Staff Meetings. Staff meetings, whether in the store or off the premises, shall be considered as time worked and paid for accordingly, except meal meetings at which the attendance is voluntary. Such meal meetings in excess of three (3) during each Contract year shall be considered as time worked and paid for accordingly.
Staff Meetings. Employees who are required to attend staff meetings will be paid their appropriate rate of pay. When the meeting is voluntary, the employee has no obligation to attend.
Staff Meetings.
14.01 Staff meetings, whenever held, shall be considered as time worked, and compensated for, except where attendance by an employee is on a voluntary basis. Notices posted for staff meetings will clearly state whether the meeting is mandatory or voluntary.
Staff Meetings. Regular staff meetings shall be scheduled by the Principal in consultation with the teaching staff and upon consensus whenever possible. Regularly scheduled staff meetings shall be held no more than once per month on average. Each meeting shall be no more than seventy-five (75) minutes in length. The dates of the regular staff meetings shall be set within the first month of the school year and communicated to all teachers. Regularly scheduled staff meetings may include administrative/organizational issues, professional development, training and other matters aligned with school and board goals. Teachers are expected to attend regularly scheduled staff meetings. Teachers may submit agenda items to the Principal for consideration.
Staff Meetings. There shall be, at minimum, quarterly staff meetings of librarians in the negotiating unit and other professionals assigned to the library with the Director of the Library to inform, consult and advise on matters of concern to the library. Such unit members may suggest items for inclusion on the agenda of such meetings. Such matters of concern may include discussion of the general structure of the library.
Staff Meetings. The Employer agrees to allow weekly staff meetings during working hours. The weekly one (1) hour staff meeting shall be included in the thirty-five (35) hours of work per week.
Staff Meetings. There shall be periodic staff meetings with the appropriate unit director. Professional staff members may suggest items for inclusion on the agenda of such meetings.
Staff Meetings. Staff meetings, wherever held, shall be considered as time worked, and compensated for, except where attendance by an employee is on a voluntary basis. The Company must clearly inform the employee if the staff meeting is voluntary.
Staff Meetings. Staff meetings normally will take place on a regular basis. Minutes will be shared with staff. All employees required to attend these meetings will do so on paid time. Employees will be provided at least two weeks’ notice of meetings that are pre-planned.
Staff Meetings. If attendance is required by the supervisor, each Educational Assistant shall be paid at his/her hourly rate for the time spent attending these meetings. The minimum amount of time compensated shall be one-half (1/2) hour.