Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a A grievance may must be filed within ten in writing by the Union in the Office of the Department Chair, with a copy to the Director of Labor Relations. For grievances involving Hourly ASEs that are not working in a Department, the grievance shall be filed with their hiring unit director (10such as the manager of the tutoring center they work at, etc.). The grievance shall state the pertinent facts of the case with reasonable particularity, including the section(s) business days from of the Agreement allegedly violated, and the remedy or desired outcome that is sought. The date of filing is the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with grievance is received at the complaint stageOffice. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty twenty-one (2021) business calendar days from the date occurrence of the filing events giving rise to the grievance, or from the time at which the aggrieved individual should reasonably have become aware of the grievance. Upon notification The Chair (or designee) or hiring unit director (or designee) shall meet with the grievant and the Union within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the grievance. The Chair (or designee) or hiring unit director (or designee) shall issue a written response to the Industrial Relations departmentgrievance within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting. Resolutions at the First Step, national although final, shall not be precedential. Step Two – If the Union representatives is not satisfied with the Step One response, it may attend local meetingsappeal in writing within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the Step One decision. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. FurtherStep 2 appeal shall be made to the Xxxx of the Graduate School, with a copy sent to the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attendDirector of Labor Relations. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except recognizes that the Xxxx may choose to designate other appropriate University personnel to act as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary the University’s representative for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetingspurposes of this Step 2. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(sXxxx (or designee) and other involved employees the Director of Labor Relations (or designee) shall meet with the Union and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.grievant within fourteen
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. Within seven (7) calendar days of the date of occurrence of the incident or action, an employee must present the grievance to his/her supervisor. Such grievance may be presented verbally, and need not be in writing. The supervisor shall verbally respond to the employee and/or the employee's union representative within seven (7) calendar days. If the dispute employee's grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the complaint stage described aboveUnion may, a within seven (7) calendar days after the Step 1 answer is given, appeal the grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from to the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stagegrievant's Department Head. The grievance must be filed in reduced to writing in on the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employeeUnion's immediate supervisor/managergrievance form. The written grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow include the responding Party to fully understand items noted above and be signed by the allegations against itemployee and the authorized union officer. The Parties will attempt, and have Department Head or his/her representative may meet with the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation grievant and the Union jointly agree otherwiserepresentative if such a meeting is mutually agreed to between the Union and the Department Head. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where Department Head or his/her representative shall provide the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such grievant a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place written answer within twenty seven (207) business calendar days from the date of the filing after receipt of the grievance. Upon notification If the grievance is not resolved at Step Two, the Union may, within seven (7) calendar days appeal the grievance to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetingsDirector of School Services. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Furtherappeal shall include the original grievance, the manager and/or supervisor involved in Department Heads' response, and shall specify the particular grievance may attendbasis of the appeal. The local Union grievance committee Director of School Services, or his/her designated representative, shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed meet with the grievant and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending the Union, unless both parties deem such meetingsa meeting unnecessary. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace Director of School Services, or his/her representative, shall provide a written response to the grievor(sUnion not later than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written appeal. The Union and other involved employees and reasonable working time the Director of School Services, or his/her designated representative may mutually agree at any step to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) use a mediator in dispute and will make a sincere effort an attempt to resolve the disputegrievance. Based on their discussions at The Mediator shall be mutually selected and any cost paid equally by the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare parties. The Mediator shall not be required to issue a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R)written opinion. A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time If the grievance is referred not resolved at Step Three, the Union may within twenty‐one (21) calendar days submit the matter to the national levelarbitration. The Parties agree that Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service shall be contacted by the Summary Union for a list of seven arbitrators. The Union shall move to select an arbitrator within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the FMCS transmits the panel of arbitrators. The Union shall strike a name first. Thereafter each party shall strike a name until only one remains. The Union shall contact the selected Arbitrator for a list of available dates. The parties shall select an arbitration date within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the arbitrator transmits this notice of availability. The arbitration hearing will be transcribed by a court reporter, and Status Form the parties shall have the right to submit post‐hearing briefs within thirty days after the date the transcript of the hearing is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon completed. The fees and expenses of the Form or its content in arbitrator and court reporter shall be borne equally by the Board and the Union. The aggrieved employee, any necessary witnesses, and one selected Union officer shall not lose any regular straight time pay for time used to attend the arbitration or any other legal proceedinghearing.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees employees, and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Step One. If The employee involved may within four working days after the dispute grievance first arises, take up the grievance with the Grievance Committee who shall give due consideration thereto, and if the Grievance Committee is not resolved at satisfied that there is just cause for the complaint stage described abovegrievance, a the following procedure shall apply, namely: The Grievance Committee, may within fifteen working days after the Grievance first arises, file the grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed and redress sought in writing with the Chief and/or Deputy Chief of the Fire Department of the Corporation who shall meet with the Grievance Committee accompanied by the employee involved within five working days after the grievance is so filed and who shall render their decision in writing and reasons in respect thereto within five working days of the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted time of such meeting. In the event that the Chief of the Fire Department of the Corporation does not provide redress satisfactory to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The Grievance Committee, after notifying the Chief of the Fire Department, the Grievance Committee may, within five working days after receipt of the aforesaid decision of the Chief, forward a copy of the grievance form must provide sufficient particulars together with a copy of the said written decision of the Chief, together with the reasons as to allow why the responding Party to fully understand redress of the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authorityChief was not satisfactory, to settle grievances at the local levelProtection to Persons and Property Sub-committee for the Corporation through the Chief Administrative Officer who, with the City’s Chief Administrative Officer and/or designate, shall meet with the Grievance Committee within seven working days after receipt of such copies and advise it in writing of their decision and reasons with respect to the grievance within seven working days of the time of such meeting. However, settlements reached at In the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred event that the Chair of Protection to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives Persons & Property Committee for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwiseCity’s Chief Administrative Officer and/or designate do not provide redress satisfactory to the Association, it may within five working days after receipt by the Grievance Committee of the aforesaid decision, notify the Corporation in writing of its desire to submit the grievance to arbitration, and such arbitration shall be proceeded with in accordance with the provisions of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. The national representatives may review local level settlements andIn this Sub- clause, where the settlement is words "working days" shall be deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Codeexclude Saturday, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed Sunday and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingstatutory holidays.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's ’s immediate supervisor/supervisor / manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial and Talent Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial and Talent Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees employees, and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties parties will jointly prepare a Summary summary and Status Form status form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary of summary and Status Form status form will be forwarded to the Industrial and Talent Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties parties agree that the Summary summary and Status Form status form is without prejudice; neither Party party can rely upon the Form form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Step One. An employee having a grievance shall first discuss the matter with his employer or the employer rep- resentative in an effort to have the matter resolved. The Employer shall give his position on the griev- ance within two working days. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached at Step one, the grievance shall be reduced to writing and signed by the grievor setting out the nature of the grievance, the Article of this Agreement alleged to have been violated and the remedy sought. The Local Union with the grievor in attendance shall meet with the Employer within three working days of receipt of his answer to Step One in an attempt to settle the difference. The Employer shall give an answer within three working days of this meeting. If a settlement is not reached, the matter shall be brought before the Local Joint Conference Board within three working days of receipt by the Local Union, of the Employer’s answer referred to in Step Two above, or such other time as is mutually agreed upon. A policy grievance arising between an employer, the Local Trade Association or the Union shall be in writing and signed by the griever, setting forth particulars of the allegation including the Article of this Agreement alleged to have been violated, the nature of the remedy sought by the griever and forwarded to the party against whom the griev- ance is made. A meeting shall be convened with all parties to the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business three working days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing receipt of the grievance. Upon notification The grievance will be initiated within thirty days of the occurrence of the circumstances that have given rise to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetingsgriev- ance. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attendUnion agrees the Association is not to be a party to any individual grievance. FurtherIf a settlement is not arrived at during this meeting or within such time as the parties mutually agree, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee matter shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and Local Joint Conference Board. The Local Joint Conference Board shall convene within five working days of receipt of a grievance. In matters touching upon the national Union representativeinterpretation of this Agreement, at the time Board shall forward the grievance is along with their recommendations to the Provincial Joint Conference Board. On all other matters the Local Board shall endeavour to arrive at a settle- ment. If no settlement can be reached, the matter may be referred to Arbitration. In order for the national levelLocal Joint Conference Board settlement of a grievance to be used by any party as a precedent in future cases, it must be filed with the Provincial Joint Conference Board for their unanimous concurrence. The Parties agree that In the Summary event of failure to obtain such unanimous concurrence a settlement shall be treated as being only applicable to the facts in question. Any grievance involving the interpretation of this Agreement shall be dealt with only by the Prov- incial Joint Conference Board, such Board shall convene within five working days of receiving the grievance and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party shall render a decision. If no settle- ment can rely upon be reached, the Form or its content in matter may be referred to Arbitration. Any policy grievance filed within the prescribed time limits shall have a six-month maximum limita- tion period for any arbitration or any other legal proceedingand all claims and damages.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Provincial Collective Agreement, Provincial Collective Agreement
Step One. The employee, with or without one of a Shop Xxxxxxx or Union Committee member, shall first discuss the grievance with his/her immediate Supervisor or delegate ten (10) calendar days of the occurrence of the grievance. The decision of whether or not to be represented by the Union at this step shall be the employee’s. Within five (5) calendar days of the discussion, the supervisor or delegate shall give his/her verbal reply. If the dispute grievance is not resolved settled at this step, then: The grievance shall be reduced to writing within five (5) days of the complaint stage described aboveStep One response, signed by the employee and a Shop Xxxxxxx or Union Committee member and shall be presented to the site Manager by one of a Shop Xxxxxxx or a Union Committee member, who shall discuss the grievance. Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the written grievance, the site Manager shall give his/her written reply. If the grievance may is not settled at this step, then: The Union/Management Committee shall endeavor to meet within twenty-one (21) days of the Step Two response or other mutually agreed to time to discuss the grievance. At this step of the grievance procedure, each party shall provide to the other a statement of facts and copies of all relevant documents. The findings or decisions of the Employer shall be filed presented to the Union in writing within ten (10) business calendar days from of the date meeting. If the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with grievance is not settled at this step, either party may refer the complaint stagegrievance to arbitration under Article 8 within forty five (45) days. Grievances, such as policy grievances that are of a general nature, may also be introduced at this step. Time limits may be altered by mutual agreement of the parties. The grievance agreement must be filed given in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless unreasonably withheld. Except where extenuating circumstances exist, if the national representatives for grievance does not follow the Corporation and grievance process within the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements prescribed time limits above and, where the settlement is extension has not been agreed, the grievance will be deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violationhave been abandoned without further recourse. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. FurtherHowever, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee party shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace deemed to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based have prejudiced its position on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingfuture grievance.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must Grievance shall be submitted to the employee's ’s immediate supervisor/managerSupervisor. A meeting will be held between that Supervisor and the employee within three working days of receipt of the Grievance by the Supervisor. A xxxxxxx will accompany the employee if the employee so requests. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars Supervisor shall reply in writing within three working days following the meeting. Failing satisfaction with the reply of the Supervisor, the employee shall give the Grievance facts to allow the responding Party Union Grievance Committee which shall process the Grievance to fully understand Step Two as outlined below: Within five working days of the allegations against itreply of the immediate Supervisor in Step One above but not thereafter, the Grievance Committee and the Xxxxxxx originally involved shall present the Grievance to the Chief Executive Officer and the Personnel Officer at a meeting requested for that purpose. The Parties Chief Executive Officer or designate shall reply in writing within three working days of the meeting. Failing satisfaction with such reply, the Grievance Committee shall process the Grievance to Step Three as outlined below: Within ten working days of the reply of the Chief Executive Officer in Step Two above but not thereafter, the Grievance Committee and the Xxxxxxx originally involved shall request, in writing, a meeting with the Employer’s Personnel Committee. The Union will attempt, and have appear before the full authority, Personnel Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting or the first meeting of the Committee thereafter to make representation in respect to the matter. The Union may request the presence of a Canadian Union of Public employees staff representative. The Personnel Committee shall confer with the Grievance Committee in an endeavour to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at The Secretary of the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following Board will report the meeting, decision of the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (Personnel Committee in writing within ten working days of the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded meeting to the Industrial Relations Officer and Chairperson of the national Grievance Committee. In the case of a Union representativeor an Employer Grievance, at where no satisfactory settlement of the time matter in dispute is reached in Step Three either Party may within ten working days of the receipt of the reply in Step Three refer the grievance is referred to the national levelarbitration. The Parties agree that time limit may be extended by mutual agreement of the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingParties.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Ganada Labour CodeGode, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees employees, and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Step One. Grievances may be first presented by the employee and/or the Association representatives to the Officer designated by the Chief as in charge of the employee's shift or such other officer so designated, and an xxxxxxx effort shall be made within the next 48 hours to adjust the grievance in an informal manner. Step Two. If the dispute grievance is not resolved and mutually acceptable at Step One within six (6) working days, the grievance shall be submitted in writing to the Chief of the Department by the employee and/or the Union. A meeting between the Chief of the Department and/or his or her designated representative and the Grievance Committee of the Union shall be held within five (5) days after referral to the Chief of the Department, to discuss the grievance. If not satisfactorily adjusted at this meeting, the Chief shall give his/her written answer with specification of grounds within five (5) days of the meeting. If a grievance is adjusted at Step Two of the grievance procedure, the adjustment shall be noted on the grievance form and shall be signed by the Chief of the Department or his/her representative and the Union representative(s) reaching the adjustment. If a decision satisfactory to the Union at any level of the grievance procedure is not implemented within a reasonable time the Union may invoke the next step: Step Two or Step Three of the grievance procedure. If the City exceeds any time limits prescribed at any step in the grievance procedure, the Union may invoke the next step of the procedure. Written submissions of grievances at Step Two shall be in not less than triplicate, on forms to be agreed upon jointly, and shall be signed by the representative of the Union filing the grievances. The Union shall be notified in writing of all grievances filed by employees covered by this Agreement, and all grievance hearings and all determinations and awards. It shall have the right to have a representative present at any grievance hearing and shall be given no less than 48 hours notice thereof, unless waived by the Union. Any grievance, as defined hereinabove, affecting a large group of employees may, at the option of the Association, be filed at Step Two of the grievance procedure. Step Three. If the written grievance is not resolved at the complaint stage described aboveStep Two, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must it shall be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/managerCity Manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow City Manager or his/her designate shall meet with the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, Association Grievance Committee within thirty (30) days after submission at Step Three and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time answer the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingwithin thirty (30) days after such meeting.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. An employee having a grievance shall first discuss the matter with his employer or the employer rep- resentative in an effort to have the matter resolved. The Employer shall give his position on the griev- ance within two working days. If a satisfactory settlement is not reached at Step one, the grievance shall be reduced to writing and signed by the grievor setting out the nature of the grievance, the Article of this Agreement alleged to have been violated and the remedy sought. The Local Union with the grievor in attendance shall meet with the Employer within three working days of receipt of his answer to Step One in an attempt to settle the difference. The Employer shall give an answer within three working days of this meeting. If a settlement is not reached, the matter shall be brought before the Local Joint Conference Board within three working days of receipt by the Local Union, of the Employer’s answer referred to in Step Two above, or such other time as is mutually agreed upon. A policy grievance arising between an employer, the Local Trade Association or the Union shall be in writing and signed by the grievor, setting forth particulars of the allegation including the Article of this Agreement alleged to have been violated, the nature of the remedy sought by the grievor and forwarded to the party against whom the griev- ance is made. A meeting shall be convened with all parties to the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business three working days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing receipt of the grievance. Upon notification The grievance will be initiated within thirty days of the occurrence of the circumstances that have given rise to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetingsgriev- ance. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attendUnion agrees the Association is not to be a party to any individual grievance. FurtherIf a settlement is not arrived at during this meeting or within such time as the parties mutually agree, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee matter shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and Local Joint Conference Board. The Local Joint Conference Board shall convene within five working days of receipt of a grievance. In matters touching upon the national Union representativeinterpretation of this Agreement, at the time Board shall forward the grievance is along with their recommendations to the Provincial Joint Conference Board. On all other matters the Local Board shall endeavour to arrive at a settle- ment. If no settlement can be reached, the matter may be referred to Arbitration. In order for the national levelLocal Joint Conference Board set- tlement of a grievance to be used by any party as a precedent in future cases, it must be filed with the Provincial Joint Conference Board for their unanimous concurrence. The Parties agree that In the Summary event of failure to obtain such unanimous concurrence a settlement shall be treated as being only applicable to the facts in question. Any grievance involving the interpretation of this Agreement shall be dealt with only by the Pro- vincial Joint Conference Board, such Board shall convene within five working days of receiving the grievance and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party shall render a decision. If no settle- ment can rely upon be reached, the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingmatter may be referred to Arbitration.
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Samples: Provincial Collective Agreement
Step One. It is recognized that a grievance shall not be considered to exist until a complaint has been made by an employee to, and has been rejected or not satisfactory settled by, the employee’s immediate supervisor. In the event the complaint or grievance is not adjusted to the satisfaction of the employee in STEP ONE, he or she may, accompanied if he or she requests by the committee person for the area, advance it to STEP TWO as provided below. STEP TWO: The employee may, by the end of the fifth working day following the day on which the event out of which the grievance arose-exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays- advance the grievance to STEP TWO by presenting it to his or her supervisor, in writing. An effort to adjust the grievance shall be made by the supervisor, the aggrieved employee, and-if the employee requests-the committee person. The supervisor shall reply, setting forth the reasons, to the grievance within five (5) workdays from the time it has been presented to the supervisor, unless more time is mutually agreed in writing. STEP THREE: If settlement is not reached in STEP TWO, the aggrieved employee, accompanied if he or she requests, by the committee person and one (1) other representative of the Union, may, within five (5) workdays after the day upon which the reply in STEP TWO is received, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, advance the grievance to STEP THREE by presenting it in writing to the Personnel Director or the office of the Personnel Director. The Personnel Director shall reply to the grievance within five (5) workdays, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless more time is mutually agreed upon in writing. STEP FOUR: If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described aboveGrievance remains unsettled, a grievance it may be filed within ten (10) business days from after the date day upon which the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with reply in STEP THREE is received, be advanced to STEP FOUR by its referal by the International Representative of the Union to representatives of Management, and become the subject of the grievance conference to be held at a time mutually agreed upon by the complaint stageCompany Personnel Director and the International Representative. The Management’s written reply to the grievance must shall be filed given to the International Representative of the Union or their designee, within ten (10) days after the grievance conference, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless more time is mutually agreed upon in writing in writing. STEP FIVE: In the form prescribed at Appendix Q to event a grievance charge is arbitrable under this Agreement and must has been properly taken through the steps of the Grievance Procedure set forth herein without agreement, the Union, upon written notice received by the Company within five (5) days after the Union’s receipt of the Company’s reply in STEP FOUR of the Grievance Procedure, may require the grievance to be submitted to an impartial arbitrator mutually agreed upon between the employee's immediate supervisor/managerparties. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars If the parties are unable to allow agree upon an impartial arbitrator within five (5) workdays after receipt of the responding Party to fully understand Union’s written notice, the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation Company and the Union will jointly request from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, a panel of seven (7) established arbitrators. If the parties are unable to agree otherwiseto an arbitrator from the panel selected, they shall alternately strike names from the panel with the Union striking first and the remaining names from the panel shall automatically become the imperial arbitrator. The national representatives Separate grievances may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to not be joined in violation one (1) arbitration proceeding except by mutual agreement of the Agreement or parties. In the Canada Labour Codeevent the Company does not respond within the time limits as set forth herein, ask the local grievance committee matter shall automatically proceed to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date next step of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingprocedure.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q O to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/managermanager copying the Local Grievance Committee Co- Chairs. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars, including article violations alleged and the particulars of the violation(s), to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national National Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, by mutual agreement of the Local Co-Chairs, the manager and/or supervisor the grievor(s) involved in the particular grievance may attend. The Local Co-Chairs will set agenda items five (5) business days in advance The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix RP). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national National Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Step One. If The grievant shall institute action under provisions hereof within fifteen (15) calendar days after the dispute is not resolved at event giving rise to the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stagehas occurred. The grievance must be filed in writing in and delivered to the form prescribed grievant's Division or Bureau Commanding Officer or his designee, within the aforesaid fifteen (15) calendar days. The grievant prior to filing a written grievance may make an effort to settle his grievance informally, by discussion with any Superior Officer who is subordinate to the grievant's Division or Bureau Commanding Officer. The Commanding Officer or his designee shall, after receipt of the written grievance, have ten (10) calendar days to file a written response to the grievant. In the event that the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant at Appendix Q to STEP ONE above and involves an alleged violation of this Agreement and must only, the same written grievance may be submitted filed with the Chief of Police or his designee, within seven (7) calendar days of the grievant receiving the written response from the Division or Bureau Commander or his designee as described in STEP ONE above, or upon failure to receive a written response, within seven (7) calendar days after the expiration of the response time structure in STEP ONE above. If such grievance is not resolved to the employee's immediate supervisor/managersatisfaction of the grievant at STEP TWO above, the grievant shall within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the written response from the Chief or his designee or upon failure to receive a written response, within seven (7) calendar days after the expiration of the response time structure in STEP TWO above, submit the same written grievance to the City Manager or his designee. The City Manager or his designee, shall hold a hearing on such grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business calendar days from the date after submission and shall have seven (7) calendar days thereafter to render his written decision and reasons with respect thereto. The grievant and a representative of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations departmentAssociation, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representativecounsel may, at the option of the grievant, attend such hearing. The City Manager or his designee shall submit a copy of his decision to the grievant and the Association. Failure to hold a hearing or submit an answer in writing within the time structure shall move the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingSTEP FOUR.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If the dispute matter is not resolved at unresolved by the complaint stage described aboveinformal procedure, a the Association representative shall submit the grievance may be filed within ten (10in writing on forms provided by the University to the Xxxxxxx or his/her designee stating the nature of the grievance, including relevant facts, the provision(s) business days from of the date contract alleged to have been violated, and the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stageadjustment sought. The grievance must be filed in writing in and receipted by the form prescribed University representative within sixty working days following the time at Appendix Q to this Agreement which the grievant could have reasonably been aware of its occurrence. Within fourteen working days of receiving the grievance, the Xxxxxxx or his/her designee shall arrange a meeting between the grievant, one, two, or three Association-appointed representatives and must be submitted Xxxxxxx or his/her designee and, at his/her discretion, the xxxx or his/her designee, the chairperson, and/or a fourth administration representative. A written answer to the employee's immediate supervisorgrievance shall be forwarded by the Xxxxxxx or his/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars her designee to allow the responding Party Association with a copy to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation grievant within fourteen working days of the Agreement or meeting. Any grievance not appealed in writing and receipted by the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings appropriate University representative within twenty-one working days after an answer shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless considered settled on the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date basis of the filing last answer and not subject to further review. If a meeting is not arranged in a timely fashion, the Association may proceed to Step Two of the grievancegrievance procedure providing it does so within twenty-one working days of the initiation of Step One. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall Ifa meeting is arranged buta timely answer is not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and Association, or the national Union representativeAssociation finds the answer unacceptable, at the Association may proceed to Step Two of the grievance procedure provided it does so within twenty-one working days of the time of the meeting. If a meeting occurs but the Association finds the answer unacceptable, the Association may proceed to Step Two of the grievance is referred to procedure provided it does so within twenty-one working days of the national levelreceipt of the Step One response. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingAssociation may request an extension if it needs additional time to reach a decision regarding proceeding to Step Two.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If In the dispute event the grievance is not resolved at informally, the complaint stage described above, LSCU and the LSCU member may file a grievance may in writing with the administrator. The grievance must be filed filed, in writing, within ten (10) business days from of the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt grievant knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the grievance. Within five (5) days from receipt of the grievance by the Administration, the administrator shall render a decision to the LSCU in writing. Step Two. In the event the LSCU is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at the complaint stagepreceding level, the written grievance may be submitted by the LSCU to the Superintendent or her/his designee. Filing of the grievance at this level must be taken within five (5) days of the receipt of the decision at the preceding level. The Superintendent or her/his designee will schedule a meeting with the Grievance Committee to discuss the grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/manager. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation within ten (10) days of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing receipt of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three Within five (35) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following days of the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare Superintendent or his/her designee shall render a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded decision to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time LSCU in writing. Step Three. If the grievance is referred not resolved at Level Two, the LSCU has no less than thirty (30) calendar days from the receipt of the Level Two answer to file a notice of Intent to Arbitrate, by sending a letter to the national levelDirector, Human Resources or the appropriate Board representative. If the LSCU fails to request arbitration within this time limit, the grievance shall be deemed not eligible to go to arbitration. Upon written request by either party, after the Notice of Intent to Arbitrate, the parties shall meet in order to attempt to resolve the grievance. Such meeting is not intended to be automatic for all grievances so as to defeat the purpose of Step Two. The Parties meeting shall be composed of two (2) representative of the LSCU and two (2) representatives for the Board. The LSCU members shall be the President and the Council 25 Representative or their designee. If the parties agree that to resolve the Summary grievance, its disposition shall be reduced to writing and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon signed by both the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingLSCU representatives and Board representatives.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. It is recognized that a grievance shall not be considered to exist until a complaint has been made by an employee to, and has been rejected or not satisfactory settled by, the employee’s immediate supervisor. In the event the complaint or grievance is not adjusted to the satisfaction of the employee in STEP ONE, he or she may, accompanied if he or she requests by the committee person for the area, advance it to STEP TWO as provided below. STEP TWO: The employee may, by the end of the fifth working day following the day on which the event out of which the grievance arose-exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays- advance the grievance to STEP TWO by presenting it to his or her supervisor, in writing. An effort to adjust the grievance shall be made by the supervisor, the aggrieved employee, and-if the employee requests-the committee person. The supervisor shall reply, setting forth the reasons, to the grievance within five (5) workdays from the time it has been presented to the supervisor, unless more time is mutually agreed in writing. STEP THREE: If settlement is not reached in STEP TWO, the aggrieved employee, accompanied if he or she requests, by the committee person and one (1) other representative of the Union, may, within five (5) workdays after the day upon which the reply in STEP TWO is received, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, advance the grievance to STEP THREE by presenting it in writing to the Personnel Director or the office of the Personnel Director. The Personnel Director shall reply to the