Study director. For each study, a scientist or other professional of appropriate education, training, and experience, or combina- tion thereof, shall be identified as the study director. The study director has overall responsibility for the technical conduct of the study, as well as for the interpretation, analysis, documenta- tion, and reporting of results, and rep- resents the single point of study con- trol. The study director shall assure that:
Study director. 3.1 Biocept shall appoint a “Study Director” to be responsible for each SOW. The Study Director shall coordinate performance of the Research Support and Services related to a SOW with a representative designated by Institution, which representative shall have responsibility for coordinating performance of the SOW for Institution. The Study Director and Institution’s representative shall be named in each SOW.
Study director. F o r e a c h s t u d y , a scie n t i s t o r o t h e r p r ofessio n a l of a pp r op x x x x x xx u c a t io n , t r a i n i n g, a n d expe r ie n ce, o r co m bi n a- t io n t h e r eof, s h a ll be ide n t ified a s t h e s t u d y di r ec t o r . T h e s t u d y di r ec t o r h a s ove r a ll r espo n s ibili t y fo r t h e t ec hn ic a l co n d u c t of t h e s t u d y , a s well a s fo r t h e i n t e r p r e t a t io n , a n a l y s i s, xxx u m e n t a- t io n , a n d r epo r t i n g of r es u l t s, a n d r ep- r ese n t s t h e s i n gle poi n t of s t u d y co n- t r ol. T h e s t u d y di r ec x x x x x x ll a ss ur e t h a t :
Study director. WIL shall appoint a study director to be responsible for each Study (the “Study Director”). The Study Director will coordinate performance of the Study with the Sponsor’s designated representative, which representative shall have responsibility over all matters related to performance of the Study on behalf of Sponsor. WIL will not change the Study Director without the prior approval of Sponsor, which approval shall not be unreasonably delayed, conditioned, or withheld.
Study director. Contractor will appoint a "Study Director" to be responsible for the Study, and Sponsor will appoint a "Technical Representative" (AOAC RI Managing Director) to be responsible for the Study. Contractor's Study Director will coordinate performance of the Study with Sponsor's Technical Representative, who shall have the responsibility for all matters related to the performance of the Study on behalf of Sponsor. Contractor shall be entitled to rely upon representations and statements made to Contractor by Sponsor's Technical Representative.
Study director. The Study will be conducted under the direction (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,),. as the study director (the "Study Director"). By signing this Statement of Work, the Study Director agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Statement of Work and the Agreement to the extent that such terms and conditions relate to the Study Director. The Study Director hereby acknowledges receiving and reading a copy of the Agreement.
Study director. (a) RGI shall appoint a study director (“Study Director”) to be responsible to oversee the completion of each Study by RGI. The Study Director shall coordinate performance of the applicable Study with a representative designated by GSK BIO (“GSK BIO Representative”), which GSK BIO Representative shall have responsibility over all matters relating to the performance of such Study on behalf of GSK BIO.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to in the applicable SOW, or by the Study Director and GSK BIO Representative, all communications between RGI and GSK BIO regarding the conduct of each Study pursuant to a SOW shall be addressed to or routed directly through the applicable Study Director and GSK BIO Representative. RGI may substitute its Study Director and GSK BIO may substitute the GSK BIO Representative, as the case may be, during the course of a particular Study by providing written notice thereof to the other Party.
Study director. 1.2.1 RGI shall appoint a study director ("Study Director") to be responsible to oversee the completion of each Study by RGI. The Study Director shall coordinate performance of the applicable Study with a representative designated by GSK ("GSK Representative"), which GSK Representative shall have responsibility over all matters relating to the performance of such Study on behalf of GSK.
1.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed to in the applicable SOW, or by the Study Director and GSK Representative, all communications between RGI and GSK regarding the conduct of each Study pursuant to a SOW shall be addressed to or routed directly through the applicable Study Director and GSK Representative. RGI may substitute its Study Director and GSK may substitute the GSK Representative, as the case may be, during the course of a particular Study by providing written notice thereof to the other Party.
Study director. 1.2.1 RGI shall appoint a study director ("Study Director") to be responsible to oversee the completion of each Study by RGI. The Study Director shall coordinate performance of the applicable Study with a representative designated by GSK ("GSK Representative"), which GSK Representative shall have responsibility over all matters relating to the performance of such Study on behalf of GSK. Portions of this Exhibit were omitted and have been filed separately with the Secretary of the Commission pursuant to the Company’s application requesting confidential treatment under Rule 406 of the Securities Act.
1.2.2 Unless otherwise agreed to in the applicable SOW, or by the Study Director and GSK Representative, all communications between RGI and GSK regarding the conduct of each Study pursuant to a SOW shall be addressed to or routed directly through the applicable Study Director and GSK Representative. RGI may substitute its Study Director and GSK may substitute the GSK Representative, as the case may be, during the course of a particular Study by providing written notice thereof to the other Party.
Study director. Covance will appoint a Study director (“Study Director”) to be responsible for the completion of the Study by Covance. The Study Director will coordinate performance of the Study with a representative designated by Sponsor (“Sponsor Representative”), which representative shall have responsibility over all matters relating to performance of the Study on behalf of Sponsor. Unless otherwise agreed in the Protocol, all communication between Covance and Sponsor regarding the conduct of the Study pursuant to the Protocol shall be addressed to or routed through the Study Director and Sponsor Representative, directly. Covance may substitute Study Directors during the course of the Study.