Creative Work The Executive agrees that all creative work and work product, including but not limited to all technology, business management tools, processes, software, patents, trademarks, and copyrights developed by the Executive during the term of this Agreement, regardless of when or where such work or work product was produced, constitutes work made for hire, all rights of which are owned by the Employer. The Executive hereby assigns to the Employer all rights, title, and interest, whether by way of copyrights, trade secret, trademark, patent, or otherwise, in all such work or work product, regardless of whether the same is subject to protection by patent, trademark, or copyright laws.
Derivative Works Constellation Beers shall acquire no ownership rights in the Licensed Intellectual Property or derivative works based thereon or any intellectual property deemed to be owned by Marcas Modelo or Modelo Group as a result of this Agreement. Constellation Beers shall, at any time requested by Marcas Modelo or Modelo Group, whether during or subsequent to the term hereof, disclaim in writing any such property interest or ownership in the Licensed Intellectual Property.
Alternative Work Schedules Employees may request alternative work schedules such as a nine (9) day - 80 hour two week schedule or a four (4) day - 40 hour week schedule. Management will respond to an employee's request within 15 calendar days. Any changes from existing work schedules will be based on the needs of the service as determined by Management. Employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act will not be placed on alternate work schedules that mandate the payment of overtime under the Act.
Flexible Work Schedules An employee may request a modification of their current work schedule to another schedule. The Employer, or its designees, may approve or deny flexible work schedules and retain the responsibility for determining exemptions from, or terminations of, flexible work schedules which adversely affect the operation of the Minnesota Judicial Branch or the level of service to the public.
Existing Improvements All improvements located on the Site as of the date of execution of the Construction Contract, whether above or below the surface of the ground, including but not limited to existing buildings, utilities, infrastructure improvements and other facilities.
Employee Workload The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe as a result of employee absence(s). Employees may refer safety related workload concerns to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation under Article 22.3 (Occupational Health and Safety Committee).
Work Products Grantee shall provide CalRecycle with copies of all final products identified in the Work Plan. Grantee shall also provide CalRecycle with copies of all public education and advertising material produced pursuant to this Agreement.
Alternative Work Schedule An alternate forty (40) hour work schedule (other than five (5) uniform and consecutive eight (8) hour days in a seven (7) day period), or for hospital personnel an eighty (80) hour workweek in a fourteen (14) day period and other mutually agreed upon schedules that comply with applicable federal and state law. Employee work schedules normally include two (2) consecutive days off.
Joint Work Product This Agreement is the joint work product of H-GAC and the Contractor. This Agreement has been negotiated by H-GAC and the Contractor and their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against any party.
Software Development Software designs, prototypes, and all documentation for the final designs developed under this agreement must be made fully transferable upon direction of NSF. NSF may make the software design, prototype, and documentation for the final design available to competitors for review during any anticipated re-competition of the project.