Switching All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of local and tandem switching.
Tandem Switching 4.5.1 The Tandem Switching capability Network Element is defined as: (i) trunk-connect facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a cross-connect panel and switch trunk card; (ii) the basic switch trunk function of connecting trunks to trunks; and (iii) the functions that are centralized in the Tandem Switches (as distinguished from separate end office switches), including but not limited to call recording, the routing of calls to operator services and signaling conversion features. 4.5.2 Where <<customer_short_name>> utilizes portions of the BellSouth network in originating or terminating traffic, the Tandem Switching rates are applied in call scenarios where the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized. Because switch recordings cannot accurately indicate on a per call basis when the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized for an interoffice call originating from a UNE port and terminating to a BellSouth, Independent Company or Facility-Based CLEC office, BellSouth has developed, based upon call studies, a melded rate that takes into account the average percentage of calls that utilize Tandem Switching in these scenarios. BellSouth shall apply the melded Tandem Switching rate for every call in these scenarios. BellSouth shall utilize the melded Tandem Switching Rate until BellSouth has the capability to measure actual Tandem Switch usage in each call scenario specifically mentioned above, at which point the rate for the actual Tandem Switch usage shall apply. The UNE Local Call Flows set forth on BellSouth's website, as amended from time to time and incorporated herein by this reference, illustrate when the full or melded Tandem Switching rates apply for specific scenarios.
Local Switching 4.1.1 BellSouth shall provide non-discriminatory access to local circuit switching capability, and local tandem switching capability, on an unbundled basis, except as set forth below in Section 4.1.
CLOUD SERVICE The Cloud Service offering, is described below and is specified in an Order Document for the selected entitled offerings. The Order Document will consist of the Quotation that is provided and the Proof of Entitlement (XxX) you will receive confirming the start date and term of the Cloud Services and when invoicing will commence.
Service Outages (a) Service Outages Due to Power Failure or Disruption. 911 Dialing does not function in the event of a power failure or disruption. If there is an interruption in the power supply, the Service, including 911 Dialing, will not function until power is restored. Following a power failure or disruption, you may need to reset or reconfigure the Device prior to utilizing the Service, including 911 Dialing. (b) Service Outages Due to Internet Outage or Suspension or Termination of Broadband Service or ISP Service. Service outages or suspensions or terminations of service by your broadband provider or ISP will prevent all Service, including 911 Dialing, from functioning. (c) Service Outage Due to Suspension or Termination of Your Citi-Tel Account. Service outages due to suspension or termination of your account will prevent all Service, including 911 Dialing, from functioning. (d) Service Outages Due to ISP or Broadband Provider Blocking of Ports or Other Acts. Your ISP or broadband provider or other third party may intentionally or inadvertently block the ports over which the Service is provided or otherwise impede the usage of the Service. In that event, provided that you alert us to this situation, we will attempt to work with you to resolve the issue. During the period that the ports are being blocked or your Service is impeded, and unless and until the blocking or impediment is removed or the blocking or impediment is otherwise resolved, your Service, including the 911 Dialing feature, may not function. You acknowledge that Citi-Tel is not responsible for the blocking of ports by your ISP or broadband provider or any other impediment to your usage of the Service, and any loss of service, including 911 Dialing, that may result. In the event you lose service as a result of blocking of ports or any other impediment to your usage of the Service, you will continue to be responsible for payment of the Service charges unless and until you terminate the Service in accordance with this Agreement.
Hosted Services 3.1 The Provider hereby grants to the Customer a worldwide, non-exclusive licence to use the Hosted Services for the business purposes of the Customer in accordance with the Documentation during the Term. 3.2 The Provider shall create an Account for the Customer and shall provide to the Customer login details for that Account to enable the Customer to configure and administer the Hosted Services and enable registration of Customer End Users. 3.3 Except to the extent expressly permitted in this Agreement or required by law on a non- excludable basis, the licence granted by the Provider to the Customer under Clause 3.1 is subject to the following prohibitions: (a) the Customer must not sub-license its right to use the Hosted Services; (b) the Customer must not make any alteration to the Platform; and (c) the Customer must not conduct or request that any other person conduct any load testing or penetration testing on the Platform or Hosted Services without the prior written consent of the Provider. 3.5 The Customer shall use reasonable endeavours, including appropriate organisational and technical measures relating to Account access details, to ensure that no unauthorised person may gain access to the Hosted Services using an Account. 3.6 The parties acknowledge and agree that Schedule 2 (Availability SLA) shall govern the availability of the Hosted Services. 3.7 The Customer must ensure that all persons using the Hosted Services with the authority of the Customer or by means of an Account comply with the Terms Of Use. 3.8 The Customer must not use the Hosted Services in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the Hosted Services or Platform or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the Hosted Services. 3.9 The Customer must not use the Hosted Services: (a) in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful; or (b) in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity. 3.10 For the avoidance of doubt, the Customer has no right to access the software code (including object code, intermediate code and source code) of the Platform, either during or after the Term. 3.11 The Provider may suspend the provision of the Hosted Services if any amount due to be paid by the Customer to AWS for the benefit of the Provider under this Agreement is overdue, and the Provider has given to the Customer at least 30 days' written notice, following the amount becoming overdue, of its intention to suspend the Hosted Services on this basis.
Signaling Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party’s traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in the Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff.
Local Circuit Switching Capability, including Tandem Switching Capability 4.2.1 Local circuit switching capability is defined as: (A) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (B) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; (C) switching provided by remote switching modules; and (D) all features, functions, and capabilities of the switch, which include, but are not limited to: (1) the basic switching function of connecting lines to lines, line to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks, as well as the same basic capabilities made available to BellSouth’s customers, such as a telephone number, white page listings, and dial tone; and (2) all other features that the switch is capable of providing, including but not limited to customer calling, customer local area signaling service features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing functions provided by the switch. Any features that are not currently available but are technically feasible through the switch can be requested through the BFR/NBR process. 4.2.2 Notwithstanding BellSouth’s general duty to unbundle local circuit switching, BellSouth shall not be required to unbundle local circuit switching for Louisville Telephone when Louisville Telephone serves an end-user with four (4) or more voice-grade (DS-0) equivalents or lines served by BellSouth in one of the following MSAs: Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL; Orlando, FL; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999. 4.2.3 In the event that Louisville Telephone orders local circuit switching for an end user with four (4) or more DS0 equivalent lines within Density Zone 1 in an MSA listed above, BellSouth shall charge Louisville Telephone the market based rates in Exhibit B for use of the local circuit switching functionality for the affected facilities.
Interconnection Service Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Participating TO’s Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility’s output using the available capacity of the CAISO Controlled Grid. To the extent the Interconnection Customer wants to receive Interconnection Service, the Participating TO shall construct facilities identified in Appendices A and C that the Participating TO is responsible to construct.
Outages Outage Authority and Coordination. Interconnection Customer and Transmission Owner may each in accordance with Good Utility Practice in coordination with the other Party and Transmission Provider remove from service any of its respective Interconnection Facilities, System Protection Facilities, Network Upgrades, System Protection Facilities or Distribution Upgrades that may impact the other Party’s facilities as necessary to perform maintenance or testing or to install or replace equipment. Absent an Emergency Condition, the Party scheduling a removal of such facility(ies) from service will use Reasonable Efforts to notify one another and schedule such removal on a date and time mutually acceptable to the Parties. In all circumstances, any Party planning to remove such facility(ies) from service shall use Reasonable Efforts to minimize the effect on the other Parties of such removal.