Selection criterion 2. List of the main similar assignments In order to be selected for each for this contract, the tenderer must have at least three relevant contracts carried out in the past five years to the highest standard and to the client’s full satisfaction, for a minimum combined value (sum of the values of the selling contracts) of 200,000 EUR and with a minmum value for each contract of 50,000 EUR. Minimum combined value of accepted contracts in past 5 years in EUR: Each contract with a minimum value: Minimum number of supervisionassignment 200,000 50,000 3 The tenderer must provide in his/her offer the list of the main similar selling armoured cars (min. 3) in the last five years, including the amount involved and the relevant dates, and the public or private bodies on behalf of which they were carried out showing that the tenderer has experience in performing those services. Title Amount Start date End date Contracting authority Description of the main similar supplies performed Amount of supply contract Comme ncemen t order Provision al acceptanc e Name and contact of the public or private bodies who bought the car 4 5 6 For each of the projects listed, the tenderer must provide in his/her offer the certificates of completion (statement or certificate without major reservation) approved by the entity which awarded the contract or the contract where the car was submitted.
Selection criterion 2. Personnel Note: Manpower quantities expressed above are to be considered as fractions of a full time: 0.5 is one person part-time 50%, 1 is one person full-time, etc.
Selection criterion 2. Financial resources §338 Note: Belgian public procurement law does not authorize advance payments for this contract. The first progress payment may be submitted one month after the commencement of the works and may take one month to be processed. The successful tenderer can therefore expect to have to advance an amount at least equivalent to the first two months of the works’ worth.
1° the following requirement: Total financial Resources For participating in Lot 1 150,000.00 € For participating in Lot 2 150,000.00 € For participating in both lots 300,000.00 € 2° The overall financial resources requirements for this contract and its concurrent commitments.
Selection criterion 2. Disposal of sufficient staff The tenderer shall dispose of staff that can perform the contract properly and meet the following requirements: No. Position/ Min. Requirements Total work projects (years) Minimum quantity required for being awarded:
Selection criterion 2. Disposal of sufficient staff §292 The tenderer shall dispose of staff that can perform the contract properly and meet the following requirements: No. Position/ Min. Requirements Total work projects (years) Minimum quantity required for being awarded: 1 Project Manager (X.Xx in Civil/Arch Engineering) 10 1 (full-time) §293 The tenderer shall include in his tender an overview of staff that will be used for the performance of the contract, using the table on next page.The tenderer shall list the staff members' degrees (education) as well as their professional experience (number of years of post-graduate work experience in the construction sector), and their access to Jerusalem. Each staff proposed, including the xxxxxxx, shall be supported with a complete and up-to-date CV (2024) showing experience until present.The Contracting Authority reserves its right to request, during the works implementation, proofs of legal employment from relevant authorities of the different staff proposed in the tender.
Selection criterion 2. Financial resources §343 The tenderer must also provide evidence of his financial solvability. §344 This financial capacity will be evaluated on the basis of the approved Financial Statements of the last three years if they were deposited with the National Bank of Belgium. Tenderers who have deposited their approved Financial Statements with the National Bank of Belgium do not have to include them in their tender since the contracting authority can consult them via the digital portal of the federal authority. §345 Tenderers who have not deposited their approved Financial Statements with the National Bank of Belgium for the last three financial years shall include them in their tender. This obligation also applies for recently approved Financial Statements that have not yet been deposited with the National Bank of Belgium because the legal deposit deadline has not yet expired. For individual undertakings it suffices to draw up a document that lists all assets and liabilities by an IEC/IAB accountant or a registered auditor. This document must be certified true by an IEC/IAB accountant or by the registered auditor, as appropriate. The document must present recent financial conditions (dated 6 months maximum from the tender opening date). In case the enterprise has not yet published its Financial Statements, an interim balance certified true by the IEC/IAB accountant or the registered auditor will do. §346 Non-Belgian enterprises must also attach to their tender their approved Financial Statements for the last three financial years or a document listing all assets and liabilities of the enterprise. In case the enterprise has not yet published its Financial Statements, an interim balance certified true by an accountant or by a registered auditor or by the person or body with this function in the country concerned will do.
Selection criterion 2. Personnel §335 The tenderer shall attach a complete and up-to-date CV showing experience until present.
Selection criterion 2. Technical skills necessary to deliver the requested services or products Tenderers must provide the following documents: ► List of the technical equipment and material available to meet the requirements of the relevant lot. ► If subcontracting of certain services/products is envisaged: o Description of the services to be provided by the tenderer directly and those which may be subcontracted; o Description of the measures to ensure quality control of the services/products provided by the subcontractor; o Description of subcontractors already selected by the tenderer which may be used for certain types of work.