Sick Leave Allowance. Faculty with a full-time assignment shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight
Sick Leave Allowance. Monthly employees with a full-time assignment shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per month, beginning with the first month in which fifteen (15) calendar days were served in the employ of the District. The accrual shall be proportionate to and for assignments less than full time. Unused full-time sick leave shall accrue without limitation. A permanent employee who resigns, and is rehired within thirty-nine (39) months of the last date of paid service, shall have all accumulated, unused sick leave credits restored.
Sick Leave Allowance a. Unit members with a full-time assignment shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per month, beginning with the first (1st) month in which the unit member begins work in the District on or before the fifteenth (15th) of the month. The accrual rate shall be proportional for assignments other than full time. Unused full-salary sick leave shall accrue without limitation. A permanent unit member who resigns and is rehired within thirty-nine (39) months of the last date of paid service shall have all accumulated, unused sick leave credits restored.
b. Each fiscal year, unit members shall be eligible for up to one hundred (100) half-salary sick leave days in addition to any full-salary sick leave accrued. The total of both full and half-salary sick leave shall not exceed one hundred (100) workdays plus the current year’s entitlement. Half- salary sick leave is to be used only after full-salary sick leave benefits have been exhausted. Absence for any portion of a workday shall be considered as one complete day for half-salary sick leave reporting purposes. The balance of the fiscal years’ worth of sick leave allocation will be advanced prior to utilizing the half salary sick leave hours.
c. When a unit member is on half-salary sick leave at the end of a fiscal year and continues to be absent due to illness into the next fiscal year, he/she shall be placed on full-salary sick leave to the limit of the new year’s entitlement and is eligible for a new entitlement of half-salary sick leave.
Sick Leave Allowance. All employees covered by this Agreement who have been regularly employed in their position continuously for at least three (3) months shall be entitled to 3.75 days of sick leave and will then accrue 1.25 days per month thereafter until the next January 1. Any sick leave taken during the initial three (3) months will be considered leave of absence without pay.
Sick Leave Allowance. Employees with a full-time assignment shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight
Sick Leave Allowance. Sick leave allowance shall be determined by the following formula:
a. Assigned hours of service per day during the school year, multiplied by the number of months worked, divided by 2, equals the sick leave allowance per year.
b. A VESPA employee who accepts a summer work assignment in addition to his/her regular school year assignment will have their sick leave benefits prorated according to the actual number of hours worked.
c. Sick leave allowance shall be credited at the end of each month worked.
d. An employee who works a majority of the days for which he/she is regularly scheduled to work, not less than ten (10) days worked in any given month, shall qualify for the month’s sick leave allowance.
e. VESPA members may use up to 3 days per year of sick leave for hospital admittance or nursing home admittance for self and immediate family.
Sick Leave Allowance. 1. At the beginning of each work year, the Employee shall be credited with a fifteen
Sick Leave Allowance. 10 A member of the Department may be permitted up to six calendar months of 11 continual sick leave for any illness or injury not sustained in the line of duty. If unable 12 to return to duty after this period, his case will be reviewed by the Chief and one of 13 the following determinations will be made:
14 1. Temporary termination from the payroll with reinstatement 15 rights at any time within one year.
16 2. Retirement from active service if so entitled.
17 3. Dismissal from the Department.
18 4. An extension of sick leave. 19 Xxxxx to making his determination, the Chief will obtain a written report from 20 the Police Physician which shall include the report, if any, of the member's personal 21 physician.
Sick Leave Allowance. Shall Include:
Sick Leave Allowance a. Sick leave shall be allowed for absence due to:
1. The inability of an employee to be present or perform his or her duties because of personal illness, off-duty injury, or confinement for medical treatment;
2. Personal medical or dental appointment, which are impracticable to schedule outside of regular working hours.