Temporary Layoff. In cases where there is a temporary reduction in hours or where a layoff is considered not permanent, as much notice as possible will be given with a minimum of two (2) days. i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority. ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time. iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees. iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority. a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off. c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time. d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where When there is a temporary layoff, that is a reduction in hours force for a definite period of time for any reason not set forth in Sections (30) and (32), employees on each shift in each classification and in each department or where a layoff is considered not permanent, such groupings of departments performing substantially similar work as much notice as possible may be agreed upon locally will be given with a minimum of two laid off as follows:
(2) days.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior Probationary employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
(b) Employees with less than one year of seniority will be laid off according to seniority.
(c) A relief Employees with one year or more of seniority will be laid off in the inverse or descending order of their seniority with the most senior employee being laid off first. They will be advised of the expected duration of the layoff and their scheduled return date. However, such employees may elect to remain at work and if able to perform the available work will be permitted to do so in their own classification for a specific time the same seniority order up to replace a regular classified employeethe number of employees required. The arrangement described above must result in maintaining an experienced, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during qualified workforce capable of assuring the specified replacement timeuninterrupted and efficient operation of the plant.
(d) If the expected duration of the temporary layoff is subsequently extended to a later but definite date, employees laid off pursuant to Subsection (c) above will be afforded the option of returning to work on the date originally scheduled or remaining on layoff for the duration of the extended period. An employee who elects to return on the originally scheduled date will displace the junior position employee on the shift in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position classification in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until department.
(e) If it becomes necessary to recall employees laid off under Subsection (c) above prior to the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or date originally planned, they will be recalled in the ascending order of their seniority with the most junior such employee on each shift in each classification in each department or group of departments being called first. If, after employees are temporarily laid off. Subject to off under Subsection (c), it is determined in a department or group of departments that the needs temporary layoff will be extended for an indefinite period of the businesstime, the Company work force in the department or group of departments including those employees on temporary layoff will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen be adjusted within ten (1310) weeksworking days in accordance with Section (32).
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases A temporary layoff shall mean a layoff that will not exceed thirteen (13) calendar weeks in any twenty (20) week period, unless the parties agree otherwise as permitted under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as it may be amended from time to time. The Company may lay off employees within each of the three (3) areas, (ie. Equipment Manufacturing, Stockroom and Maintenance) in accordance with Section 12.02 for a temporary layoff period of three (3) consecutive working days or less. It is understood that this temporary layoff can only be invoked to a maximum of three (3) occasions per contract year per area. This clause can only be used when the layoff is necessitated because of an emergency situation, or where there is insufficient work available, due to conditions beyond the control of the Company. The Employer will provide the affected employees who have been employed for ninety (90) calendar days or more, who will be laid off for a temporary reduction period of more than (3) three working days, but less than thirteen (13) calendar weeks, with seven (7) working days of Notice. The Union will be advised of such layoffs in hours advance of any employee receiving notice and will receive copies of all of the Notices of Layoff. The Employer may lay off employees from the classifications within Groups A, B or C as set out for Manufacturing, Stockroom or Maintenance. Employees laid off in Groups A, B and C in the Equipment Manufacturing Shop, as shown in Article 31, may exercise their seniority in either group. Employees laid off in Group A and Group B in the Stockroom as shown in Article 31, may exercise their seniority in this group. Probationary employees in the classifications where a layoff is considered not permanent, as much notice as possible occurring will be given with a minimum of two (2) days.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, released before any seniority rated employee is laid off. Thereafter employees will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled laid off in the classification at classifications identified by the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be Employer in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced. An employee, who is entitled disabled and absent from work, due to displace illness or injury on the most junior date that a notice of layoff would otherwise have been served, shall be served such notice of layoff in accordance with this Article. For purposes of this Article, the effective date of layoff shall be deemed to be the date of layoff as set out in the notice of layoff. It is understood that the application of this Section shall not alter any of the rights of the disabled employee, as set out elsewhere in this Agreement. Employees subject to layoff will have the option of accepting the layoff or exercising his seniority to bump an employee in an equal or lower paying job classification provided the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability skills, abilities and qualifications to perform do the junior employee's workwork without training other than orientation of five working days. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, Employees who are bumped in accordance with the company above procedure will determine likewise have the bumping sequence in such a manner so as option to afford senior employees accept the layoff or exercising his seniority to bump an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in an equal or lower paying job classification provided the plant provided they have employee has the reasonable ability skills, abilities and qualifications to perform do the work available.
