S E C T I O N Sample Clauses

S E C T I O N a. T h e E m p l o y e r s h a l l c h e c k - o f f u n i f o r m i n i t i a t i o n f e e s , a n d r e g u l a r u n i o n d u e s u p o n p r e s e n t a t i o n of a l a w f u l c h e c k - o f f a u t h o r i z a t i o n e x e c u t e d by t h e e m p l o y e e . T h e U n i o n s h a l l c e r t i f y to t h e E m p l o y e r t h e a m o u n t of r e g u l a r u n i o n d u e s to be d e d u c t e d p u r s u a n t to t h e c h e c k ­ o f f a u t h o r i z a t i o n . S a i d d e d u c t i o n s s h a l l b e m a d e on a w e e k l y b a s i s a n d r e m i t t e d to t he U n i o n t e n (10) d a y s f o l l o w i n g t h e e n d of t h e f i s c a l m o n t h .
S E C T I O N. The Employee shall be eligible for holiday pay provided each of the following conditions are met: The employee has completed thirty calendar days’ employment. Worked on the scheduled day before and after the holiday, unless absence is due to verified illness, death in the immediate family, layoff or when the Company has granted permission of absence a portion of or all of the day. Worked one full shift in the fourteen days immediately preceding the day on which the holiday is observed, or is on annual vacation.
S E C T I O N. 1 The Organization agrees to:

Related to S E C T I O N

  • R E E M E N T S In consideration of the mutual promises, terms, covenants and conditions set forth herein and the performance of each, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

  • R E C I T A L The Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board of Directors") has authorized the granting to Optionee, for services previously rendered by Optionee as a consultant to the Company, of a non-qualified stock option to purchase the number of shares of Common Stock of the Company specified in Paragraph 1 hereof, at the price specified therein, such option to be for the term and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.

  • C E P T A N C E The above-mentioned Subscription Agreement in respect of the Shares is hereby accepted by BROAD SCOPE ENTERPRISES INC.

  • R E C I T A L ------------- The Indemnitee currently is serving as a director or officer, or both, of the Company and the Company wishes the Indemnitee to continue in such capacities. In order to induce the Indemnitee to continue to serve in such capacities for the Company and in consideration for his continued service, the Company wishes to provide for indemnification of the Indemnitee upon the terms and conditions set forth below.

  • A M E N D M E N T For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows:

  • A G R E E M E N T In consideration of the foregoing recitals and of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

  • R E E M E N T It is agreed as follows:

  • B E T W E E N Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Infrastructure Corporation of the Municipality of West Elgin (CRA#872772496)

  • E T W E E N [ ] of [ ] (“the Trust”) which expression shall include its permitted successors and assigns; and [ ] of [ ] (“the Provider”) which expression shall include its permitted successors and assigns.

  • E E M E N T In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: