Technical Assistance Visits Sample Clauses

Technical Assistance VisitsThe CONTRACTOR will conduct technical assistance site visits to small quantity generators of dangerous wastes, and to businesses or organizations that have the potential to pollute stormwater. Approximately 60% of the visits will be Initial Visits. If Initial Visits fall below 60%, combined Initial Visits and Follow-up Visits must account for at least 80% of the total visits. While necessary, efforts should be made to minimize Screening Visits. • An Initial Visit occurs at the actual site and results in a completed ‘checklist’ (or enough data gathered to complete data entry into the LSC database). It will either be the first complete visit to a site OR the first visit in two or more years. • A Screening Visit is an attempted visit to the site, but the business declined or put off the visit, OR you were interrupted during the visit and were unable to gather complete data, OR you discover that the facility does not exist anymore OR you discover that the business does not qualify for a visit under the PPA program (e.g. it is a medium or large quantity generator). • A Follow-Up Visit should occur within 90 days of the Initial Visit. Follow-up should generally be done through an on-site visit. However, a phone conversation, mail or email exchange may count as a Follow-Up Visit if it includes confirmation that the issues that were identified in the initial visit were resolved. Follow-up Visits must be conducted to resolve High Priority Environmental Issues (See section below).
Technical Assistance Visits. To anticipate the needs of accessing and understanding the stabilization grant, DCYF assumes a minimum of three technical assistance visits will be necessary. • Why DCYF is giving stabilization grants • How funding is calculated into three categories of the grant • How funding can be used • Timelines: applying, receiving, and spending grant • Connection to resources (ex: Frequently asked questions, what additional TA can include) • Describe auditing possibility and need to keep receipts • Update staff records in MERIT • Access grant application o Review and select Add-Ons o Overview of anticipated grant amount • Provider submits grant application • Access email to ensure confirmation was received • How to track receipts • Ideas on how to use the funding, emphasizing business sustainability • Reminders about timeframe to spend the grant award
Technical Assistance VisitsThe contractor will conduct technical assistance visits at small generators of dangerous wastes, and businesses or organizations that have the potential to pollute stormwater. Depending upon a jurisdiction’s conditions, approximately 60% of the visits will be initial (i.e., small businesses or organizations that have never been visited, or have not received a LSC visit within two or more years). The balance of visits will be return visits to resolve high priority environmental issues; see Table 3.

Related to Technical Assistance Visits

  • Technical Assistance DFPS may provide informal support, guidance, clarification, and other forms of technical assistance via phone, email, and virtual meeting to resolve Grant or performance compliance issues. Grantee will document all such instances of technical assistance by DFPS in writing, including any implementation work.

  • Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Consulting Teachers (CT) will be assigned to all new teachers with no prior teaching experience and tenured teachers rated ineffective on the qualitative measures at the end of the previous school year and recommended by the PAR Panel. Evaluations for Probationary and Ineffective Teachers:

  • Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").

  • Educational Assistance Section 1. Tuition reimbursement shall be provided to employees covered by this collective bargaining AGREEMENT under the same terms and conditions, policies and procedures as the rest of Hennepin County and reflecting a county–wide pool for funding. See Hennepin County Tuition Reimbursement Policy Frequently Asked Questions Section 2. Where courses are required and certified by the appointing authority as essential to current job performance, such appointing authority shall grant 100% reimbursement for tuition, required fees and required study materials. Section 3. At the request of an employee, an Individual Development Plan shall be established. Any employee making the request shall be provided with paid time to work with their Supervisor or Human Resources to develop a training plan for career development within Hennepin County. Human Resources will be a source of career information, and postings, in which the employee may have an interest. Time allotted for this activity and the training plan adopted shall be subject to mutual agreement of the Employee and Supervisor.

  • Directory Assistance Service 8.3.1 Directory Assistance Service provides local end user telephone number listings with the option to complete the call at the caller's direction separate and distinct from local switching.

  • Directory Assistance Service Updates BellSouth shall update end user listings changes daily. These changes include: New end user connections End user disconnections

  • Payments for Distribution Assistance and Administrative Support Services (a) Payments to the Distributor. In consideration of the payments made by the Fund to the Distributor under this Plan, the Distributor shall provide administrative support services and distribution services to the Fund. Such services include distribution assistance and administrative support services rendered in connection with Shares (1) sold in purchase transactions, (2) issued in exchange for shares of another investment company for which the Distributor serves as distributor or sub-distributor, or (3) issued pursuant to a plan of reorganization to which the Fund is a party. If the Board believes that the Distributor may not be rendering appropriate distribution assistance or administrative support services in connection with the sale of Shares, then the Distributor, at the request of the Board, shall provide the Board with a written report or other information to verify that the Distributor is providing appropriate services in this regard. For such services, the Fund will make the following payments to the Distributor:

  • Directory Assistance 72.1 The Parties acknowledge that CenturyLink is not a Directory Assistance (DA) provider. CenturyLink provides directory listings information for its subscribers to third party DA providers to be included in the national and local databases used by such third party providers. The Parties agree that to the extent the DA provider contracted by CLEC for DA services to CLEC’s subscribers also populates the national DA database, then CLEC’s DA listings have been made available to CenturyLink’s subscribers and no further effort is needed by either Party. If for any reason, CLEC desires that CenturyLink act as a middleman conduit for the placement of CLEC’s DA listings in the DA database(s), then CenturyLink shall provide such compensable DA listings service pursuant to separate written terms and conditions between CenturyLink and CLEC which will be attached to this Agreement as an Amendment.

  • Technical Support State Street will provide technical support to assist the Fund in using the System and the Data Access Services. The total amount of technical support provided by State Street shall not exceed 10 resource days per year. State Street shall provide such additional technical support as is expressly set forth in the fee schedule in effect from time to time between the parties (the “Fee Schedule”). Technical support, including during installation and testing, is subject to the fees and other terms set forth in the Fee Schedule.