Schedule of Payment. An employee shall be paid at his/her assigned building or by mail on the following dates:
Schedule of Payment. Faculty members shall have the option to be paid monthly over the entire year or monthly over the first ten (10) months of the contract year. The faculty member shall notify the Human Resources Department by August 15 if he/she wishes to change his/her payment schedule. Employees who begin employment other than the beginning of the contract year shall be paid monthly through May. They may at the time of employment choose the 12-month schedule beginning the following academic year. The first period shall end at August 31, at which time the first salary payment shall be made. Employees may pick up their checks, or have them mailed to a designated address. Paychecks will be available for distribution or automatic deposit no later than 11:00 a.m. of the last working day of the month.
Schedule of Payment. The Contractor shall submit to PAGCOR a monthly billing statement. PAGCOR shall pay the contractor the monthly service fee in the amount of , (P ), VAT-Exclusive, Zero-Rated transaction within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the monthly billing statement.
Schedule of Payment. The compensation to be paid by CITY to CONSULTANT for the services rendered hereunder shall be on a time and materials basis based upon the rate schedule in Exhibit B attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference. The rate schedule in Exhibit B itemizes those standard and expected expenses for which CONSULTANT shall receive compensation. If CONSULTANT obtains CITY’S prior written approval from
Schedule of Payment. At the completion of each Milestone Billing Event so identified in Exhibit A, the Contractor may submit invoices requesting payment by NYSERDA of the amounts corresponding to the amount identified in the Budget. NYSERDA shall make payment to the Contractor in accordance with and subject to its Prompt Payment Policy Statement attached hereto as Exhibit D. The Contractor shall be notified by NYSERDA in accordance with Section 5.04.4 (b)(2) of such Exhibit D, of any information or documentation which the Contractor did not include with such invoice.
Schedule of Payment. In consideration of the various obligations undertaken by the Contractor pursuant to this contract, and in consideration of the obligations to be undertaken by Participating Parties, as represented by the Contractor in the Application, the State agrees, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, to provide the Contractor with contract funds in the amount of
Schedule of Payment. Payment shall be paid to District within ten (10) business days of District’s approval of this Agreement. Payment shall be paid by Business to District via check, electronic funds transfer, or other methods acceptable to Business and the District.
Schedule of Payment. 7.1 Payment Schedule for the Agent Fee
7.1.1 Payment for the Service of Term-1
(1) Advance Payment ****** million ****** thousand Japanese Yen (JPY***,***,000), which corresponds to forty percent (40%) of the Agent Fee for the Service of Term-1, shall be paid upon concurrence on the Contract by JICA. The request for the Advance Payment shall be submitted together with a photocopy of the certificate of concurrence on the Contract by JICA.
(2) First Interim Payment ****** million ****** thousand Japanese Yen (JPY***,***,000), which corresponds to sixty percent (60%) of the Agent Fee for the Service of Term-1, shall be paid upon submission of the first interim report to the Client and the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan and acceptance by the Client or the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan . The request for the first interim payment shall be submitted together with the Certificate of Acceptance of the first interim report issued by the Client or the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan.
7.1.2 Payment for the Service of Term-2
(1) Second Interim Payment ****** million ****** thousand Japanese Yen (JPY***,***,000), which corresponds to fifty percent (50%) of the Agent Fee for the Service of Term-2, shall be paid upon submission of the second interim report to the Client and the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan and acceptance by the Client or the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan. The request for the second interim payment shall be submitted together with the Certificate of Acceptance of the second interim report issued by the Client or the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan.
(2) Third Interim Payment ****** million ****** thousand Japanese Yen (JPY***,***,000), which corresponds to fifty percent (50%) of the Agent Fee for the Service of Term-2, shall be paid upon submission of the third interim report to the Client and the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan and acceptance by the Client or the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan. The request for the third interim payment shall be submitted together with the Certificate of Acceptance of the third interim report issued by the Client or the Embassy of the Recipient Country in Japan.
7.1.3 Payment for the Service of Term-3
(1) Fourth Interim Payment ****** million ****** thousand Japanese Yen (JPY***,***,000), which corresponds to fifty percent (50%) of the Agent Fee for the Service of Term-3, shall be paid upon submission of the fourth interim report to the...
Schedule of Payment. The Transferee will pay installment as scheduled to the Transferor in term of Agreement and suitable with the schedule of transfer of each modified starch manufacturing technology process as follows: No. Period Amount (USD million) Remark The first year 2005 – 2006 240,000 3 The second year 2006 – 2007 240,000 3 The third year 2007 – 2008 240,000 3 The forth year 2008 – 2009 240,000 3 The fifth year 2009 – 2010 240,000 3 The sixth year 2010 – 2011 240,000 3 The seventh year 2011 – 2012 240,000 3
Schedule of Payment. All employees and sign language interpreters shall be paid by direct deposit on the following dates: September15and29,2017 September14and28, 2018 October13and31,20176 October15and31,2018 November15and30,2017 November15and30,2018 December15and29,2017 December14and31,2018 January12and31,2018 January15and31,2019 February15and28,2018 February15and29,2019 March15and30,2018 March15and29,2019 April 13 and 30, 2018 April 15and 30, 2019 May15and31, 2018 May15 and31, 2019 June15and 29,2018 June14and28,2019 July13and31,2018 July15and31,2019 August15and31,2018 August15and30,2019 A SUCCESS employee shall be paid at his/her assigned building or by mail on the following dates: July14and31,2017 July13and31, 2018 August15and31,2017 August15and31,2018 September15and29,2017 September14and28,2018 October13and31,2017 October15and31,2018 November15and30,2017 November15and30,2018 December15and29,2017 December14and31,2018 January12and31,2018 January13and31,2019 February15and28,2018 February15and28,2019 March15and30,2018 March15and29,2019 April 13 and 30, 2018 April 15 and 30, 2019 May15and31, 2018 May15 and31, 2019 June15and 29,2018 June14and28,2019