Section 2 - General Sample Clauses

Section 2 - General. The Quality Programs referred to in this article are to include Quality Programs initiated by the Department utilizing methods (such as LEAN, Six Sigma, Xxxxxxxxx Criteria and Systems Redesign) aimed at reviewing and improving Department programs and processes.
Section 2 - General. The Board shall not illegally discriminate against any Covered Employee on the basis of age, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or membership or non-membership in any teacher organization, or the exercise of rights granted under this Agreement.
Section 2 - General. An Employee who feels they have a grievance shall ordinarily first discuss it with the Supervisor and may request representation for the purpose of settling a specific grievance.

Related to Section 2 - General

  • Section 4.5 37 The President of the Association and designated representatives will be provided time off without loss of 38 pay to a maximum of three (3) days per year to attend regional or State meetings when the purpose of 39 those meetings is in the best interests of the District as determined by the District administration.

  • Section 4.2 1.II Dispute Resolution Procedures is amended to insert the following paragraph to Section 4.2.1.II.A.(4): The Formal Dispute Process set forth in this section II(B) does not apply to formal disputes arising out of an Authorized User Mini-Bid or Authorized User Agreement. Formal disputes between the Contractor and the Authorized User arising out of an Authorized User Mini-Bid or Authorized User Agreement are to be handled in accordance with the process specified by the Authorized User for disputes. See Section 6.12 Mini-Bid Dispute Resolution Process.

  • Section 3.4 26 Each employee reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained in this Agreement, 27 exclusive of compensation for services rendered, to appropriate officials of the Association.

  • Section 2.1 11 It is agreed that the customary and usual rights, powers, functions, and authority of management are 12 vested in management officials of the District. Included in these rights in accordance with and subject 13 to applicable laws, regulations, and the provisions of this Agreement, is the right to direct the work 14 force, the right to hire, promote, retain, transfer, and assign employees in positions; the right to 15 suspend, discharge, demote, or take other disciplinary action against employees; and the right to 16 release employees from duties because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons. The District 17 shall retain the right to maintain efficiency of the District operation by determining the methods, the 18 means and the personnel by which operations undertaken by the employees in the unit are to be 19 conducted.

  • Section 4.3 34 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 35 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington State Organization.

  • Section 2.2 22 The right to make reasonable rules and regulations shall be considered acknowledged functions of the 23 District. In making rules and regulations relating to personnel policies, procedures and practices, and 24 matters of working conditions, the District shall give due regard and consideration to the rights of the 25 Association and the employees and to the obligations imposed by this Agreement. 29 A R T I C L E I I I 31 RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES

  • Section 4.4 32 The Association reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained herein to 33 appropriate officials of the Public School Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 State 34 Organization.

  • Section 3.2 39 Each employee shall have the right to bring matters of personal concern to the attention of appropriate 40 Association representatives and/or appropriate officials of the District.

  • Section 6.2 13 The Association representatives may represent the Association and employees in meeting with officials 14 of the District to discuss appropriate matters of mutual interest. They may receive and investigate to 15 conclusion complaints or grievances of employees on District time and thereafter advise employees of 16 rights and procedures outlined in this Agreement and applicable regulations or directives for resolving 17 the grievances or complaints. They may not, however, continue to advise the employee on courses of 18 action after the employee has indicated a desire not to pursue a grievance. This does not, however, 19 preclude the Association's right to pursue the matter to conclusion. They may consult with the District 20 on complaints without a grievance being made by an individual employee.

  • Section 11.1 28 The District shall have the right to discipline or discharge an employee for justifiable cause. The issue 29 of justifiable cause shall be resolved in accordance with the grievance procedure hereinafter provided.