Teachers in a shared job shall receive the pro-rata share of salary which reflects the fraction of time the position is shared and as provided at Appendix A of the Master Agreement.
Teachers in a full-year non-semestered school shall provide three Provincial Report Cards per year. Teachers in a semestered school shall provide two Provincial Report Cards per semester. In addition to the provincial Report Cards, a full-year non-semestered school may issue one progress or credit endangered report. A semestered school may issue one progress or credit endangered report per semester. It is understood that the foregoing language does not preclude individual Teachers from providing, either verbally or in written/electronic form, student progress reports or marks summaries, upon request from students and parents, where practicable, or to the Principal, pursuant to the duties of teachers under the Education Act or on their own initiative based on their professional judgement.
Teachers in a job sharing assignment will be given salary schedule step advancement in accordance with Article 8.
Teachers in a shared job shall accrue seniority and salary schedule credit as if employed full time. Teachers working only one (1) semester in a shared job will have seniority accrual only through the semester worked.
Teachers in. AFSCME certificated bargaining unit who work 7 hours be increased to 8 hours to include prep time. All 8-hour employees shall receive daily prep time.
Teachers in a job sharing assignment will be given salary schedule step advancement in accordance with Article 8.20. Teachers in a shared time assignment will be paid on a pro- rata share of salary, which reflects the fraction of time the position is shared and as provided for in the salary schedule of the Master Agreement.