STAFFING PARAMETERS. The district will follow the staffing parameters for special education below. The parties agree to meet regarding specialized programs that do not fit the model below and discuss appropriate staffing.The District will strive for staffing allocations (Spring Staffing prior to the start of a school year) of SPED Teacher FTEs to be at or below the lower limit of the range listed in the table below. For staffing adjustments that take place after the start of the school year (Fall Adjustments), the upper limit of the range may be used. Federal Setting Caseload Special Ed. Staffing* ECSE 3-6 year olds - self-contained Classroom 5-8 students per Classroom 1 ECSE teacher 2 additional special education staff Plus a floater special education staff for every 2 ECSE classrooms at one site to support breaks, lunches, etc. ECSE 3-6 year olds, teachers providing supports in inclusive or natural settings 12-16 students case managed Special education teams may include an ECSE teacher and related services staff *. Para support will be determined based on IEP needs. Federal Setting I & II Elementary 16-19 students case managed 1 Special Education Teacher Para support will be determined based on IEP needs. Federal Setting I & II Secondary 17-22 students case managed 1 Special Education Teacher Para support will be determined based on IEP needs. Federal Setting III - DCD/ ASD/DHH+ 6-9 students 1 special ed. Teacher 2 additional special education staff. Plus a floater special education staff for every 2 classrooms to support breaks, lunches, etc. Federal Setting III – EBD/ DHH (self-contained) 8-10 students 1 special ed. Teacher 2 additional special education staff Plus a floater special education staff for every 2 classrooms to support breaks, lunches, etc. Speech Language Pathologist Staffing FTEs Elementary Staff Secondary and Transition Staff Occupational Therapist Staffing FTEs Elementary Staff Secondary and Transition Staff Physical Therapist Staffing FTEs Elementary Staff Secondary and Transition Staff *To ensure that special education teachers have paraprofessional support, the district agrees to following MN Rule 3525.2340. In self-contained classrooms where there are students with different service levels, the staffing numbers outlined in the Minnesota Rule that meet the students with the most needs will apply. When a concern is raised about the student-to-staff ratio a review process will be commenced. **Determining Special Education caseloads for Occupational Therap...
STAFFING PARAMETERS. The district will follow the staffing parameters for special education below. The parties agree to meet regarding specialized programs that do not fit the model below and discuss appropriate staffing.