b) The junior without training other than orientation of five working days. An employee in who exercises his right to bump into a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace lower paying classification will be paid the most junior employee lower of the top rate in the plantnew classification or his current rate of pay, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid offwhichever is less.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where An employee who has received notice of a temporary layoff (a layoff of up to six (6) months) shall have the right to either:
i) accept the layoff, or if not accepted;
ii) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification within the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
iii) displace the least senior employee in any classification in Group 1 within the employee's seniority group (in the case of an RPN layoff, an RPN shall also be given the option to bump the HCA and/or Orderly classification), or if this does not occur;
iv) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification outside the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
v) displace the least senior employee in a higher paid classification within the employee’s seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
vi) if offered by the Corporation, accept a transfer into an equal or lower paid second subsequent vacancy within the employee's seniority group, in which there is a temporary reduction vacancy which the Corporation has determined must be filled and for which the employee is able to perform the required work. (It is understood that this provision prevails over the collective agreement's posting procedures). For the purpose of Articles 16.03 (3) (c), in the case of part-time employees who work on a "regularly scheduled" basis, the "least senior employee" shall mean: The least senior employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis or the least senior employee who works on an as required, irregular basis. For example, in the case of a part-time employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, the employee would, subject to other provisions of Article XVI, be given the option to bump the least senior regularly scheduled part-time employee first and failing this, the option to bump the least senior employee within the applicable classification and seniority group. It is understood that part-time bumping options may be of lesser hours than the employee receives in the position s/he is being laid off from. An employee must, within five (5) working days of receipt of the layoff notice, notify a representative of the Human Resources Department in writing of his or where a her intention to review and/or exercise the options as contemplated above. Employees failing to provide this notification within the above time limit will be deemed to have accepted the layoff and will forfeit bumping rights. A bumping employee must always be senior to the employee he or she is considered not permanentbumping, as much notice as possible and an employee who bumps pursuant to this article will be given orientation consistent with a minimum of two (2) daysinternal job-posting candidates.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where An employee who has received notice of a temporary layoff (a layoff of up to six (6) months) shall have the right to either:
i) accept the layoff, or if not accepted;
ii) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification within the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
iii) displace the least senior employee in any classification in Group 1 within the employee's seniority group (in the case of an RPN layoff, an RPN shall also be given the option to bump the HCA and/or Orderly classification), or if this does not occur;
iv) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification outside the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
v) if offered by the Corporation, accept a transfer into an equal or lower paid second subsequent vacancy within the employee's seniority group, in which there is a temporary reduction vacancy which the Corporation has determined must be filled and for which the employee is able to perform the required work. (It is understood that this provision prevails over the collective agreement's posting procedures). For the purpose of Articles 16.03 (3) c), in the case of part-time employees who work on a "regularly scheduled" basis, the "least senior employee" shall mean: The least senior employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, or the least senior employee who works on an as required, irregular basis. For example, in the case of a part-time employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, the employee would, subject to other provisions of Article XVI, be given the option to bump the least senior regularly scheduled part-time employee first and failing this, the option to bump the least senior employee within the applicable classification and seniority group. It is understood that part-time bumping options may be of lesser hours than the employee receives in the position s/he is being laid off from. An employee must, within five (5) working days of receipt of the layoff notice, notify a representative of the Human Resources Department in writing of his or where a her intention to review and/or exercise the options as contemplated above. Employees failing to provide this notification within the above time limit will be deemed to have accepted the layoff and will forfeit bumping rights. A bumping employee must always be senior to the employee he or she is considered not permanentbumping, as much notice as possible and an employee who bumps pursuant to this article will be given orientation consistent with a minimum of two (2) daysinternal job-posting candidates.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where When there is a temporary layoff, that is, a reduction in hours force for a definite period of time for any reason not set forth in Section (30), employees on each shift in each classification and in each department or where a layoff is considered not permanent, such groupings of departments performing substantially similar work as much notice as possible may be agreed upon locally will be given with a minimum of two laid off as follows:
(2) days.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior Probationary employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
(b) Employees with less than one year of seniority will be laid off according to seniority.
(c) A relief Employees with one year or more of seniority will be laid off in the inverse or descending order of their seniority with the most senior employee being laid off first. They will be advised of the expected duration of the layoff and their scheduled return date. However, such employees may elect to remain at work and if able to perform the available work will be permitted to do so in their own classification for a specific time the same seniority order up to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement timenumber of employees required.
