Separable Portions. The ALT may determine that any part of the Alliance Works will be a Separable Portion and the interpretations of:
Separable Portions. Are there any Separable Portions in this Contract? No • If yes, the Separable Portions are as follows and as further defined in the Contract: Click to enter reference 2. THE CONTRACT
Separable Portions. RTA may, as part of the process contemplated under clause 5.2, require the Participants to develop and submit to RTA a Project Proposal for each Separable Portion of the Alliance Works (if applicable).
Separable Portions a. Total may nominate a part of the Sub-Contract Works as a Separable Portion and direct that it be undertaken separately.
Separable Portions. Separable portions may be detailed in the Contract or directed by the Principal’s Representative who shall identify for each:-
Separable Portions. The interpretations of—
Separable Portions. (a) Where there are Separable Portions under the Contract:
Separable Portions. The provisions of the Contract shall apply to any separable portion or portions of the Equipment.
Separable Portions. RTA may, as part of the process contemplated under clause 5.2, require the Participants to develop and submit to RTA a proposed target outturn estimate and a construction program for each Separable Portion of the Alliance Works (if applicable).
Separable Portions. 11.14 The Owner may determine that any part of the Alliance Works will be a separable portion and the interpretations of: