Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachers. B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher. C. All full time teachers shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher has accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met. D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave. E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic. F. Each participating teacher shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions will be required, except that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachers. 1. Teachers shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year. 2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she has contributed to the pool. G. A participating teacher shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her sick leave has been depleted. A teacher so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety (90) days of sick leave from the pool within a twelve (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days or more. H. A participating teacher who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member. I. A teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool. J. Abuse of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave pool. K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessary.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract
Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachersfull-time employees.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacherfull-time employee.
C. All full full-time teachers employees shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l1) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher employee has accumulated a minimum of twenty twelve (2012) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article Article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher employee donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher employee as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher employee must be used for the teacher's employee’s personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher employee shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions contribution will be required, except that each participating teacher employee shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachersemployees. In the event a member does not have any days at the time of request for an additional day, they shall contribute the next day they earn to the sick leave pool.
1. Teachers Employees shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher employee who cancels his/her membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she the employee has contributed to the pool.
G. A participating teacher employee shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her the employee’s sick leave has been depleted. A teacher An employee so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety sixty (9060) days of sick leave days, in 20 day increments, from the pool within a twelve (12) twelve- month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days workdays or more.
H. A participating teacher employee who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher An employee who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's district’s sick leave pool.
J. Abuse X. Xxxxx of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doingwrongdoing, the teacher employee may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's employee’s sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's employee’s regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave poolleave.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as it shall be deemed deem necessary. Approval or disapproval is based upon qualifications as set forth in OESP sick leave pool policy.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract
Sick Leave Pool. A.
1. A sick leave Sick Leave Pool shall be established in the Oregon City Schools for teachers. The purpose of this pool shall be established to provide a teacher a leave for use by participating teachers.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher.
C. All full time teachers shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one catastrophic (lserious) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher has accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident illness or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating To be eligible, a teacher shall contribute one (1) day of must have exhausted all accumulated sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No leave, or other sick leave contributions will be required, except that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachers.
1. Teachers shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school yearleaves with pay.
2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership in the sick leave Application to draw days from this pool shall be made on an appropriate form (see appendix), which shall then be sent to the Sick Leave Bank Committee for consideration.
3. Initially, an employee may be granted up to thirty (30) days from the Sick Leave Pool. If, during this time, the teacher cannot return to work, then he/she may request an additional thirty (30) days from the Sick Leave Pool. To be eligible to withdraw draw the days of sick leave he/she has contributed additional 30 days, however, the teacher must make an application for STRS disability during the initial 30 day period. If employee teacher fails or refuses to the pool.
G. A participating teacher shall not be eligible to use sick leave make application for STRS disability within 30 days from the pool until all date of his or her sick leave has been depletedthe first draw, they shall lose the privilege of using the Sick Leave Bank beyond the initial 30 days. A The teacher so situated shall be eligible may continue to use up to a maximum of the Sick Leave Bank until STRS disability decision is rendered or until ninety (90) days has been used per teacher. If application for STRS disability is denied, the teacher may apply for an additional twenty (20) days, after which he/she shall not be able to draw from the pool for the remainder of the year.
4. The maximum days to be carried in the pool shall be 185 days per school year or ninety (90) days per teacher. Each teacher may donate up to two (2) days of sick leave (per year) from his/her individual sick leave accumulations to be added to this pool. The Superintendent shall be notified in writing by the OCFT of all such donations. The donation of days to the Sick Leave Pool shall not affect the teacher’s opportunity to receive a stipend for not using sick days.
5. Once the total accumulation in the pool within a twelve drops below 100 days, the OCFT President shall solicit additional days from teachers, provided they have not already donated their maximum number of two (122) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days or moreeach in the current year.
H. 6. A participating teacher who is eligible terminating employment with the Board may donate up to use two (2) days of sick leave days from to the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool. This day(s) may be in addition to day(s) donated previously during the school year. The OCFT President shall solicit donations. This donation may be made when the number of days in the pool is below 200.
J. Abuse 7. Violations of the use any sick leave pool policy by obtaining leave under false pretenses or using leave for purposes not approved in this Agreement are grounds for disciplinary and termination action(s). This action may include a suspension for two (2) days without pay for each violation of the sick leave pool policy and specifically supersedes any provision to the contrary found on the Ohio Revised Code including, but not limited to, R.C. 3319.
8. The Sick Leave Pool Committee may require any teacher, who wishes to use the pool, to furnish reasonable evidence or a statement from their attending physician certifying that absence from work was required for one of the reasons set forth in this Article. Abuse of sick leave may be investigated and on grounds for discipline or termination actions. This action may include a finding suspension for two (2) days without pay for each violation of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool policy and specifically supersedes any provision to the contrary found on the Ohio Revised Code including, but not limited to, R.C. 3319.16.
9. Sick Leave Pool Committee shall be composed of the Superintendent or his/her designee and three (3) teachers appointed by the OCFT President.
a) The Sick Leave Pool Committee shall review and approve or deny all applications to the Sick Leave Pool. They shall also determine the necessity for additional contributions to the pool and shall notify the OCFT President of the need for said contributions.
b) The Sick Leave Pool Committee shall be responsible for reporting data concerning the Sick Leave Pool to the Board Treasurer.
c) Decisions of the Sick Leave Pool Committee are final.
d) The Sick Leave Pool Committee shall review the operation of the Sick Leave Pool annually, and shall make recommendations, if necessary, for modifications of the plan to the negotiating teams of the Board and OCFT.
10. General Procedures
a) Days allotted from the Sick Leave Pool shall be paid at 100% of the teacher's regular ’s daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave pool.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessary.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sick Leave Pool. A. i. A teacher may request aid from the Sick Leave Pool when his/her personal sick leave pool has been reduced to three (3) days. Upon return to employment after drawing from the pool, those three (3) days shall still be established for use by participating teachers.
B. Participation in credited to the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher.
C. All full time teachers ii. The Sick Leave Pool shall be eligible for participation in carry over days remaining at the sick leave pool after one (l) year end of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher has accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) contractual year to the next contractual year and will continue for the term of employment does not have to be this Contract.
iii. In the year immediately preceding entry event that the pool is in the pool. Any year excess of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty three hundred (20300) days at the start of leave provision is meteach school year, all teachers who have donated the previous year shall be automatically covered without the need of contributing another day.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident or injuryiv. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery All teachers who are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher shall contribute covered may voluntarily donate one (1) day of sick leave in order to initiate the first month of eligibilitycoverage and shall have the same privileges as current Sick Leave Pool members. No other sick leave contributions A newly hired teacher will be requiredbelong to the Sick Leave Pool unless he/she indicated in writing that he/she does not wish to participate.
v. In the event that, except that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional during the school year, the Sick Leave Pool is reduced below two hundred (200) days, all teachers must donate one (1) day of accrued sick leave if each to continue the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teacherscoverage.
1vi. Teachers shall be eligible to join At the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days beginning of each school year.
2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership in the year all teachers with maximum sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw accrual may donate all days over the days of sick leave he/she has contributed maximum to the pool.
G. A participating teacher shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the Sick Leave pool until all of his or her sick leave has been depleted. A teacher so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety one thousand (901,000) days of sick leave from the pool within days.
vii. The Sick Leave Pool shall be administered by a twelve (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days or moremember board, with two (2) members chosen by the Superintendent, two (2) members by the Association. The four (4) members shall choose a physician as the fifth (5th) member. Each request for aid from the Sick Pool shall be decided by the board on the merits of the individual request.
H. A participating teacher who viii. Action of the board shall be by a majority vote and shall be final and binding on all parties, and not subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures of this contract.
ix. However, the Sick Leave Pool may reverse its decision at a subsequent hearing based on additional information provided by the applicant with permission.
x. Illness as a result of pregnancy shall be treated as any other illness, and teachers unable to work as a result of pregnancy shall have full access to their rights under this Article, provided their disability is eligible attested to use sick by a physician.
xi. Sick leave days from the pool shall not will be required to recounted as one-contribute such half (1/2) days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A provided the teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool.
J. Abuse is present for one-half (1/2) of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave poolschool day.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessary.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachers.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher.
C. All full time teachers shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher has accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions will be required, except that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachers.
1. Teachers shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she has contributed to the pool.
G. A participating teacher shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her sick leave has been depleted. A teacher so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety (90) days of sick leave from the pool within a twelve (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days or more.. 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390
H. A participating teacher who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool.
J. Abuse of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave pool.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessary.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachers.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher.
C. All full full-time teachers shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher has accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions will be required, except that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachers.
1. Teachers shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she the teacher has contributed to the pool.
G. A participating teacher shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her the teacher’s sick leave has been depleted. A teacher so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety (90) days of sick leave from the pool within a twelve (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days or more.
H. A participating teacher who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool.
J. Abuse of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave pool.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessary.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachersfull-time employees.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacherfull-time employee.
C. All full full-time teachers employees shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l1) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher employee has accumulated a minimum of twenty twelve (2012) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article Article shall be removed from the accumulated sick 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 leave balance of the teacher employee donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher employee as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher employee must be used for the teacher's employee’s personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher employee shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions contribution will be required, except that each participating teacher employee shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachersemployees. In the event a member does not have any days at the time of request for an additional day, they shall contribute the next day they earn to the sick leave pool.
1. Teachers Employees shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher employee who cancels his/her his membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she he has contributed to the pool.
G. A participating teacher employee shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her sick leave has been depleted. A teacher An employee so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety sixty (9060) days of sick leave days, in 20 day increments, from the pool within a twelve (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days workdays or more.
H. A participating teacher employee who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher An employee who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's district’s sick leave pool.
J. Abuse of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doingwrongdoing, the teacher employee may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's employee’s sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's employee’s regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave poolleave.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as it shall be deemed deem necessary. Approval or disapproval is based upon qualifications as set forth in OCESPA sick leave pool policy.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachers.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher.
C. 24.1 All full full-time teachers instructional employees shall be eligible for voluntary participation in the sick leave pool after one (l1) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board in Bay County, provided said teacher such employee has accumulated accrued a minimum of twenty five (205) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: leave days.
24.2 Participating employees shall make equal contributions to the one sick leave pool.
A. One (1) year day shall be contributed in the first (lst) month of employment eligibility.
B. An additional day shall be contributed each time the balance of days in the sick leave pool falls below twenty-five percent (25%) of the number of members in the sick leave pool.
C. In the event a member does not have a day of sick leave to be the year immediately preceding entry in contribute to the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions will be required, except taken or contributed as soon as that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachersbecomes available.
1. Teachers shall be eligible 24.3 A participating employee who chooses to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership withdraw from participation in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of any sick leave he/she has contributed days already contributed, and withdrawal from the pool will not be effective until one (1) pay period after the employee submits written notice to the poolPersonnel Department of his/her intent of withdrawal.
G. 24.4 Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by a participating member must be used for the instructional employee’s personal catastrophic illness, accident, or injury, excluding workers’ comp, that keeps an employee temporarily off the job.
A. Sick leave pool days are not intended to be used in place of disability retirement.
B. Sick leave pool members are not eligible for benefits for a pre-existing condition.
C. Sick leave pool days shall not be used for an employee who is on unpaid leave of absence.
24.5 Participating employees shall be eligible to draw three (3) ten (10) day increments from the sick leave pool for any one (1) illness, injury, accident or complication thereof during one (1) school year.
A. A maximum of thirty (30) sick leave days per year may be utilized. Exceptions may be considered at the discretion of the Sick Leave Pool Committee.
B. A school year shall be defined as the fiscal year employed by the school district.
C. Employees may draw no more than sixty (60) sick leave days during his/her entire membership period.
24.6 Each application for ten (10) days shall be accompanied by a physician’s statement, including the doctor’s description in lay terms of the condition.
A. Photostatic copies of the doctor’s statement will be accepted.
B. A certificate from a second doctor attesting to the member’s illness or accident may be required.
24.7 A participating teacher employee shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or his/her sick leave has been depleted. A teacher so situated shall .
A. Application for sick leave days must be made within ten (10) working days after the sick leave is depleted.
B. The employee will be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety (90) days of sick leave draw from the pool within a twelve only after the member has been absent for ten (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (510) continuous paid working days or morewithout pay. Sick leave days would become effective on the eleventh (11th) day of absence.
H. A participating teacher who is eligible C. Applications for extension must be submitted prior to use the expiration of the sick leave pool days.
24.8 Participating employees withdrawing sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, replace those days except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible member to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool.
J. Abuse of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave pool.
K. A 24.9 The Sick Leave Pool Committee will consist of seven (7) members who are appointed annually. Five (5) of the members shall be appointed by the ABCE President. The Superintendent shall appoint the remaining members. (One person from the Personnel Department will be a non-voting member of the committee).
A. The committee shall establish procedures for identifying and recording contributions to and withdrawals from the sick leave pool. The procedures shall be reviewed annually.
B. Periodic notification of the status of the pool shall be reported to members.
C. Immediate notification shall be given if additional days are levied to replenish the pool.
D. The committee shall review each request from the members to preclude abuse or misuse of the days in the sick leave pool committee selected by and monitor the Association member s responsibility in using his/her own personal sick leave.
24.10 The Sick Leave Pool Committee shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessarymake the final decision in awarding sick leave days from the sick leave pool.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sick Leave Pool. 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759
A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachersfull-time employees.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacherfull-time employee.
C. All full full-time teachers employees shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l1) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher employee has accumulated a minimum of twenty twelve (2012) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article Article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher employee donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher employee as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher employee must be used for the teacher's employee’s personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher employee shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions contribution will be required, except that each participating teacher employee shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachersemployees. In the event a member does not have any days at the time of request for an additional day, they shall contribute the next day they earn to the sick leave pool.
1. Teachers Employees shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher employee who cancels his/her his membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she he the employee has contributed to the pool.
G. A participating teacher employee shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her the employee’s sick leave has been depleted. A teacher An employee so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety sixty (9060) days of sick leave days, in 20 day increments, from the pool within a twelve (12) twelve- month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days workdays or more.
