Southern Sample Clauses
Southern. Oregon University shall continue to offer comparable benefits for medical, dental and basic life insurance to those offered to other University employees. For the duration of this Agreement, the University will make a contribution sufficient to cover ninety-five percent (95%) of the premium costs for fully paid medical, dental, and basic life insurance benefits. The employee will contribute five percent (5%) of the premium costs (“pre-tax”). For these plan years, where an employee has the opportunity to choose between two (2) healthcare plans and the employee enrolls in the least expensive plan available to them, the University will contribute ninety-seven percent (97%) of the premium costs of the coverage and the employee will contribute three percent (3%) of the premium costs (“pre-tax”). Eligibility to extend such tiered coverage to family members, to include spouse and/or dependent children, is provided in accordance with the plan..
Southern. Oregon University shall contribute to the Public Employee Retirement System consistent with the provisions of ORS 238 and 238A, et. seq, or the Optional Retirement Plan consistent with the provisions of ORS 243.815, et. seq.
Southern. Each of the Owners agrees that it will negotiate in good faith with Toshiba regarding, and to minimize any adverse effects on the Owners or the construction, maintenance or operation of the Summer Facility (whether such facility is completed under the EPC Agreement or otherwise) of, any agreement or arrangements Toshiba or any of its Affiliates may enter into or contemplate entering into with Southern or any successors or assigns thereof; provided, however, that in no event will any of the Owners be required, by reason of this Section 5.2, to release, amend, waive, or otherwise modify any of their rights under this Agreement or any other agreement.
Southern. Brighton, Xxxxxx, Georgetown, High Point, Highland Park, Holly Park, Mid-Beacon Hill, Rainier Beach, Rainier View, Riverview, Roxhill, Xxxxxx Park, South Beacon Hill, South Delridge, South Park.
Southern. Telecom shall use BellSouth’s LSOD to order splitters from BellSouth and to activate and deactivate DS0 Collocation Connecting Facility Assignments (CFA) for use with High Frequency Spectrum.
Southern. Capital and the Trust acknowledge and agree that Bankers Trust has been retained pursuant to this Agreement to act solely as Exchange Agent in connection with the Exchange Offer and, in such capacity, Bankers Trust shall perform such duties in good faith as are outlined herein.
Southern. Telecom may access a total capacity of two (2) DS3s per End User location at the Network Element rates set forth in Exhibit A.
Southern. A This information was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004 Edition. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. All other resources classified and reported in accordance with JORC Code 2012 edition.
Southern. Energy redeems its 1 share of redeemable preferred stock held by Southern in exchange for the shares of Holdco Southern Energy owns.
Southern. All Company locations in Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. The Missouri Valley and Council Bluffs Terminals west to Iowa/Nebraska border. All Company locations in Nebraska, excluding all Company locations in Nebraska on the line running north from the Kansas City Terminal** to the Council Bluffs Terminal via Falls City, Nebraska. All Company locations in Kansas, excluding: All Company locations in Kansas the line running north from the Kansas City Terminal to the Council Bluffs Terminal via Falls City, Nebraska; All Company locations south of south switch at Topeka to the Kansas/Oklahoma border; All Company locations in Kansas on the line south from the south switch at Kansas City, Missouri through Kansas via Payola to the Kansas/Oklahoma border. All Company locations in Wyoming. . All Company locations in Colorado and from Colorado/Utah border to and including Green River, Utah ** For purposes of Rule 11, the Kansas City Terminal is defined as all yards and terminal trackage within the combined Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri terminals.