S S. E.R.S. based upon annual salary and/or earned compensation which includes the amount of pickup computed herein.
S S. Σ Here the sets of weights ovr(c, cj) and ovr(c, cj) are independent, allowing us to decompose the expectation into the product: ^ Σ EZ2 = Σ Σ ^ c,ct∈C E exp −β 2 . . Σ i∈Sovr(c,ct) Wi · E exp −β j∈Sovr(c,ct) Wj ΣΣ =
S S. 2 Configuring Ports for Servers (including port description) S (n)
S S. The employee returns to work Monday with medical evidence substantiating a disability on Thursday and Friday. The employee will be paid Salary Continuation for Thursday and Friday. EXAMPLE 3 - - -W - T - F S M The employee returns to work on Monday without the medical evidence to substantiate a on Wednesday through Friday. The will not be paid Salary Continuation for Wednesday through Friday. EXAMPLE 4
S S. 21In calculating the settlement for any given rule we assume that (2) holds and hence that is given by (3). This is because as we saw in Proposition 1 if (2) is violated then does not file against and the game terminates immediately. the settlement is S(Φ ) = I + β p cT − (1 − β) (1 − p) cT (7) Under the Plaintiff Biased Rule, denoted ΦP , the Plaintiff pays cˆTP if he loses, and pays nothing otherwise. In this case, we have cPT = (1 − p)cˆPT the settlement is and cDT = pcˆPT + cˆDT and, using (3), S(ΦP ) = I + β (pcˆTP + cˆTD) − (1 − β)(1 − p) cˆPT (8) Under the Defendant Biased Rule, denoted ΦD, the Defendant pays cˆTD if he loses, and pays nothing otherwise. In this case, we have cPT = cˆPT + (1 − p)cˆTD and cTD = pcˆDT and, using (3), the settlement is S(ΦD) = I + β pcˆDT − (1 − β) [cˆPT + (1 − p)cˆDT ] (9)
S S. Where a doul diirhhast amounts to iidtUing more tliaii a proposiil by a tenant to pay a certain rent for certain land, it does not amount to a le.iae or to an agreement for a lease, ami does not, tliereforo, require ri>gi3tra' tion. But if the proposal hai been so accepted, that the jiroposal and acceptance constitute a coutr-ict in writln;', then such cuntvact must be registered.
S S. ¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸ ¸ ¸z% v,,
S S. The parties have agreed to execute this Power Purchase Agreement in terms of the PM-XXXXX Component A scheme in regard to the terms and conditions for establishment of the PowerProject at ……, and for generation and supply of electricity by the SPG to EDG.
S S. Professional Services 1
S S. The memory cost per node is mainly related to two parts, i.e., one for node ID and the other for polynomial share. Remind that each node is identified by a k-tuple (n1, n2,..., nk) where ni i and all subspaces i are disjoint. The total number of different indices is N1 + N2 + ∼ √k N r log q . (25) Obviously, compared with conventional distributed models, our scheme has very small memory cost per node, which is on the order O( k N ) when k is fixed.