H. A participating teacher employee who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher An employee who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's district’s sick leave pool.
J. Abuse X. Xxxxx of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doingwrongdoing, the teacher employee may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's employee’s sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's employee’s regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave poolleave.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as it shall deem necessary. Approval or disapproval is based upon qualifications as set forth in OCESPA OESP sick leave pool policy. 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765
A. Salary Schedules 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 The salary of each employee covered by this Agreement is set forth in Appendix D which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
B. General Provisions
1. Salary Schedules will be in the Appendices of the Agreement.
2. Job Code and Pay Grade Assignment is in the Appendix E.
3. Paychecks shall be deemed necessarydistributed with the same regularity as presently exists with the following exceptions. Employees who would normally receive less than twelve (12) regular monthly paychecks shall be issued a paycheck on the last working day in August if they have performed work prior to the end of the twelve month hourly August payroll period. Employees’ insurance contributions shall not be taken from this special August paycheck.
4. Employees shall be properly placed on schedule for Okaloosa County experience.
5. All full time job-alike experience from other public School Districts will be allowed for pay purposes. Five (5) years of full time non-school related job experience will be allowed for pay purposes. Outside job experience will be allowed only when it coincides with the performance responsibilities of the current job description. A calendar year can only be counted one time in computing School Board and outside job experience. To receive a year’s credit, you must have worked over half the year. Full time is defined as twenty (20) or more hours a week. Employee must verify outside experience. Documentation must be presented to the Personnel Services Department before the 1st of the month to be given credit for the experience that month. No credit will be given for past experience that a retirement is being drawn on or if a lump sum payment was received.
6. An employee who would be eligible to retire under an existing state retirement system and has been credited with six (6) years of experience earned in Okaloosa Public Schools shall have ten (10) percent of his the employees annual salary, excluding supplements, added to his the employees annual salary provided that he the employee completes the necessary procedures through the Personnel Services Department. The retirement incentive will not be paid to any employee if he the employee continues his employment beyond June 30 of the year after he the employee reaches his first eligibility for normal retirement benefits.
7. Employees who have completed eighteen (18) or more years of experience recognized by the Okaloosa County School Board shall be eligible for a longevity stipend. The amount for twelve month full-time employees shall be $240 per month. The amount for hourly employees shall be $1.47 per hour. Refer to Educational Staff Professionals Salary 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 Schedule
8. The method for converting monthly salary to hourly salary shall be monthly salary divided by 155.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
Sick Leave Pool. A. A sick leave pool shall be established for use by participating teachers.
B. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary on the part of each teacher.
C. All full time teachers shall be eligible for participation in the sick leave pool after one (l) year of employment by the Okaloosa County School Board provided said teacher has accumulated a minimum of twenty (20) days of accrued unused sick leave. Note: the one (1) year of employment does not have to be the year immediately preceding entry in the pool. Any year of employment by the Okaloosa County School District will satisfy this provision for eligibility as long as the twenty (20) days of leave provision is met.
D. Any sick leave pooled pursuant to this article shall be removed from the accumulated sick leave balance of the teacher donating such leave and shall not be available to the donating teacher as sick leave.
E. Any sick leave time drawn from the pool by the participating teacher must be used for the teacher's personal catastrophic illness, accident or injury. Pregnancy without complications and selective surgery are not considered catastrophic.
F. Each participating teacher shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave in the first month of eligibility. No other sick leave contributions will be required, except that each participating teacher shall be required to contribute an additional one (1) day of accrued sick leave if the sick leave pool balance has been reduced below one (1) day for each two (2) participating teachers.
1. Teachers shall be eligible to join the sick leave pool during the first twenty (20) school days of each school year.
2. The teacher who cancels his/her membership in the sick leave pool shall not be eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave he/she has contributed to the pool.. 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392
G. A participating teacher shall not be eligible to use sick leave days from the pool until all of his or her sick leave has been depleted. A teacher so situated shall be eligible to use up to a maximum of ninety (90) days of sick leave from the pool within a twelve (12) month period and only for approved absences of five (5) continuous paid days or more.
H. A participating teacher who is eligible to use sick leave days from the pool shall not be required to re-contribute such days, except as a regular contributing member.
I. A teacher who transfers into another school district within the state shall not be eligible to have sick leave days from the pool transferred to that school board's sick leave pool.
J. Abuse of the use of the sick leave pool may be investigated and on a finding of wrong doing, the teacher may be required to repay any or all of the teacher's sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool at the teacher's regular daily rate of pay. Rules adopted for the administration of this program shall provide for the investigation of the use of sick leave utilized by the participating teacher in the sick leave pool.
K. A sick leave pool committee selected by the Association shall approve or disapprove all requests for withdrawal and shall formulate any additional administrative guidelines as shall be deemed necessary.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract