STUDENT ATHLETE. Student athlete" means an individual who is eligible to attend an educational institution and engages in, is eligible to engage in, or may be eligible in the future to engage in, any interscholastic or intercollegiate sport. The term does not include an individual permanently ineligible to participate in a particular interscholastic or intercollegiate sport for that sport.
STUDENT ATHLETE. DEVELOPMENT Satisfactory - 2 Needs Improvement - 1 Unsatisfactory - 0 Knowledge and skills Coach maintains up-to-date knowledge of the skills, rules, strategies, and safety precautions of the sport. Coach makes only some effort to stay up-to-date and implement skills, rules, strategies, and safety precautions of the sport. Coach’s knowledge is limited and/or not up-to-date. Role defining – maximizing student athlete potential Coach has effectively established and communicated student athlete roles. Xxxxx’s actions have led to isolated incidents of student athletes not accepting their role on the team. Coach’s actions have led to numerous student athletes not accepting their role on the team. Promoting multisport athletes Coach strongly promotes and supports student to be multi-sport athletes. Some coach’s actions restrict student ability to be multi-sport athletes. Coach directly, and/or indirectly, discourages students to be multi-sport athletes. Academics Coach creates a culture of academic importance by monitoring academic performance throughout the season by taking an active role in assisting students. Coach reacts to academic monitoring provided by athletic office. Coach does not abide by the rules of academic eligibility and places no value on academics. Sportsmanship Coach and athletes demonstrate respect to opponents, officials, and fans and encourages others to do the same. Coach and/or athletes demonstrate some respect, but not at all times and towards all parties. There are repeated and/or serious conflicts between coaches and/or athletes and opponents, officials, and fans throughout the season. Responsibility and discipline Coach always takes responsibility for athlete behavior and discipline as a member of the team/program. Coach is inconsistent in taking responsibility for athlete behavior and discipline as a member of the team/program. Coach doesn’t have and/or enforce a set of expectations for student behavior. Positive coaching Coach always provides sound and constructive instruction in a respectful and encouraging manner. Coach occasionally provides instruction in a discouraging manner. Coach provides instruction and direction in a negative and demeaning manner. Character and leadership building Coach is always able to challenge, teach, and instill confidence in athletes while building character and leadership skills. Coach has an apathetic approach to adversity, potentially negatively impacting student confidence and leadership skills. C...
STUDENT ATHLETE. By electronically signing this form I agree to fulfill the duties, obligations, and follow all rules and requirements to be a member of my chosen school sponsored team or group. I understand the necessity of good sportsmanship and cooperation with the other team members, coaches, sponsors, teachers and school officials. I will do my best to represent my school. I understand that, in the event I am not able to participate in or complete the tryout, my coach or sponsor shall make the final determination with regard to my membership on the team or group.
STUDENT ATHLETE. The term ‘‘student athlete’’ means an indi- vidual who engages in, is eligible to engage in, or may be eligible in the future to engage in, any intercollegiate sport. An individual who is permanently ineligible to participate in a par- ticular intercollegiate sport is not a student athlete for purposes of that sport. (Pub. L. 108–304, § 2, Sept. 24, 2004, 118 Stat. 1125.) SHORT TITLE Pub. L. 108–304, § 1, Sept. 24, 2004, 118 Stat. 1125, pro- vided that: ‘‘This Act [enacting this chapter] may be cited as the ‘Sports Agent Responsibility and Trust Act’.’’
(a) Conduct prohibited
(1) directly or indirectly recruit or solicit a student athlete to enter into an agency con- tract, by—
(A) giving any false or misleading informa- tion or making a false promise or represen- tation; or
(B) providing anything of value to a stu- dent athlete or anyone associated with the student athlete before the student athlete enters into an agency contract, including any consideration in the form of a loan, or acting in the capacity of a guarantor or co- guarantor for any debt;
(2) enter into an agency contract with a stu- dent athlete without providing the student athlete with the disclosure document de- scribed in subsection (b); or
(3) predate or postdate an agency contract.
(b) Required disclosure by athlete agents to stu- dent athletes
(1) In general
(2) Signature of student athlete
STUDENT ATHLETE. Any person participating in the LIBERTY CENTER Junior/Senior High School athletic program and/or contests under the control and jurisdiction of the LIBERTY CENTER Schools and/or the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA). This policy also includes cheerleaders and wrestlerettes.
STUDENT ATHLETE. I agree to fulfill the dufies, obligafions, and follow all rules and requirements to be a member of my chosen school
STUDENT ATHLETE. An individual who engages in, is eligible to engage in, or may be eligible in the future to engage in any intercollegiate sport. If an individual is permanently ineligible to participate in a particular intercollegiate sport, the individual is not a student-athlete for purposes of that sport. (2003-375, s. 2.)
STUDENT ATHLETE. All athletes must have this signed and returned to the office before participating in athletics at EHCS. I have read the East Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx School Athletic Handbook. I commit to cooperation and philosophical support of its content as well as to adhere to the policies, standards, and guidelines as detailed in this handbook.
STUDENT ATHLETE does not include[If] an individual[ is] permanently ineligible to 4 participate in a particular interscholastic or intercollegiate sport for[, the individual 5 is not a student-athlete for purposes of] that sport.
STUDENT ATHLETE does not include[If] an individual[ is] permanently ineligible to 12 participate in a particular interscholastic or intercollegiate sport for[, the individual 13 is not a student-athlete for purposes of] that sport.