Section 7.10.1 Sample Clauses
Section 7.10.1. 5 Any employee working more than (.25) hours of additional time must have prior supervisor 6 approval, unless there is an emergency situation.
Section 7.10.1. 11 Whenever a contracted employee works in their same or another classification for extra added 12 work, they will be compensated per Schedule A at their appropriate step for those hours 13 worked.
Section 7.10.1 trips other than regular daily runs shall be assigned to regular drivers, by seniority, from a 16 rotating roster of all regular drivers. Regular drivers will maintain their regular to and from bus 17 assignments unless they are a making trip. Substitutes will fill regular daily runs for regular 18 bus drivers on extra trips or for regular drivers unable to drive their regular daily runs.
Section 7.10.1. The committee shall consist of two (2) representatives from the Association and two (2) from 14 the District. No employee requesting reclassification shall be involved in the review process.
Section 7.10.1. 10 The workweek shall consist of four (4) consecutive days commencing Monday or Tuesday, 11 followed by three (3) consecutive days of rest: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, or Saturday, 12 Sunday and Monday, as appropriate.
Section 7.10.1. 30 Approved leaves must be of two (2) weeks or longer duration. Absences less than two (2) 31 weeks will, when possible, be filled by the same driver. However, an extended daily 32 assignment may be passed by the driver.
Section 7.10.1. 22 All hours worked over forty (40) hours per week shall be compensated at the rate of one and
Section 7.10.1. 12 The final minimum work hours assigned an employee for each school year shall be the first 13 working day of October unless the employee had received subsequent notice of change. The 14 work period for a school year shall be from September 1 through August 31.
Section 7.10.1. 15 Employees who report late for work or leave early due to conditions spelled out in Section 7.10 16 will be required to make up the time on a straight-time basis as mutually agreed by the supervisor 17 and employee. Employees not making up the time will take a salary deduction equal to the 18 amount of time they have missed.
Section 7.10.1. 18 Whenever a contracted employee works in their same or another classification for extra added 19 work, they will be compensated per Schedule A at their appropriate step for those hours 20 worked.