Send Limits Sample Clauses
Send Limits. There are per transaction and daily maximum limits. The current standard Transfer Service limits and limits applicable to clients who have an established The Private Bank Relationship with Bank of Hawaii are published on our website at: xxxxx:// At any time should the Private Bank relationship be terminated, the standard limits in effect at the time of termination will be restored. We reserve the right to change these limits without notification to you. The daily applicable limits will reset at 12:00 am Central time.
Send Limits. We may, at our sole discretion, impose or change the limits on the amount of money you can send or receive through the Zelle Service. Such limits may be displayed in the Zelle Service application.
Send Limits. We reserve the right, at any time in our sole discretion, to impose limits on the amount(s) and/or number of payments you may send, receive, or request over a certain period of time. If you attempt to send, receive, or request payment(s) in excess of your limit, such payment may be rejected. If you are permitted to send, receive, or request payment(s) in excess of your limit, such payment shall be subject to these Terms of Use, and we are not obligated to accept similar payment(s) at other times.
Send Limits. We reserve the right to limit the frequency and dollar amount of transactions from any of your Accounts for security reasons. We will not be liable to you for any Zelle transaction that cannot be completed in accordance with your instructions due to limitations imposed by other financial institutions.
Send Limits. (a) We reserve the right to impose limits on the dollar amount(s) and/or the number of items that you may transmit through Zelle. If you attempt to initiate a transaction in excess of these limits, we may reject your transaction. If we permit you to make a transaction in excess of these limits, such transaction will still be subject to the terms of this Agreement, and we will not be obligated to allow such a transaction at other times. The current daily limit for Sending Money is $750 per day, with no restrictions on the amount of funds received. We may increase your daily limit based upon transaction history and your account being in Good Standing. If you have any questions about your current Zelle Limit, you may contact the Call Center.
Send Limits. There are limits on the amount of money you can send through Zelle. These limits may be adjusted from time to time at our sole discretion. The current limits on the amount of money you can send through Zelle are: • Transfers from your account may be made in amounts of up to $300 per transaction with a maximum of $600 per day. • Transfer limits for transfers to your accounts are governed by Zelle or the sender’s Network Bank. All transfer limits are subject to temporary reductions to protect the security of customer accounts and/or the transfer system.
Send Limits. We reserve the right to impose limits on the amount(s) and number transfers you transmit using Zelle® through Peoples Mobile Banking. The maximum amount you may transfer at a single transmission is $2,000 with a maximum transmission limit for a business day of $4,000. We reserve the right to decrease or eliminate your send limit at any given time with or without notice.
Send Limits. The Bank has established the following limits with regard to the Zelle Service, and Bank reserves the right to amend or change these limits in accordance with Section 1.a. above. The limits imposed for the Zelle transaction dollar limits are as follows:
1. Per transaction limit $500.00
2. Per transaction processing day $500.00
3. Per transaction processing week $1,000.00
4. Per transaction processing month $4,000.00 The limits imposed for the number of payments per Zelle User are as follows:
1. Number of processing payments per day is five (5)
2. Number of processing payments per week is twenty-five (25) 3. Number of processing payments per month is one hundred (100)
Send Limits. There are limits on the amount of money you can send using Zelle.
a. For customers who have been enrolled in M&T Online Banking for less than or equal to 100 days, the limit is $1,400 within any 24- hour period and the rolling thirty day limit is $3,000.
b. For customers who have been enrolled in M&T Online Banking for more than 100 days, the limit is $2,500 within any 24-hour period and the rolling thirty day limit is $10,000. Higher limits may apply based on your banking relationship. Limits on payments are subject to a 24-hour and a rolling 30-day limit. Your OLPLWV FDQ EH FRQILUPHG ZLWKLQ WKH µ6H reasons, we reserve the right to impose limits on the amount(s) that you transmit using Zelle. SucK OLPLWV DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH ZL Higher limits may apply based on your banking relationship. Standard Limits include:
a. For customers who have been enrolled in Zelle for less than or equal to 100 days, the limit is $1,400 within any 24-hour period and the rolling thirty day limit is $3,000.
b. For customers who have been enrolled in Zelle for more than 100 days, the limit is $2,500 within any 24-hour period and the rolling thirty day limit is $10,000.
Send Limits. Transfers from consumer Quontic Bank Accounts may be made in amounts of up to $500.00 per transaction with a maximum of $1,400.00 per day in the aggregate from all your combined accounts registered with the Service. Without notice we may also change the aforementioned maximum day aggregated amounts that can be transferred. All transfer limits are subject to temporary reductions to protect the security of customer accounts and/or the transfer system. At our discretion we may refuse to process any transaction that exceeds any of the above limits. In this case, you are responsible for making alternate arrangements or rescheduling the payment or transfer.