STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES The Parties will identify and collaborate on measures to assist those students who may not be performing satisfactorily to succeed. The School will seek guidance from the College designee(s) in the areas of test preparation, tutoring, College Connection services, academic advising, and the development of an integrated support system for Students across the two institutions. Students will have access to the same or similar tutoring and other academic support as provided for other students in the School District, School and College. To promote academic success, the Parties will provide academic support services as may be needed. The School counselor and its designee will work to ensure Students receive pertinent information regarding higher education, financial assistance, and assistance waivers for tuition and fees. As needed, each Party will assist families as they complete initial application and admission requirements per the respective organizations’ processes. The School District will be responsible for non-academic counseling services and the College is authorized, but not required, to provide emergency counseling intervention services. See section 4 – Disability Support Services.
Support Services Rehabilitation, counselling and EAP’s. Support is strictly non- punitive, and can be accessed at anytime (self-identification of the need for help is strongly encouraged).
Product Support Not applicable
Third Party Suppliers If Licensee wishes to obtain the Compound, Product and/or Licensed Product from a Third Party source, Licensee shall notify Pfizer through MPP of the intended source prior to making any commitments to purchase the Compound, Product and/or Licensed Product. Pfizer will determine at its sole discretion whether and on what terms to grant a license to the intended source to produce the Compound, Product and/or Licensed Product or inform Licensee whether such license already exists.
TAX SUPPORT SERVICES BNY Mellon shall provide the following tax support services for each Fund: Provide various data and reports as agreed upon in the SLDs to support TRP’s tax reporting and tax filing obligations, including: · Wash sales reporting; · QDI reporting; · DRD reporting; · PFIC analysis; · Straddle analysis; · Paydown adjustments; · Equalization debit adjustments · Tax compliance under §851, §817(h); · Foreign bond sale analysis (§988); · Troubled debt analysis; · Estimation of income for excise tax purposes; · Swap analysis; · Inflation adjustments; · §1256 adjustments; · Market discount analysis; OID adjustments; · CPDI analysis; · Shareholder tax reporting information (e.g. FTC, UGG income, foreign source income by country, exempt income by state); Provide data, and reports based on such data, maintained by BNY Mellon on its fund accounting platform as reasonably requested by TRP to support TRP’s obligations to comply with requests from tax authorities and TRP’s tax reporting and tax filing obligations. Assist with other tax-related data needs as mutually agreed upon in writing from time-to-time.
Hospice Services Services are available for a Member whose Attending Physician has determined the Member's illness will result in a remaining life span of six months or less.
Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").
Investigational Services This plan covers certain experimental or investigational services as described in this section. This plan covers clinical trials as required under R.I. General Law § 27-20-60. An approved clinical trial is a phase I, phase II, phase III, or phase IV clinical trial that is being performed to prevent, detect or treat cancer or a life-threatening disease or condition. In order to qualify, the clinical trial must be: • federally funded; • conducted under an investigational new drug application reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); or • a drug trial that is exempt from having such an investigational new drug application. To qualify to participate in a clinical trial: • you must be determined to be eligible, according to the trial protocol; • a network provider must have concluded that your participation would be appropriate; and • medical and scientific information must have been provided establishing that your participation in the clinical trial would be appropriate. If a network provider is participating in a clinical trial, and the trial is being conducted in the state in which you reside, you may be required to participate in the trial through the network provider. Coverage under this plan includes routine patient costs for covered healthcare services furnished in connection with participation in a clinical trial. The amount you pay is based on the type of service you receive. Coverage for clinical trials does not include: • the investigational item, device, or service itself; • items or services provided solely to satisfy data collection and that are not used in the direct clinical management; or • a service that is clearly inconsistent with widely accepted standards of care.
Innovative Scheduling Schedules which are inconsistent with the Collective Agreement provisions may be developed in order to improve quality of working life, support continuity of resident care, ensure adequate staffing resources, and support cost-efficiency. The parties agree that such innovative schedules may be determined locally by the Home and the Union subject to the following principles: (a) Such schedules shall be established by mutual agreement of the Home and the Union; (b) These schedules may pertain to full-time and/or part-time employees; (c) The introduction of such schedules and trial periods, if any, shall be determined by the local parties. Such schedules may be discontinued by either party with notice as determined through local negotiations; (d) Upon written agreement of the Home and the Union, the parties may agree to amend collective agreement provisions to accommodate any innovative unit schedules; (e) It is understood and agreed that these arrangements are based on individual circumstances and each agreement is made on a without prejudice or precedent basis. (f) It is understood and agreed that these arrangements can be utilized for temporary job postings for seasonal coverage (e.g. weekend workers, etc.).
Program Monitoring The Contractor will make all records and documents required under this Agreement as outlined here, in OEC Policies and NHECC Policies available to the SRO or its designee, the SR Fiscal Officer or their designee and the OEC. Scheduled monitoring visits will take place twice a year. The SRO and OEC reserve the right to make unannounced visits.