(d) If the expected duration of the temporary layoff is subsequently extended to a later but definite date, employees laid off pursuant to Subsection (c) above will be afforded the option of returning to work on the date originally scheduled or remaining on layoff for the duration of the extended period. An employee who elects to return on the originally scheduled date will displace the junior position employee on the shift in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position classification in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall department.
(e) If, after employees are temporarily laid off under Subsection (c), it is determined in a department or group of departments that the temporary layoff will be followed until extended for an indefinite period of time, the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee work force in the plant if they can perform the job without training department or they group of departments including those employees on temporary layoff will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the businessadjusted within ten (10) working days in accordance with Section (30), the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeksLayoff Procedure - Indefinite Layoffs.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where An employee who has received notice of a temporary layoff (a layoff of up to six (6) months) shall have the right to either:
i) accept the layoff, or if not accepted;
ii) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification within the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
iii) displace the least senior employee in any classification in Group 1 within the employee's seniority group (in the case of an RPN layoff, an RPN shall also be given the option to bump the PSW and/or Orderly classification), or if this does not occur;
iv) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification outside the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
v) displace the least senior employee in a higher paid classification within the employee’s seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
vi) if offered by the Corporation, accept a transfer into an equal or lower paid second subsequent vacancy within the employee's seniority group, in which there is a temporary reduction vacancy which the Corporation has determined must be filled and for which the employee is able to perform the required work. (It is understood that this provision prevails over the collective agreement's posting procedures). For the purpose of Articles 16.03 (3) (c), in the case of part-time employees who work on a "regularly scheduled" basis, the "least senior employee" shall mean: The least senior employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis or the least senior employee who works on an as required, irregular basis. For example, in the case of a part-time employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, the employee would, subject to other provisions of Article 16, be given the option to bump the least senior regularly scheduled part-time employee first and failing this, the option to bump the least senior employee within the applicable classification and seniority group. It is understood that part-time bumping options may be of lesser hours than the employee receives in the position s/he is being laid off from. An employee must, within five (5) working days of receipt of the layoff notice, notify a representative of the Human Resources Department in writing of his or where a her intention to review and/or exercise the options as contemplated above. Employees failing to provide this notification within the above time limit will be deemed to have accepted the layoff and will forfeit bumping rights. A bumping employee must always be senior to the employee he or she is considered not permanentbumping, as much notice as possible and an employee who bumps pursuant to this article will be given orientation consistent with a minimum of two (2) daysinternal job-posting candidates.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where there is the event of a temporary reduction in hours layoff that exceeds fourteen (14) calendar days, the laid off employee will have the option of: • ceasing employment with the University and electing enhanced severance pay effective the date of layoff as per the severance pay schedule attached as Appendix A hereto; or where a layoff is considered not permanent, as much notice as possible will be given with a minimum of two (2) days.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave • accepting the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace layoff; or • displacing the most junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification within the department provided that Department, unless no such displacement option is available within the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's workDepartment. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain only lower classification positions are available in the department if possible. Where the senior Department, an employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to can displace the most junior employee in those classifications and they shall maintain their higher rate of pay. If no such displacement option is available within the plant provided they have Department, the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced off employee may displace a junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification within the plant if they can perform University. In all cases, the displacement of the most junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification is dependent on the laid off employee being capable of performing the duties of the job without with an eight (8) day training and familiarization period. The employee displaced as a result of the above displacement procedure shall have the option of: • Ceasing employment with the University and electing enhanced severance pay effective the date of layoff as per the severance pay schedule attached as Appendix A hereto; or • accepting the layoff; or • displacing the most junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification within the Department, unless no such displacement option is available within the Department. Where only lower classification positions are available in the Department, an employee can displace the junior employee in those classifications and they shall maintain their higher rate of pay. If no such displacement option is available within the Department, the laid off employee may displace a junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification within the University. In all cases, the displacement of the most junior employee in an equal or lower paying classification is dependent on the laid off employee , being capable of performing the duties of the job with an eight (8) day training and familiarization period. The employee displaced as a result of the third displacement shall not have the option of displacing another employee, but shall have the option of: • Ceasing employment with the University and electing enhanced severance pay effective the date of layoff as per the severance pay schedule attached as Appendix A hereto; or • accepting the layoff. Employees who are temporarily laid off and who displace employees in another department will be laid off. Subject to assigned the needs shift start time and workday schedule (days of the businessweek worked) of the employee they displaced. When the University implements a new shift schedule, the Company seniority of the employees who regularly work in the department will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods have preference over the employees who have displaced into the department. Following this, the seniority of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeksthe employees who have displaced into the department will be applied.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where there is a temporary reduction Layoffs lasting no longer than one (1) full week beyond the week in hours or where a which the layoff is considered not permanent, as much notice as possible occurs will be given with a minimum of two (2) days.
