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For more information visit our privacy policy.Workplace Safety Insurance 27.1 Each member covered by this Agreement who is absent on account of injuries received while on duty and who is receiving a pension, salary or wage award from the Workplace Safety and Insurance shall be entitled to be paid the difference between the pension wage or salary award from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and his or her current net salary as long as such member remains in the employ of the Niagara Police Board. This shall be applied such that the combination of any WSIB salary or wage award plus the employer top-up shall, in total, equal the net pay of the member's current salary. The non-economic loss portion of any WSIB pension payments shall not be considered as being a salary or wage award, and hence shall not form part of these calculations. A member who does not comply with the provisions of the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act or Regulations thereto and subsequently receives a salary or wage award of an amount less than the prevailing maximum payable due to such non-compliance, shall not receive from the Niagara Police Board the difference between the wage or salary award paid by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board and his or her current net salary for the said period of six (6) months. For the purpose of this Clause, net pay shall be the pay for the member as shown in Appendix "A" less those deductions required under Government Statutes, pension plans and as provided for in this Agreement. 27.2 Subject to the terms of this Article, each member covered by this Agreement who is injured as a result of carrying out his/her duties shall not be deprived of his/her vacations or statutory holidays as a result thereof, and shall accumulate such vacation credits and statutory holidays as he/she might otherwise receive. 27.2.1 Each member shall be entitled to accumulate the float time that he/she might otherwise receive for a period of three (3) months following the injury. 27.2.2 In respect of members who have been off work and receiving WSIB benefits for less than two (2) consecutive calendar years, within one week of the member's return, the member and the Chief of Police or designee shall mutually agree upon when the vacation credit, statutory holidays and float time shall be taken within the following twelve (12) months, or in the alternative, the member may elect to be paid for same at the rates of pay applicable in the year of accrual. 27.2.3 In respect of members who have been off work and receiving WSIB benefits for two
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board a) Where an employee is absent due to illness or injury which is compensable by Workplace Safety Insurance Board the employee shall provide the Employer with a medical certificate which states; i) injury sustained by the employee; ii) restrictions which would apply to the employees immediate return to work; iii) anticipated date of return to regular duties. b) In the case of absence due to a compensable accident, where the anticipated length of such absence is four (4) months or more, the Employer will post notice of the vacancy in accordance with the Job Posting Procedure (Article 14) of this Agreement. Where the anticipated absence is less than four (4) months, the Employer may fill the position at his discretion. c) The injured employee shall have a period of two (2) years from the date of the injury within which she shall preserve the seniority which she had accrued up to the time of the accident and within which she shall have the right to return to her regular posted job upon the recommendation of the Worker’s Safety Insurance Board or the attending physician, provided the W.S.I.B. or physician certify that the employee has the physical capability to perform her normal job. d) If an employee returns to work within the two (2) year period mentioned in (d) above, she shall be returned, at the same salary level and without loss of seniority or benefits accrued to the date of injury. e) If, on the recommendation of the Worker’s Safety Insurance Board or the attending physician, the employee is capable only of performing work of a different kind, or of a lighter nature, and such work is available within the employ of the Employer, in a job which is covered by this Agreement, and the employee is capable of performing the work in question, then the returning employee may exercise her seniority by bumping into the job, at the applicable salary level, displacing the employee with the least seniority in the classification provided that she satisfies Article 13.04 (f).
WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE 41.1 Where an employee is absent by reason of an injury or an occupational disease for which a claim is made under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, his or her salary shall continue to be paid for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days. If an award is not made, any payments made under the foregoing provisions in excess of that to which he or she is entitled under Articles 44.1 and 44.6 (Short Term Sickness Plan) shall be an amount owing by the employee to the Employer. 41.2 Where an employee is absent by reason of an injury or an occupational disease for which an award is made under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, his or her salary shall continue to be paid for a period not exceeding three (3) consecutive months or a total of sixty-five (65) working days where such absences are intermittent, following the date of the first absence because of the injury or occupational disease, and any absence in respect of the injury or occupational disease shall not be charged against his or her credits. 41.3 Where an award is made under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to an employee that is less than the regular salary of the employee and the award applies for longer than the period set out in Article 41.2 and the employee has accumulated credits, his or her regular salary may be paid and the difference between the regular salary paid after the period set out in Article 41.2 and the compensation awarded shall be converted to its equivalent time and deducted from his or her accumulated credits. 41.4 Where an employee receives an award under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, and the award applies for longer than the period set out in Article 41.2 (i.e. three (3) months), the Employer will continue subsidies for Basic Life, Long Term Income Protection, Supplementary Health and Hospital and the Dental Plans for the period during which the employee is receiving the award. The Employer shall continue to make the Employer’s pension contributions unless the employee gives the Employer a written notice that the employee does not intend to pay the employee’s pension contributions. 41.5 Where an employee is absent by reason of an injury or an occupational disease for which an award is made under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, the employee shall not be entitled to a leave of absence with pay under Article 44 (Short Term Sickness Plan) as an option following the expiry of the application of Article 41.2.
WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD Clause 14.01 (a) When a probationary or regular employee, through employment with the Employer, suffers an injury or disability, or a recurrence of an injury or disability, the Employer shall pay the employee an amount, when combined with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment, equals the employee’s regular wage less deductions required by law, for a period of nine (9) months from the first day of absence. (b) Pending receipt of payment from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, an employee shall receive advances up to the amount of the employee’s regular wage rate, less income tax deductions and shall continue to receive their regular wage rate during the period of absence up to nine (9) months provided that: (i) the employee will make reasonable effort to ensure prompt completion of necessary forms and information required to receive approval of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment; (ii) the employee will be expected to fully participate in alternate work, if recommended, by the employee’s medical doctor; (iii) the employee’s claim has not been disallowed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, and; (iv) the employee agrees in writing, to sign over to the Employer the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payments. (a) The Employer shall continue to pay for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) months from the first day of an injury or disability, the premium cost for health and insurance benefits as covered by Clauses 16.03 and 16.04. (b) Should an employee return to work from an injury or disability for a period of six (6) continuous months and subsequently suffers a recurrence of an injury or disability, then the provisions of Clauses 14.02(a) and 14.03(a) shall apply. (c) Notwithstanding Clause 14.02(b), if an employee having ceased to be disabled returns to work and again becomes disabled from the same or related cause within six (6) months, it would be considered as one (1) continuous period of disability as per Clauses 14.02(a) and 14.03(a). (a) For a period of up to thirty (30) months from the first day of injury or disability, the employee shall be eligible to return to their same position classification if capable of performing the required work. If unable to perform the required work, the employee shall be given all reasonable consideration for any available job for which the employee is able and qualified to perform. (b) Notwithstanding Part (a), if any employee’s position is declared redundant while on WSIB leave, the employee upon their return shall exercise normal bumping procedures as per Article 8.
Safety Policy The City agrees to maintain in safe working condition all facilities and equipment furnished by the City to carry out the duties of each bargaining unit position, but reserves the right to determine what those facilities and equipment shall be. The Association agrees to work cooperatively in maintaining safety in the Xenia/Xxxxxx Central Communications Center.
Workplace Safety The parties to this Agreement commit themselves to achieving the highest possible standards of occupational health and safety including adherence to the consultative and issue resolution processes included herein. Participation in and support for building and construction industry initiatives to improve construction industry standards in occupational health and safety will form an important part of this commitment. Observance of relevant Acts, Regulations, and Codes of Practice are the minimum level acceptable to enable employers and employees to meet their responsibilities and to work safely and follow health and safety rules in their workplace. On all sites there will be developed a site safety plan and job specific ‘job safety analysis’ to identify and manage the risks associated with work on each particular site. Such safety plan will include suitable procedures for personnel/material access, and site evacuation procedures. The Incolink Safety Handbook ‘SAFE’ (as amended) is endorsed by this Agreement as a proper guide and reference source for safety management and control of risks. 1) The parties agree that the WorkSafe Australia Guidance Notes on Material Safety Data Sheets shall be observed at all times. 2) Hearing tests: Audiometric tests should be conducted within two months of a person commencing employment, and thereafter at intervals of two years.
Safety Requirements Prior to setting sail the Operator of the Sector 43 Vessel shall detail and identify any vessel safety operating procedures and 44 other important information to the assigned ASM. The Sector Member 45 acknowledges that an ASM must complete a pre‐trip vessel safety checklist 46 as provided by NMFS prior to leaving port. An ASM cannot be deployed on 1 a vessel that has failed to review the safety issues, and such vessel is 2 prohibited from leaving port without the ASM on board (unless a waiver is 3 granted). For the safety of the vessels captain, crew and the ASM; the ASM 4 will not be allowed on deck any time that gear is being deployed. 5 6 The Sector and its Members note that each ASM must be provided with all 7 the equipment specified by the NEFOP. It is the responsibility of the 8 individual ASM and its employer to ensure that all equipment is in good
DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS Contractor will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 and will provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following actions: a. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations. b. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program to inform employees about: 1) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2) the person's or organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; 3) any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and, 4) penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. c. Every employee who works on the proposed Agreement will: 1) receive a copy of the company's drug-free workplace policy statement; and, 2) agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the Agreement. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the Agreement or termination of the Agreement or both and Contractor may be ineligible for award of any future State agreements if the department determines that any of the following has occurred: the Contractor has made false certification, or violated the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. (Gov. Code §8350 et seq.)
CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS As per the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708), where applicable, all Customer Purchase Orders in excess of ,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence.
Contractor Insurance Requirements When performing Work on property in the care, custody, or control of the Judicial Council, the Contractor shall maintain all commercial general liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and any other insurance the Judicial Council deems appropriate under the Agreement. Upon request from the Judicial Council, the Contractor shall furnish an insurance certificate evidencing required insurance coverage acceptable to the Judicial Council. The Contractor may also be required to have the Judicial Council shown as an additional insured on selected policies.