State of Good Repair. ▪ Average age of bus and paratransit vehicles ▪ Number of vehicles beyond useful life Provide information on plan to keep bus and paratransit vehicles in state of good repair.
State of Good Repair. University of Utah research has shown that proper highway surface treatments can reduce the impact caused by construction delays while improving the overall condition of highways. The minimization of cracking of asphalt pavements can extend the life of a highway by three to five years, which results in a 20% reduction in maintenance cost. Ensuring that the concrete used at the jobsite corresponds to the specified quality will improve initial highway designs. Mitigation of potential liquefaction-induced damage from major earthquakes will preserve the transportation infrastructure. Self-centering devices can reduce bridge residual displacements after an earthquake, which improves community resilience. Rapid strengthening and repair methods of seismically deficient bridge wall piers is feasible using fiber reinforced polymer materials that are light and durable. Cost-effective solutions for delivering highway projects can minimize operational and maintenance resources needed to sustain system effectiveness and functionality. Concrete surface coatings can remove air pollutants affecting public health. Most of the studies being conducted at the University of Wyoming are related to Safety and State of Good Repair. Research findings and results continually educate transportation professionals and provide new technologies to implement throughout the Region. All MPC projects at Utah State University are directly tied to the USDOT Secretary's strategic goals. There is nothing that USU researchers work on that is not in direct response to the Secretary's priorities. The USDOT lists Safety, Infrastructure, Innovation and Accountability as the four strategic goals on their website. USU do not have a project that fails to touch something in each of these areas. USU has made contributions in the areas of electric vehicles and transportation planning. These are good areas to highlight. USU has also contributed in the materials area which is important for the infrastructure preservation and maintenance.
State of Good Repair. We will make every effort to provide Bicycles that are usable and in a state of general good repair. Before using a Bicycle, You shall inspect such Bicycle for defects and report to Us any such defect. You must report defects to Us by using the repair function on the keypad of the Bicycle (“Keypad”) or via the Mobile Application. If You notice a Bicycle with a defect, You must use a different Bicycle.
(a) Use of the Bicycle(s). You agree to treat the Bicycle(s) with great care. You are responsible for loss or damage to the Bicycle(s) rented by You due to theft, mysterious disappearance, or any other cause, other than ordinary wear and tear.
State of Good Repair a) Provide information on how the project will contribute to improved condition or resilience of the Xxxxxxx 00.
b) Documentation on existing roadway conditions and how the project will maintain or improve existing transportation facilities
c) Documentation showing revenue is available for operations and maintenance of the project and that the project will reduce overall life-cycle costs for Highway 14.
State of Good Repair. The University agrees to maintain resident workstations in a state of good repair and will promptly repair or replace any defective equipment.