i) Seasonalhandled by seniority, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave work group, of the classification prior classification, on the shift. When Layoffs are expected to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displacedfull week beyond the week in which the layoff occurs, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford least senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possibleaffected classification will be layed off first, starting with probationary employees. Where the senior An employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled layed off from his classification may use his plant seniority to displace the most junior least senior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work availablebargaining unit. The junior employee in the plant parties agree that maintenance, mould technicians and other non-interchangeable classifications will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by an employee in an interchangeable classification as a junior result of a layoff. Seniority permitting, an employee layed off from a non-interchangeable classification may displace an employee in a different non–interchangeable classification, providing they have previously worked in that classification. An Employee being layed off from these classifications will have the option of displacing the lowest seniority employee from another the interchangeable classification, providing, their seniority is greater. In the event of a Maintenance or Mould Technician xxxxxxx reduction, the following will apply based on the size of the reduction: The apprentices would be layed off first (displacing the lowest seniority employee from the interchangeable classification, providing, their seniority is greater) based on start dates within the Maintenance or Mould Technician classification. (Last apprentice entering the Maintenance or Mould Technician classification during is layed off out of the specified replacement time.
ddepartment first, same date starts are based on plant seniority). If further reduction is required, skilled trades Maintenance Technicians or Mould Technicians will be layed off based on their classification seniority. Trades may be protected (electricians, millwrights, tool & die/mould makers) If based on business needs without regard to seniority. An employee being layed off from these classifications will have the junior position option of displacing the lowest seniority employee from the interchangeable classification, providing, their seniority is greater. As apprentices become licensed tradesmen, their seniority within the department is based on the enrollment date with the Ontario Training and Adjustment Board, which is then used in place of plant seniority for lay off purposes out of the department. Seniority is based on the dates they received their skilled trade ticket, not on plant seniority, except for the purpose of calculating vacation and benefits. During any layoff situation the Union Plant Committee will have super seniority, provided they can do the work without substantial training. Employees will be recalled to their home classification or into the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.line with their applicable seniority
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where When it becomes necessary to layoff employees for two working days or less, it will be the responsibility of the Company to try and place those employees affected into other jobs of a temporary nature. If it is not possible to place all the employees affected, those employees will be laid off without regard to seniority for a period not to exceed two working days. No employee shall be laid off without regard to seniority for more than a total of five working days in any contract year. Employees shall be given at least twelve hours notice of such temporary layoffs. It is understood and agreed that exception in the application of Article may be made by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. An employee given notice of layoff or reduction in classification elect to accept layoff or be placed according to the following procedure: first, the employee given notice of xxxxxx may use his/her seniority to displace a less senior employee within the classification on any shift. in the event there is no vacancy on his/her shift an employee may displace another employee with less seniority on any shift, provided he/she has the skill and ability to perform the job. if the employee is not the least senior employee on his/her shift, and is unable to displace a temporary reduction in hours or where a layoff is considered not permanentless senior employee on his/her shift, as much notice as possible then the employee will be placed and trained on a job on his/her shift and the employee with the least seniority on the shift may be moved off the shift. the employee displaced according to the above procedure by the senior employee who was given with notice of layoff or bumped may displace a minimum less senior employee according to the procedure in above, Note: will be limited to a maximum of two (2three including the least senior on the shift) days.
