Salary Consideration Upon Reappointment Or Return. A full-time or part-time employee who resigns in good standing and is reappointed on a full-time or part-time or extra-help basis in the same or a closely related class in the same or a lower salary scale within two (2) years of resignation shall not be paid less than two (2) steps below the step paid at the time of resignation. Approval of the County is only required if the person is rehired at a step which exceeds the step paid at the time of resignation. A full-time or part-time employee who resigns in good standing and, within one (1) month of the date of resignation, is appointed to an extra- help job in any class may, with approval of the appointing authority, receive the hourly rate which is closest to but does not exceed the step rate received upon resignation.
Salary Consideration Upon Reappointment Or Return. A full-time or part-time employee who resigns in good standing and is reappointed on a full-time or part-time basis in the same or closely related class in the same or in a lower salary scale within five (5) years of resignation, shall not be paid less than two
Salary Consideration Upon Reappointment Or Return. A full-time or part-time employee who resigns in good standing and is reappointed on a full-time or part-time basis in the same or closely related class in the same or in a lower salary scale within five (5) years of resignation, shall not be paid less than two (2) steps below the step paid at the time of resignation. Approval of the County Administrator is only required if the person is rehired at a step which exceeds the step paid at the time of resignation. The Department Head may authorize an advanced step placement through Step E. County Administrator approval is required for advance step placements Steps F through I.