measurement and payment.
Rock. The decision of the Engineer in classifying rock shall be final and binding. Rock will be itemised in three classes:- Soft rock of the type known locally as ‘tuff’ which in the opinion of the Engineer cannot be considered as hard rock but which considerably increases the amount of labour needed for its removal shall be known as Class ‘A’ rock. Very weathered phonolite lava containing many fissures and faults shall be known as hard rock. This type of rock contains stones and boulders of unweathered or incompletely formed blacktrap or lava. A boulder or outcrop of hard rock 1.5 cubic metres or less and grey or green building stone in a formation which is massive and geologically homogeneous, will be deemed to be Class ‘B’ rock. Phonolite in a formation which is massive and geologically homogeneous shall be known as Class ‘C’ rock.