i) Seasonalskill and ability, part-timeas used in above, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided means that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform performed that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work availablejob satisfactorily.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where An employee who has received notice of a temporary layoff (a layoff of up to six (6) months) shall have the right to either:
i) accept the layoff, or if not accepted;
ii) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification within the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
iii) displace the least senior employee in any classification in Group 1 within the employee's seniority group (in the case of an RPN layoff, an RPN shall also be given the option to bump the HCA and/or Orderly classification), or if this does not occur;
iv) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification outside the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
v) if offered by the Corporation, accept a transfer into an equal or lower paid second subsequent vacancy within the employee's seniority group, in which there is a temporary reduction vacancy which the Corporation has determined must be filled and for which the employee is able to perform the required work. (It is understood that this provision prevails over the collective agreement's posting procedures). For the purpose of Articles 16.03 (3) (c), in the case of part-time employees who work on a "regularly scheduled" basis, the "least senior employee" shall mean: The least senior employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, or the least senior employee who works on an as required, irregular basis. For example, in the case of a part-time employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, the employee would, subject to other provisions of Article XVI, be given the option to bump the least senior regularly scheduled part-time employee first and failing this, the option to bump the least senior employee within the applicable classification and seniority group. It is understood that part-time bumping options may be of lesser hours than the employee receives in the position s/he is being laid off from. An employee must, within five (5) working days of receipt of the layoff notice, notify a representative of the Human Resources Department in writing of his or where a her intention to review and/or exercise the options as contemplated above. Employees failing to provide this notification within the above time limit will be deemed to have accepted the layoff and will forfeit bumping rights. A bumping employee must always be senior to the employee he or she is considered not permanentbumping, as much notice as possible and an employee who bumps pursuant to this article will be given orientation consistent with a minimum of two (2) daysinternal job-posting candidates.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Temporary Layoff. In cases where An employee who has received notice of a temporary layoff (a layoff of up to six (6) months) shall have the right to either:
i) accept the layoff, or if not accepted;
ii) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification within the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
iii) displace the least senior employee in any classification in Group 1 within the employee's seniority group (in the case of an RPN layoff, an RPN shall also be given the option to bump the HCA and/or Orderly classification), or if this does not occur;
iv) displace the least senior employee in an equal or lower paid classification outside the employee's seniority group provided the employee about to be laid off has successfully completed the probationary or trial period of such position and is able to perform the required work, or if this does not occur;
v) if offered by the Corporation, accept a transfer into an equal or lower paid second subsequent vacancy within the employee's seniority group, in which there is a temporary reduction vacancy which the Corporation has determined must be filled and for which the employee is able to perform the required work. (It is understood that this provision prevails over the collective agreement's posting procedures). For the purpose of Articles 16.03 (3) (c), in the case of part-time employees who work on a "regularly scheduled" basis, the "least senior employee" shall mean: The least senior employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis or the least senior employee who works on an as required, irregular basis. For example, in the case of a part-time employee who works on a regularly scheduled basis, the employee would, subject to other provisions of Article XVI, be given the option to bump the least senior regularly scheduled part-time employee first and failing this, the option to bump the least senior employee within the applicable classification and seniority group. It is understood that part-time bumping options may be of lesser hours than the employee receives in the position s/he is being laid off from. An employee must, within five (5) working days of receipt of the layoff notice, notify a representative of the Human Resources Department in writing of his or where a her intention to review and/or exercise the options as contemplated above. Employees failing to provide this notification within the above time limit will be deemed to have accepted the layoff and will forfeit bumping rights. A bumping employee must always be senior to the employee he or she is considered not permanentbumping, as much notice as possible and an employee who bumps pursuant to this article will be given orientation consistent with a minimum of two (2) daysinternal job-posting candidates.
i) Seasonal, part-time, temporary and probationary employees, will leave the classification before regular employees with seniority.
ii) Utility employees working within the classification will leave the classification prior to regular classified employees and a relief employee who may be scheduled in the classification at the time.
iii) Relief employees will leave their classification prior to regular classified employees.
iv) Regular employees in the classification will be the last to be reduced. This reduction will be in reverse order of seniority.
a) The regular classified employee being temporarily reduced, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the department provided that the senior employee has the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the junior employee's work. Where more than one (1) employee is being displaced, the company will determine the bumping sequence in such a manner so as to afford senior employees an opportunity to remain in the department if possible. Where the senior employee is unable to perform that work or there is no work in their department the senior employee is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available.
b) The junior employee in a department who is displaced from their department in a) above, is entitled to displace the most junior employee in the plant, provided they have the reasonable ability and qualifications to perform the work available. The junior employee in the plant will be laid off.
c) A relief employee scheduled in their own classification for a specific time to replace a regular classified employee, may not be displaced by a junior employee from another classification during the specified replacement time.
d) If the junior position in the plant is occupied by an employee possessing a trades license, then the junior position for the purposes of this clause only shall be the second (2nd) most junior position in the plant. The same reverse sequence shall be followed until the first (1st) position is found which the displaced employee can perform without training. Such displaced employee may displace a junior employee in the plant if they can perform the job without training or they will be laid off. Subject to the needs of the business, the Company will consider requests for voluntary layoffs during periods of temporary lay-off not exceeding thirteen (13) weeks.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement