Section 9.1.6 Sample Clauses
Section 9.1.6. Defaults under Class A Mortgages...........................61 SECTION 917. Receiver and Other Remedies................................61 ARTICLE Ten The Trustee.......................................................61
Section 9.1.6. Default Under the First Mortgage.........................49 ARTICLE X The Trustee......................................................50
Section 9.1.6. 2 In the event an employee is absent for reasons that are covered by Washington State Industrial
Section 9.1.6. 26 In order to encourage regular attendance by all employees, the following attendance incentive 27 program is hereby established:
Section 9.1.6. 34 For absences of five (5) consecutive days or more, or absences that show a pattern, the District may 35 require verification that an employee's use of paid sick leave is for an authorized purpose. If the 36 District requires verification, verification must be provided to the District within a reasonable time 37 period during or after the leave. The District’s requirements for verification may not exceed privacy 38 or verification requirements otherwise established by law.
Section 9.1.6. 39 At the time of separation from school district employment, an eligible employee or the 40 employee’s estate shall receive remuneration at a rate equal to one (1) days current monetary 41 compensation for each four (4) full days accrued leave for illness or injury to a maximum of one 42 hundred and eighty (180) days. An eligible employee means (as defined in RCW 28A.400.210
44 A. Employees who separate from employment due to retirement or death;
46 B. Employees who separate from employment and who are at least age fifty-five (55) and 47 have at least ten (10) years of service in SERS (3); or
1 C. Employees who separate from employment and who are at least age fifty-five (55) and 2 have at least fifteen (15) years of service in SERS (2).
Section 9.1.6. Right of Trustee to Pay Taxes and Other Charges ............. 65
Section 9.1.6. In the case of a strike or work stoppage by any association or union associated with the District, 44 the Board of Directors reserves the right to ask for a doctor's validation of illness, provided the 45 Board acts to give advance notice that this provision will be implemented during a specific 46 time.
Section 9.1.6. 7 In order to encourage regular attendance by all employees, the following attendance incentive 8 program is hereby established: 10 Annual Conversion of Accumulated Sick Leave 12 Commencing in January of 1985 and on each January thereafter, any employee who at the end 13 of the immediately previous calendar year shall have accumulated in excess of sixty (60) days 14 of unused sick leave, may elect to convert unused sick leave earned the previous year in excess 15 of sixty (60) days to monetary compensation at the rate of twenty-five (25) percent of the 16 employee's current, full-time daily rate of compensation for each full day of eligible sick leave. 18 Any such election shall be made by written notice to the District Business Office during the 19 month of January. Any such annual conversion of accumulated sick leave shall be subject to 20 the terms and limitations of state statute or regulation.
Section 9.1.6. Section 9.16 of the Credit Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: