Service Obligation Sample Clauses

Service Obligation. An employee who receives advance tuition payment or tuition reimbursement agrees that if he/she does not remain employed for at least one year following the completion of the course(s), he/she will be obligated to repay the reimbursement either through payroll deduction or other means. A Tuition Reimbursement Service Agreement must be signed. Please see the attached copy of the Tuition Reimbursement Service Agreement for details (Schedule A of this agreement).
Service Obligation. Recipients of one (1) semester Educational Sabbatical Leaves shall contract to serve the District for two years after completion of the leave. The grantee shall indemnify the District against loss in event of failure to render two years service after return from Educational Sabbatical Leave by furnishing suitable bond, or by executing a contract in a form approved by the Governing Board binding the unit member to return for at least two years. Such service obligation on the part of the recipient does not bind the District to retain the recipient for the two year period. The District may terminate the unit member for cause or layoff due to lack of work or lack of funds, in which case no repayment of salary shall be required.
Service Obligation. The Awardee shall provide the level of broadband service described in the RUS approved Application commencing from the date of Project Completion until the longer of (i) the Composite Economic Life of the facilities financed by the Award as specified on Schedule 1 or (ii) as long as the Note(s) is outstanding. Awardee acknowledges that given the significant amount of government contribution to the Project in the form of a subsidized interest rate through a federal grant, the Service Obligation is a significant portion of the public benefit of the Award, and that a material breach of the Service Obligation shall be an Event of Default.
Service Obligation. (1) Except as pro- vided in paragraph (2), the agreement of an offi- cer under subsection (b) shall provide that the officer shall serve on active duty for two years for each year or part thereof of the officer’s training under subsection (a). (2) The agreement of an officer may authorize the officer to serve a portion of the officer’s service obligation on active duty and to com- plete the service obligation that remains upon separation from active duty in the Selected Re- serve. Under any such agreement, an officer shall serve three years in the Selected Reserve for each year or part thereof of the officer’s training under subsection (a) for any service ob- ligation that was not completed before separa- tion from active duty.
Service Obligation. The Awardee shall provide the broadband service described in the RUS approved Application commencing from the date the Project is Substantially Complete for at least as long as the Composite Economic Life of the facilities financed by the Award as specified on Schedule 1. The Awardee may update its service offerings upon receipt of RUS' prior written consent.
Service Obligation. Recipients of sabbatical leaves shall contract to serve the District for two (2) years after completion of a sabbatical leave. The grantee shall indemnify the District against loss in the event of failure to render two (2) years of service after return from the sabbatical by furnishing a suitable bond, or by executing a contract in a form approved by the Board of Trustees binding the faculty member to return for at least two (2) years.
Service Obligation. As determined by RUS, the Awardee has willfully failed to provide the Service Obligation on the Project, which the Awardee acknowledges, shall give rise, should the debt be accelerated, to the government’s claim for the return of federal grant funds used to subsidize the interest rate; and/or
Service Obligation. The Awardee fails to provide the Service Obligation on the Project with respect to the Grant; and/or
Service Obligation. 2.1 UK Mail shall in accordance with this Agreement process all imail Mailing Items that have been accepted by UK Mail under the imail Service. 2.2 UK Mail shall notify the Customer electronically when an imail Mailing Item has been accepted for processing under the imail Service. UK Mail reserves the right to reject or refuse to accept any imail Mailing Item that fails to comply with the Service Specification or the terms of this Agreement. 2.3 The Service Specification sets out UK Mail’s service level target. The Customer acknowledges that UK Mail is required to use Royal Mail for the final sortation and delivery, and accordingly is not able to offer any assurance as to the actual delivery date of any imail Mailing Item. Accordingly, UK Mail shall not be liable to the Customer or to any other person for failure to deliver within this target (whether as a result of breach of this clause or otherwise)