Special Categories of Data Sample Clauses

Special Categories of Data. (if appropriate)
Special Categories of Data. The Personal Data Processed concern the following special categories of data (xxxx with an X): ☐ disabilities and/or accidents ☐ political opinions ☐ religious or philosophical beliefs ☐ sex life or sexual orientation including the relationship or conjugality ☐ trade union membership ☐ health state and/or illness ☐ criminal convictions and arrests ☐ other (please specify):
Special Categories of Data. The personal data processed on behalf may include special categories of personal data pursuant to Art. 9 GDPR (e.g. health data) if such data are included in a notification or collected in the context of follow-up actions and recorded in the whistleblowing system.
Special Categories of Data. No sensitive data or special categories of data are permitted to be transferred and shall not be contained in the content of or attachments to, emails.
Special Categories of Data. Personal Data transferred includes but is not limited to the following special categories of data:
Special Categories of Data. Customer will notify Supplier if any special categories of data are included within Customer Personal Data. Supplier may refuse to process such data or impose any restrictions as are necessary, at the Customer's expense, to enable Supplier to comply with its legal and contractual obligations.
Special Categories of Data. Customer shall not disclose (and shall not permit any data subject to disclose) any special categories of Personal Data for processing that are not expressly disclosed in Annex A attached hereto.
Special Categories of Data. (IF APPROPRIATE). Personal data transferred may include information which reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union opinions, memberships or activities, social security files, and data concerning health (including physical or mental health or condition), sexual life and information regarding criminal offences or alleged offences and any related court proceedings and shall include special categories of data as defined in Article 8 of the Directive 95/46/EC.
Special Categories of Data. The Personal Data transferred/Processed do not pertain to Personal Data relating to criminal convictions and offences and Special Categories of Personal Data.