Street Lights. All street light posts together with the electrical fittings and fixtures.
Street Lights i. Applicant shall install street lights along all roads within the Property, including the Connector Road (as hereinafter defined), in conformance with all applicable codes, laws and regulations. Applicant or an HOA or CDD shall maintain such street lights, including paying applicable electrical power charges to the City for the same; provided, however, that the City will be responsible for maintenance of the street lights along the Connector Road.
Street Lights. The Owner agrees to install sufficient streetlights to satisfy current RP-8 Guidelines, use of LED lighting in compliance with the Town of Kingsville Development Manual and in a location and design to the satisfaction of the Manager of Planning Services and the Director of Municipal Services for the Town.
Street Lights. Affidavit of "All Bills Paid" and Waiver of Liens Electronic and Hard Copy From Construction Contractor or Developer Streetlight Wiring Schematic Electronic (.pdf and .dwg) Includes, but is not limited to: ‐‐Location of underground wiring/conduit ‐‐Connection to power source ‐‐Location of any meter(s) ‐‐Size of all lines and length of each run
Street Lights. Owner shall furnish complete plans for street lighting to be reviewed and accepted by Firestone. The total cost of street light installation shall be Owner's obligation. Owner shall cause, at its own expense, United Power to install all required street lighting pursuant to United Power plans and specifications as submitted to and accepted in writing by the Town Administrative Official. Said street lights shall be installed concurrently with the streets on which they are located. The type of street lights shall be accepted by Firestone. Street lights shall be operational before the streets are open to the public. Owner shall be responsible for payment of all utility billing for street lights prior to Final Acceptance.
Street Lights. The Developer is responsible for the design and construction of the street lights with an approved specialty light pole and fixture.
Street Lights. Draper shall at the request of TRSSD maintain, repair and, as desired, replace existing streetlights in the TRSSD Area for TRSSD and TRSSD shall pay for maintenance repair and replacement of existing streetlights in the manner provided in Section 3. If TRSSD chooses to replace existing streetlights to conform to the standard of street lights provided elsewhere in Draper, Draper shall administer the request for bids process, and TRSSD shall reimburse Draper for the costs of such administration. If TRSSD replaces the street lights to conform to the standard of street lights provided elsewhere in Draper, Draper shall take over all future responsibility for streetlight repair and maintenance, at no cost to TRSSD.
Street Lights. CONDITIONS: The following actions may be streamlined provided they are within the horizontal and vertical limits to previously disturbed DDOT ROW. Streetlights within historic districts shall be Washington Globes, Twin Twenties or Teardrop in style. Any proposal to install any other type of streetlight in a historic district shall require consultation with SHPO.
a. Installation of new street lights as described above
b. On-going maintenance, repair and replacement of existing streetlights APPROVED WORK:
1. Installation
2. Maintenance
3. Repair
4. Replacement
Street Lights. Developer shall install street lights concurrently with the construction of the streets on which they are located.
Street Lights. The Developer agrees to pay for the cost of the initial purchase of the required LED street lights and the installation of street lights and restoration required by the installation of underground wiring. Street lights shall be placed on Port Washington Road at intervals and in locations as set forth on a street lighting plan provided by the Developer and/or WE Energies and approved by the Village Engineer. The Village shall approve the type and specifications of the street lights. After installation, the street lights shall be publicly owned.