STANDARD PRODUCT. [All Eligible Consumers will be enrolled in the standard product unless they opt-out.] Residential $ 0.12830 Commercial/Streetlight $ 0.12830 Industrial $ 0.12830
STANDARD PRODUCT. [All Eligible Consumers will be enrolled in the standard product unless they opt-out.] Residential $ 0.14142 Small C&I $ 0.14142 Med-Large C&I $ 0.14142 Streetlight $ 0.14142 [Eligible Consumers will only be enrolled in the optional renewable product if they elect it.] Residential $ 0.14913 Small C&I $ 0.14913 Med-Large C&I $ 0.14913 Streetlight $ 0.14913
STANDARD PRODUCT. [All Eligible Consumers will be enrolled in the standard product unless they opt-out.] Residential $ 0.13149 Commercial/Streetlight $ 0.13149 Industrial $ 0.13149 [Eligible Consumers will only be enrolled in the optional product A if they elect it.] Residential $ 0.12948 Commercial/Streetlight $ 0.12948 Industrial $ 0.12948 [Eligible Consumers will only be enrolled in the optional product B if they elect it.] Residential $ 0.13952 Commercial/Streetlight $ 0.13952 Industrial $ 0.13952
STANDARD PRODUCT. Standard Products” are defined as Products that meet rf IDEAS’ published description and specifications. Standard Products may contain rf IDEAS’ then current version of standard firmware and are listed on rf IDEAS’ published price list in effect at the time the order is placed. YOU may submit changes and cancellations to orders for Standard Product at no additional cost to YOU within twenty-four (24) hours of rf IDEAS’ confirmation of YOUR order. Thereafter, order changes shall be subject to a surcharge of ten percent (10%) of the then current chargeable amount for the affected portion of the order; and order cancellations shall be subject to a surcharge of twenty percent (20%) of the then current chargeable amount for the affected portion of the order. Imposition of any of the aforementioned surcharges shall be at rf IDEAS’ sole discretion.
STANDARD PRODUCT. Firm Full-Requirements Power Supply consisting of the traditional generation mix, meeting the minimum Renewable Portfolio Standards for electric power established by New York State.
STANDARD PRODUCT. 2.1.1 At any time prior to [***], Wintec, for their own convenience, may notify Manufacturer in writing of their intent to cancel the order for Standard Products. Upon receipt of a cancellation notice, Manufacturer will stop all work, and cause its Manufacturers and subcontractors to stop all work related to the cancelled order(s). If the cancelled order was cancelled more than [***] days prior to the Delivery Date, such cancellation shall be without penalty of any kind. If the cancelled order was cancelled within [***] days of the Delivery Date, Manufacturer may, if reasonable justification can be provided, request compensation for: (i) Manufacturer’s actual cost [***] for all Products completed, “Finished Goods” (which items were delivered, in transit or available for delivery at the time notice of termination was given pursuant to open Purchase Order(s) and not previously paid for and where Manufacturer can document no requirements for such Products from other customers for the following [***] months); and (ii) Pursuant to any open Purchase Orders, for WIP or raw materials, the actual costs [***] incurred and documented by Manufacturer for (a) components for such orders, but only if the components cannot be used in other Products, sold to other customers, or returned to original Manufacturers (“Liability Mitigation”), (b) reasonable costs for manufacturing operations completed at time of cancellation for the terminated portion of the orders; and (c) reasonable cancellation charges from component Manufacturers for the terminated portion of the orders. Manufacturer shall document efforts related to Liability Mitigation, which effort shall continue for no fewer than [***] days prior to submitting a claim to Wintec.
STANDARD PRODUCT. See above table. The Standard Product prices quoted above includes the cost to meet the Massachusetts RPS and APS requirements plus the purchase of RECs as specified above.
STANDARD PRODUCT. At any time prior to [***], Cisco, for their own convenience, may notify Supplier in writing of their intent to cancel the order for Standard Products. Upon receipt of a cancellation notice, Supplier will stop all work, and cause its suppliers and subcontractors to stop all work related to the cancelled order(s). If the cancelled order was cancelled more than [***] days prior to the Delivery Date, such cancellation shall be without penalty of any kind. If the cancelled order was cancelled within [***] days of the Delivery Date, Supplier may, if reasonable justification can be provided, request compensation for:
STANDARD PRODUCT. Our standard product maintenance does not cover customisations or changes that alter the software’s design and functionality, including alterations of data via a method other than the relevant product.