IEP Meetings Sample Clauses

IEP Meetings. Each teacher who attends an IEP meeting for non-public students outside the teacher day shall be compensated at the rate of .0005 of the BA base salary per hour for each hour of meeting attendance.
IEP MeetingsThe School will develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and conduct an IEP meeting with the student’s parents/guardians for each exceptional student enrolled in the School. The School will utilize all of the Sponsor’s forms and procedures related to ESE eligibility, IEP and placement process procedures. The School will invite the Sponsor to participate in the initial staffing and IEP meetings at the school and will provide the Sponsor with 10-day notice of such meetings as required by law and accompanied by a copy of the Parent Participation Form. A representative of the Sponsor shall participate in all initial IEP, EP, and applicable Section 504 Plan meetings. The administrator or designee in charge at the School will serve as the LEA Representative at all other annual and interim IEP, EP, and Section 504 meetings, which the School shall conduct.
IEP MeetingsTo the extent possible, IEP meetings shall be held during the teacher work day with class coverage provided for participating teachers. In the event an IEP meeting cannot be scheduled during the work day, a regular education teacher or ISGI invited and attending the IEP outside the workday shall be paid at the home instruction rate.
IEP Meetings. The District and site based special education staff shall be responsible for arranging the necessary IEP meetings. CHARTER shall be responsible for having certificated and administrative representatives of CHARTER in attendance at all IEP meetings in addition to representatives who are knowledgeable about the regular education program at CHARTER. District responsibility shall include notification, facilitation and documentation of IEP meetings and provision of parental rights.
IEP Meetings. 1. IEP meetings that are outside of the required timelines may be held on Wednesdays in order to mitigate the delays of the 2019-2020 school shutdowns. 2. IEP meetings may also be conducted on Wednesdays to complete amendments that outline services as a result of COVID 19. In order to meet compliance deadlines created by COVID 19, IEP amendments may be conducted during the first two weeks during the school year. 3. All other IEPs shall be scheduled as required by law or at a mutually agreed upon time and place that allows for parent participation as required by law and as part of the professional duties and current collective bargaining agreement. IEP meetings may be scheduled during the asynchronous portion of the school day.
IEP Meetings. Elementary: IEP meetings will only be scheduled on days in which the teacher(s) involved have two full preparation periods. If a teacher attends IEP meetings during all full preparation periods in one day, the teacher will be compensated for one lost preparation period at the class coverage rate. Middle/High School: IEP meetings will only be scheduled during one full preparation period per day. If a teacher attends IEP meetings during both full preparation periods in one day, the teacher will be compensated for one lost preparation period at the class coverage rate.
IEP MeetingsAll teachers who have students with an IEP, and said student is part of that teacher’s responsibility, will be encouraged to express their concerns regarding these students. They may have input at the IEP meetings provided the meetings do not conflict with their classroom responsibilities.
IEP MeetingsThe School will develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and conduct an IEP meeting with the student’s family for each exceptional student enrolled in the School. The School will utilize all of the Sponsor’s forms and procedures related to ESE eligibility, IEP and placement process procedures. The School will invite the Sponsor to participate in all IEP meetings (including initial staffing and annual IEP review meetings) at the School and will provide the Sponsor at least two (2) weeks prior notice of such meetings accompanied by a copy of the Parent Participation Form, by mail or given in person If it is determined by an IEP committee that the needs of a student with disabilities cannot be met at the School, the School and Sponsor will take steps to secure another placement for the student in accordance with federal and state mandates. The School’s staff will work together with the Sponsor's personnel to ensure that the needs of these students are met. The School’s staff will work closely and as early as possible in the planning/development stages, with Sponsor staff to discuss the services needed by the School’s students with disabilities.
IEP MeetingsThe District agrees to make every effort within the limitations of state and federal law to ensure that IEP meetings not occur beyond the eight (8)-hour workday referenced in Section 8.5., and that no more than three (3) meetings per month extend beyond the six (6) hour and thirty-five (35) minutes on-site workday referenced in Section 8.5. 1. After securing prior approval from the unit member’s supervisor to schedule the meeting beyond the eight (8)-hour workday, unit members shall be compensated at their pro-rata rate for any required IEP meetings that take place beyond the eight (8)-hour work day.
IEP Meetings. 18.4.1 IEP meetings, written notice for which unit members shall receive at least ten (10) work days in advance, shall normally be scheduled during the instructional day and, shall not exceed five (5) hours per year outside the instructional day unless waived by the unit member; any time beyond five (5) hours shall be paid at the contract hourly rate. If possible, the District will attempt to avoid scheduling IEP meetings during scheduled parent conference time. The District shall make every effort to involve those responsible for implementation of the IEP in the formulation of that IEP. At least one (1) general education teacher shall attend the IEP meeting for no longer than is required by law.