grievance within five (5) workdays, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless more time is mutually agreed upon in writing. STEP FOUR: If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described aboveGrievance remains unsettled, a grievance it may be filed within ten (10) business days from after the date day upon which the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with reply in STEP THREE is received, be advanced to STEP FOUR by its referal by the International Representative of the Union to representatives of Management, and become the subject of the grievance conference to be held at a time mutually agreed upon by the complaint stageCompany Personnel Director and the International Representative. The Management’s reply to the grievance must shall be filed given within ten (10) days after the grievance conference, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, unless more time is mutually agreed upon in writing in writing. STEP FIVE: In the form prescribed at Appendix Q to event a grievance charge is arbitrable under this Agreement and must has been properly taken through the steps of the Grievance Procedure set forth herein without agreement, the Union, upon written notice received by the Company within five (5) days after the Union’s receipt of the Company’s reply in STEP FOUR of the Grievance Procedure, may require the grievance to be submitted to an impartial arbitrator mutually agreed upon between the employee's immediate supervisor/managerparties. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars If the parties are unable to allow agree upon an impartial arbitrator within five (5) workdays after receipt of the responding Party to fully understand Union’s written notice, the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation Company and the Union will jointly request from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, a panel of seven (7) established arbitrators. If the parties are unable to agree otherwiseto an arbitrator from the panel selected, they shall alternately strike names from the panel with the Union striking first and the remaining names from the panel shall automatically become the imperial arbitrator. The national representatives Separate grievances may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to not be joined in violation one (1) arbitration proceeding except by mutual agreement of the Agreement or parties. In the Canada Labour Codeevent the Company does not respond within the time limits as set forth herein, ask the local grievance committee matter shall automatically proceed to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date next step of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, the manager and/or supervisor involved in the particular grievance may attend. The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix R). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceedingprocedure.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Step One. If the dispute is not resolved at the complaint stage described above, a grievance may be filed within ten (10) business days from the date the dispute was unsuccessfully dealt with at the complaint stage. The grievance must be filed in writing in the form prescribed at Appendix Q O to this Agreement and must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor/managermanager copying the Local Grievance Committee Co-Chairs. The grievance form must provide sufficient particulars, including article violations alleged and the particulars of the violation(s), to allow the responding Party to fully understand the allegations against it. The Parties will attempt, and have the full authority, to settle grievances at the local level. However, settlements reached at the local level will be made without prejudice or precedent and will not be referred to or imposed by either Party to this Agreement unless the national representatives for the Corporation and the Union jointly agree otherwise. The national representatives may review local level settlements and, where the settlement is deemed to be in violation of the Agreement or the Canada Labour Code, ask the local grievance committee to resolve such a violation. At each place of employment, local grievance meetings shall be held as required, or at mutually agreed upon regularly scheduled intervals. Unless the Parties agree otherwise, a local grievance meeting must take place within twenty (20) business days from the date of the filing of the grievance. Upon notification to the Industrial Relations department, national National Union representatives may attend local meetings. The Industrial Relations Officer may also attend. Further, by mutual agreement of the Local Co-Chairs, the manager and/or supervisor the grievor(s) involved in the particular grievance may attend. The Local Co-Chairs will set agenda items five (5) business days in advance The local Union grievance committee shall not exceed three (3) members except as otherwise agreed and they shall suffer no loss in regular salary for time spent during their normal working hours attending such meetings. The local Union members will be given adequate access at the workplace to the grievor(s) and other involved employees and reasonable working time to conduct their investigations. At the local meeting, the Parties will exchange relevant information relating to the issue(s) in dispute and will make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. Based on their discussions at the local level meeting, and as soon as is practicable following the meeting, the Parties will jointly prepare a Summary and Status Form for each grievance (in the manner prescribed at Appendix RP). A copy of each Summary and Status Form will be forwarded to the Industrial Relations Officer and the national National Union representative, at the time the grievance is referred to the national level. The Parties agree that the Summary and Status Form is without prejudice; neither Party can rely upon the Form or its content in any arbitration or any other legal proceeding.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement