Section 18.3 Sample Clauses

Section 18.3. 34 This Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of the 35 parties in writing; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be reopened as necessary to consider 36 the impact of any legislation enacted following execution of this Agreement which directly affects the 37 terms and conditions herein or create authority to alter personnel practices in public employment.
Section 18.3. 30 Salaries contained in Schedule A shall be for the entire term of this Agreement, subject to the terms and 31 conditions of Article XIX, Section 19.3. Should the date of execution of this Agreement be subsequent to 32 the effective date, salaries, including overtime, shall be retroactive to the effective date.
Section 18.3. Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of the 31 parties, in writing.
Section 18.3. Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of the 15 parties in writing; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be reopened as necessary to consider 16 the impact of any legislation enacted following the execution of this Agreement which may arguably 17 affect the terms and conditions herein or create authority to alter personnel practices in public 18 employment.
Section 18.3. 36 This Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term by mutual consent of the 37 parties in writing. The benefits herein shall be opened for negotiations annually; except that this 38 Agreement shall be reopened as necessary to consider the impact of any legislation enacted following 39 execution of this Agreement which may arguably affect the terms and conditions herein or create 40 authority to alter personnel practices in public employment. 41 42 Section18.4. 43 If any provision of this Agreement or the application of any such provision is held invalid, the 44 remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
Section 18.3. 8 If any interpretation or application of this Agreement is found illegal, the remainder of this Agreement 9 shall be in effect to the extent allowable by law.
Section 18.3. 10 This Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of the 11 parties in writing; provided that this Agreement shall be reopened annually as necessary to consider 12 legislative impact. Further, Schedule A and Insurance shall be re-opened each year of the term of this 13 contract.
Section 18.3. 13 This Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of the 14 parties in writing; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be reopened as necessary to consider 15 the impact of any legislation enacted following execution of this Agreement which may arguably affect 16 the terms and conditions herein or create the authority to alter personnel practices in public 17 employment. The HCA (Health Care Carve Out) will not be reopened.
Section 18.3. 29 Employees shall notify the Personnel Office in writing of their intent to resign at least ten (10) working 30 days prior to their effective day of resignation.
Section 18.3. 28 The employee may attach his/her own written comments to the evaluation, provided such attachment is 29 presented within ten (10) business days of the date the evaluation is presented to the employee.