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Scope of Part Sample Clauses

Scope of Part. This Part shall govern the performance of all construction Work under a Component Change Order unless the provisions of this Contract are modified by Change Order. This Contract shall not apply, and none of the responsibilities of the Design-Builder stated herein shall apply, to Work performed by a separate Contractor for which Design-Builder is not responsible under this Contract.
Scope of Part. This part prescribes policies and pro- cedures for assigning and performing contract administration and contract audit services. [63 FR 9062, Feb. 23, 1998]
Scope of Part. This Part shall govern the performance of all construction Work under a Component Change Order unless the provisions of this Contract are modified by Change Order. This Contract shall not apply, and none of the responsibilities of the CM/GC stated herein shall apply, to Work performed by a separate Contractor for which CM/GC is not responsible under this Contract. Component Change Order Proposal. Proposal. If prior to the execution of the GMP Change Order, the CM/GC proposes and the Owner authorizes the commencement of construction or procurement of any Component of the Project for which the Owner has approved Component Construction Documents, the Owner shall request the CM/GC to procure proposals and to submit a proposed Component Change Order to this Contract under which the CM/GC shall offer to contract with a Trade Contractor(s) for the construction of the Component or with a Trade Supplier(s) for procurement of the Component in accordance with the Component Construction Documents. The Owner’s request shall identify the specific Component of the Project for which a proposed Change Order is requested.
Scope of Part. This part prescribes policies and pro- cedures for the acquisition of supplies and services through special con- tracting methods, including— (a) Multi-year contracting; (b) Options; and (c) Leader company contracting. Subpart 17.1— Multiyear Contracting
Scope of Part. This part prescribes policies and pro- cedures for conducting market re- search to arrive at the most suitable approach to acquiring, distributing, and supporting supplies and services. This part implements the requirements of 41 U.S.C. 3306(a)(1), 41 U.S.C. 3307, 10 U.S.C. 2377, and 6 U.S.C. 796. [60 FR 48237, Sept. 18, 1995, as amended at 00 XX 00000, Xxx. 14, 2009; 00 XX 00000, Xxx. 29, 2014]
Scope of Part. This part states the policies and pro- cedures for the following: (a) Exemptions of alcohol products purchased for use by the VA medical care program from Federal excise taxes. (b) Specified refund procedures for State and local taxes.
Scope of Part. Th is p ar t p r esc r ibes t h e t e r m s, co n di- t io n s, an d p r oced ur es u po n w h ic h a fed- e ra ll y ow n ed i n ve n t io n , o t h e r t han an i n ve n t io n i n t h e c u s t od y of t h e T e n- n essee V a lle y A u t h o r i t y , m ay be li- ce n sed. I t s u pe r sedes t h e r eg u l a t io n s a t 41 C F R Su bp ar t 101–4.1. Th is p ar t does n o t affec t lice n ses w h ic h ( a) we x x x x xx- fec t p r io r t o J u l y 1, 1981; ( b) m ay exis t a t t h e t i m e of t h e Xxxx xx m e n t ’s a cq u i- si t io n of t i t le t o t h e i n ve n t io n , i n cl u d- i n g t h ose r es u l t i n g f r o m t h e a lloc a t io n of r ig h t s t o i n ve n t io n s m a de un de r Xxxx xx m e n t r ese ar c h an d develop m e n t co n t ra c t s; ( c) ar e t h e r es u l t of an au- t h o r ized exc xxx xx of r ig h t s i n t h e se t - t le m e n t of p a t e n t disp u t es; o r ( d) ar x x x x x x xxxx au t h o r ized b y l a w o r t r e a t y . I t is t h e polic y an d objec t ive of t h is s u bp ar t t o u se t h e p a t e n t s y s t e m t o p r o m o t e t h e u t iliza t io n of i n ve n t io n s ar isi n g f r o m xxxx xx ll y s u ppo r t ed r e- se ar c h o r develop m e n t .
Scope of Part. This part prescribes policies and pro- cedures to promote full and open com- petition in the acquisition process and
Scope of Part. This part establishes policies and procedures relating to the complete or partial termination of contracts for the convenience of the Government or for default. It prescribes contract clauses relating to termination and excusable delay and includes instructions for using termination and settlement forms.
Scope of Part. This part identifies the responsible agents and sets forth procedural re- quirements for handling protests. [51 FR 40333, Nov. 6, 1986] With the exception of protests filed directly with the Department pursuant to FAR 33.103, the Office of General Counsel has responsibility for handling matters relating to protests against award of contracts by the Department. All written communications from the Department to the GAO or other adju- dicating body shall be made by the Of- fice of General Counsel. The Con- tracting Officer has responsibility for furnishing the Office of General Coun- sel with all information relating to a protest. [64 FR 46097, Aug. 23, 1999] sion.