Single Audit Act Sample Clauses

Single Audit Act. These funds are considered to be federal financial assistance subject to the Single Audit Act (31 U.S.C. §§ 7501-7507) and the related provisions of the Uniform Guidance. The Grantee shall conduct a single or program-specific audit in accordance with the provisions of 2 C.F.R. Part 200 and the related provisions of the Uniform Guidance, if it expends more than $750,000 or more in Federal awards from all sources during its fiscal year. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for these funds is 21.019.
Single Audit Act. Each Grantee, other than a Grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant to Section 215.97, Florida Statutes. See Attachment B for additional information regarding this requirement. If a Grantee is not required by law to conduct an audit in accordance with the Florida Single Audit Act because it did not expend at least $750,000 in state financial assistance, it must submit a Financial Report on its operations pursuant to Section 218.39, Florida Statutes, within nine months of the close of its fiscal year. Audits must be submitted on the DOS Grants System at
Single Audit Act. ‌ 42 If Provider or its subcontractor is a subrecipient of Federal awards as defined by OMB Uniform 43 Guidance Subpart F, Provider and its subcontractors shall maintain records that identify all 44 Federal funds received and expended. Such funds shall be identified by the appropriate OMB 1 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance titles and numbers, award names, award numbers, 2 and award years (if awards are for research and development), as well as, names of the 3 Federal agencies. Provider and its subcontractors shall make Provider and its subcontractor’s 4 records available for review or audit by officials of the Federal awarding agency, the General 5 Accounting Office and DSHS. Provider and its subcontractors shall incorporate OMB Uniform 6 Guidance Subpart F audit requirements into all contracts between Provider and its 7 subcontractors who are sub recipients. Provider and its subcontractors shall comply with any 8 future amendments to OMB Uniform Guidance Subpart F and any successor or replacement 9 Circular or regulation. 11 If Provider/subcontractors are a sub recipient and expends $750,000 or more in Federal 12 awards from any/all sources in any fiscal year, Provider and applicable subcontractors shall 13 procure and pay for a single or program-specific audit for that fiscal year. Upon completion of 14 each audit, Provider and applicable subcontractors shall submit to North Sound BH-ASO’s 15 Program Administrator the data collection form and reporting package specified in OMB 16 Uniform Guidance Subpart F, reports required by the program-specific audit guide, if 17 applicable and a copy of any management letters issued by the auditor. 19 For purposes of “sub recipient” status under the rules of OMB Uniform Guidance Subpart F, 20 Medicaid payments to a sub recipient for providing patient care services to Medicaid eligible 21 individuals are not considered Federal awards expended under this part of the rule unless a 22 State requires the fund to be treated as Federal awards expended because reimbursement is 23 on a cost-reimbursement basis. 24 25 7.29 SUBCONTRACTS‌ 26 Provider may subcontract services to be provided under this Contract subject to the following 27 requirements. 29 7.29.1 The Provider shall not assign or subcontract any portion of this Contract or transfer 30 or assign any claim arising pursuant to this Contract without the written consent of 31 North Sound BH-ASO Said consent must be sought in writing by the Provider not 32 less than...
Single Audit Act. Each Grantee, other than a Grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant to Section 215.97, Florida Statutes. See Attachment B for additional information regarding this requirement.
Single Audit Act. Each grantee, other than a grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant to Section 215.97, Florida Statutes. See Attachment A for additional information regarding this requirement. If a Grantee is not required by law to conduct an audit in accordance with the Florida Single Audit Act because it did not expend at least $750,000 in state financial assistance, it must submit a Financial Report on its operations pursuant to Section 218.39, Florida Statutes within nine months of the close of its fiscal year.
Single Audit Act. The Agency, as a subrecipient of federal funds, shall adhere to the federal regulations outlined in 2 CFR Part 200.501 as well as all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. A subrecipient who expends $750,000 or more in federal awards from all sources during a given fiscal year shall have a single or program-specific audit performed for that year in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200.501. Upon conclusion of the audit, the Agency shall be responsible for ensuring that a copy of the report is transmitted promptly to the State.
Single Audit Act. Each Subgrantee, other than a Subgrantee that is a state agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant to the federal Single Audit Act, 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Subpart FAudit Requirements (xxxxx:// title2-vol1/pdf/CFR-2023-title2-vol1-part200-subpartF.pdf (as of January 2024)), incorporated by reference. See Attachment B for additional information regarding this requirement. If a Subgrantee is not required by law to conduct an audit in accordance with the Florida Single Audit Act because it did not expend at least $750,000 in state financial assistance, it must submit a Financial Report on its operations pursuant to Section 218.39, Florida Statutes, within nine months of the close of its fiscal year. The audit must be submitted using the DOS Grants System at
Single Audit Act. The grantee is required to complete a Single Audit Act certification form through the Department of State grants management system at xxxxx:// Each grantee, other than a grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant to 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, and Section 215.97, Florida Statutes. See Attachment B for additional information regarding this requirement.
Single Audit Act. A sub-awardee (including private, for-profit hospitals and non-profit institutions) shall adhere to the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Super Circular 2 CFR 200.501 and 45 CFR 75.501. A sub-awardee who expends $750,000 or more in federal awards during a given fiscal year shall have a single or program-specific audit for that year in accordance with the provisions of OMB Super Circular 2 CFR 200.501 and 45 CFR 75.501.
Single Audit Act. Each grantee, other than a grantee that is a State agency, shall submit to an audit pursuant to Section 215.97, Florida Statutes. See Attachment C for additional information regarding this requirement. Retention of Accounting Records. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records including electronic storage media pertinent to the Project shall be retained for a period of five (5) years after the close out of the grant. If any litigation or audit is initiated, or claim made, before the expiration of the five-year period, the records shall be retained until the litigation, audit, or claim has been resolved.