Scope of Co-Promotion Sample Clauses

Scope of Co-Promotion. Abbott Representatives shall perform --------------------- Sales Calls on the Target Audience as follows:
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Scope of Co-Promotion. As used in this Agreement, “Co-Promote” shall mean to jointly promote a Product in the Field in the Galderma Territory through Galderma’s and ZARS’ respective sales forces under a single trademark in a given country in the Galderma Territory, including conducting details and other sales and promotional activities, with Galderma handling distribution and collection. Upon exercise of its Co-Promotion Option, ZARS shall have exclusive rights to promote (even as to Galderma) each Product with respect to which it has exercised its Co-Promotion Option (each a “Co-Promoted Product”) (i) to specialists in the following areas: neurology, pain management, rheumatology, orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, anesthesiology and their associated hospital-based residency programs, as well as all managed care and other institutions for use by such specialists, and (ii) to all other healthcare providers, including managed care and other institutions, to which Galderma is not promoting the Product for any Indication in the Field, in the case of this Section 5.3(b)(ii) only, subject to Galderma’s approval, not to be unreasonably withheld (the “ZARS Specialists”). Galderma shall have exclusive rights to promote to all other healthcare providers for use in the Field, other than to the ZARS Specialists (the “Galderma Specialists”). The forgoing notwithstanding, with respect to primary care and internal medicine specialists (the “Overlap Specialists”) Galderma shall have the right to promote to such Overlap Specialists for all Indications in the Field relating to aesthetic procedures and ZARS shall have the right to promote to such Overlap Specialists for all other Indications in the Field. For the avoidance of doubt, the prevention of pain associated with vascular access shall not be considered an aesthetic procedure. Galderma shall use commercially reasonable efforts to effectuate all sales generated by ZARS’ promotional efforts, including, without limitation, to managed care and institutional customers.
Scope of Co-Promotion. At the time Array exercises its Co-Promotion Option for a particular Licensed Product, Array shall notify Celgene of the total number of Sales Representatives that Array desires to deploy annually for the applicable Co-Promoted Product in the United States. Except as provided below, Array will dedicate the number of Sales Representatives to the co-promotion of the applicable Co-Promoted Product that would be required to perform approximately no less than twenty-five percent (25%) and no more than fifty percent (50%) of the total details made to physicians and other health care providers and customers to be conducted for such Co-Promoted Product in the United States in any calendar year, unless otherwise agreed by the JCC. Array shall have the right to phase-in such detailing efforts over the initial three (3) years of co-promoting a Co-Promoted Product; provided that Array must commit to provide at least fifty percent (50%) of its maximum designated commitment in the first, and seventy-five percent (75%) of such commitment in the second, calendar year of such Co-Promoted Products. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Section 8.2.4, the number of such Sales Representatives that Array deploys in any calendar year may be increased or decreased by Array, subject to prior approval by the JCC. In addition, on an annual basis in accordance with the timetable established by the JCC for review and update of the relevant Co-Promotion Plan (but in no case less than ninety (90) days or more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the start of each calendar year), the JCC shall have the right to adjust the total number of Sales Representatives that Array may deploy with respect to each Co-Promoted Product in the United States.
Scope of Co-Promotion. At such time as Array exercises its Co-Promotion Option with respect to a Co-Promoted Product, it shall notify Amgen of the maximum percentage of the total details that Array intends to perform annually for such Co-Promoted Product (such percentage being referred to as the “Co-Promotion Percentage” for such Co-Promoted Product) in the United States. This Co-Promotion Percentage shall not be less than [***] and not greater than [***] of the total details in the United States to be conducted for such Co-Promoted Product in a calendar year of such Co-Promoted Product, and shall in no event exceed [***], unless otherwise agreed by the Parties (provided that, the Parties intend that the Co-Promotion Percentage for any Co-Promoted Product that is subsequent to Array detailing a first Co-Promoted Product shall be discussed between the Parties in an effort to minimize disruption to the co-promotion activities with respect to the first Co-Promoted Product). Array shall have the right to phase-in such detailing efforts over the initial three (3) years of co-promoting a Co-Promoted Product pursuant to an agreed upon plan therefor; provided that, Array must commit to provide at least [***] of its maximum designated commitment in the first, and [***] of such commitment in the second, calendar year of co-promoting such Co-Promoted Product.
Scope of Co-Promotion. At such time as CK exercises its Co-Promotion Option with respect to a Co-Promoted Product, it shall notify GSK of the [*] that CK intends to perform annually for such Co-Promoted Product (such total being referred to as the "Co-Promotion Percentage" for such Co-Promoted Product) in each of the United States and Canada. This Co-Promotion Percentage shall not be greater than [*] percent ([*]%), nor less than [*] percent ([*]%), of the [*], in each of the United States and Canada, [*] to be conducted for such Co- * Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with the Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to the omitted portions. Promoted Product in any calendar year, unless otherwise agreed by the Joint Commercialization Committee. CK shall have the right to [*] over the initial [*] ([*]) years of co-promoting a Co-Promoted Product; provided that CK must commit to [*] at least [*] percent ([*]%) of its [*] in the [*], and [*] percent ([*]%) of such commitment in the [*], calendar year of such Co-Promoted Products.

Related to Scope of Co-Promotion

  • Co-Promotion With respect to each Collaboration Product, the Parties shall enter into an agreement that sets forth the terms of the Parties’ Co-Promotion of such Collaboration Products in the Collaboration Territory no later than [**] prior to the anticipated First Commercial Sale of such Collaboration Product in the Collaboration Territory, such terms to be consistent with the high-level terms and principles set forth in this Section 7.6 (each such agreement, a “Co-Promotion Agreement”). The Parties shall Co-Promote the Collaboration Products in the Collaboration Territory pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the applicable Co-Promotion Agreement, provided that Verve shall book all sales of Collaboration Products in the Collaboration Territory. Any Co-Promotion Agreement entered into by the Parties pursuant to this Section 7.6 will set forth the terms under which Beam will engage in the Co-Promotion of such Collaboration Product with Verve to primary care physicians, specialists, and other agreed target customers or stakeholders in the Collaboration Territory. Each Party will provide fifty percent (50%) of the promotional effort required to promote the Collaboration Product in the Collaboration Territory at launch and throughout Commercialization in this Agreement and the allocation of the promotional effort between the Parties will be made on an equitable basis as to both the quality and quantity of the activities to be undertaken, including the identity of target prescribers and the nature of the Details. Costs incurred by the Parties for Co-Promotion activities under the Co-Promotion Agreement shall be Shared Commercialization Costs unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties and expressly set forth in the Co-Promotion Agreement. For clarity, the applicable Co-Promotion Agreement shall automatically be terminated on the applicable Opt-Out Date in the event Beam exercises a Beam Opt-Out Option or Verve exercises a Verve Opt-Out Option with respect to a particular Collaboration Product.

  • Marketing and Promotion The Company agrees to make every reasonable effort to market its Contracts. It will not give disproportionately unequal emphasis and promotion to shares of the Fund as compared to other underlying investments of an Account. In addition, the Company shall not impose any fee, condition, rule or regulation for the use by a Contract owner of the Fund as an investment option that operates to the specific prejudice of the Fund vis-a-vis the other investment options offered by the Company to Contract owners. In marketing and administering its Contracts, the Company will comply with all applicable state and Federal laws.

  • Marketing Plan The Contractor shall have a Marketing Plan, that has been prior-approved by the SDOH and/or LDSS, that describes the Marketing activities the Contractor will undertake within the local district during the term of this Agreement. The Marketing Plan and all marketing activities must be consistent with the Marketing Guidelines which are set forth in Appendix D, which is hereby made a part of this Agreement as if set forth fully herein. The Marketing Plan shall be kept on file in the offices of the Contractor, LDSS, and the SDOH. The Marketing Plan may be modified by the Contractor subject to prior written approval by the SDOH and/or the LDSS. The LDSS or SDOH must take action on the changes submitted within sixty (60) calendar days of submission or the Contractor may deem the changes approved.

  • Marketing Plans 1. The MCO shall develop a marketing plan that meets SDOH guidelines and any local requirements as approved by the State Department of Health (SDOH).

  • Advertising and Promotion Manager shall prepare all advertising and promotional materials for the Project, which materials shall be used only after Owner's approval and shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. The costs of all advertising and promotional materials shall be at Owner's sole cost and expense and shall either be in accordance with the Approved Operating Budget or otherwise approved by Owner in writing.

  • Commercialization Plan On a Product by Product basis, not later than sixty (60) days after the filing of the first application for Regulatory Approval of a Product in the Copromotion Territory, the MSC shall prepare and approve a rolling multiyear (not less than three (3) years) plan for Commercializing such Product in the Copromotion Territory (the "Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan"), which plan includes a comprehensive market development, marketing, sales, supply and distribution strategy for such Product in the Copromotion Territory. The Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan shall be updated by the MSC at least once each calendar year such that it addresses no less than the three (3) upcoming years. Not later than thirty (30) days after the filing of the first application for Regulatory Approval of a Product in the Copromotion Territory and thereafter on or before September 30 of each calendar year, the MSC shall prepare an annual commercialization plan and budget (the "Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget"), which plan is based on the then current Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan and includes a comprehensive market development, marketing, sales, supply and distribution strategy, including an overall budget for anticipated marketing, promotion and sales efforts in the upcoming calendar year (the first such Annual Development Plan and Budget shall cover the remainder of the calendar year in which such Product is anticipated to be approved plus the first full calendar year thereafter). The Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget will specify which Target Markets and distribution channels each Party shall devote its respective Promotion efforts towards, the personnel and other resources to be devoted by each Party to such efforts, the number and positioning of Details to be performed by each Party, as well as market and sales forecasts and related operating expenses, for the Product in each country of the Copromotion Territory, and budgets for projected Pre-Marketing Expenses, Sales and Marketing Expenses and Post-Approval Research and Regulatory Expenses. In preparing and updating the Copromotion Territory Commercialization Plan and each Annual Commercialization Plan and Budget, the MSC will take into consideration factors such as market conditions, regulatory issues and competition.

  • Research Plan The Parties recognize that the Research Plan describes the collaborative research and development activities they will undertake and that interim research goals set forth in the Research Plan are good faith guidelines. Should events occur that require modification of these goals, then by mutual agreement the Parties can modify them through an amendment, according to Paragraph 13.6.

  • Promotion Details of all project promotional activities, plus anticipated, related expenditures, that are intended to the LICENSED VARIETY achieves its maximum market potential.

  • Commercialization Activities Within North America, the Parties will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Commercialize Licensed Products in the Field. In addition, within North America and subject to Section 2.7.6, the Parties will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to conduct the Commercialization activities assigned to them pursuant to the Commercialization Plan/Budget, including the performance of detailing in accordance therewith. In conducting the Commercialization activities, the Parties will comply with all Applicable Laws, applicable industry professional standards and compliance policies of Celgene which have been previously furnished to Acceleron, as the same may be updated from time to time and provided to Acceleron. Neither Party shall make any claims or statements with respect to the Licensed Products that are not strictly consistent with the product labeling and the sales and marketing materials approved for use pursuant to the Commercialization Plan/Budget.

  • Research Plans The Research Plan for the [***] Designated Target is attached as Schedule 2.2.3-1. Subsequent Research Plans agreed upon in accordance with Section will be attached as additional sequentially numbered schedules (Schedule 2.2.3-2, Schedule 2.2.3-3, etc.).

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