Temporary Sample Clauses
Temporary. A temporary employee is one who is hired for a limited period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days. The Employer agrees not to use temporary employees for the sole purpose of avoiding the filling of permanent full-time positions.
Temporary. The ECD for temporary employees is calculated by giving service credits for: • previous temporary employment, if there has been no break in service exceeding 3 months and employee has less than 12 months service; • previous temporary employment, if there has been no break in service exceeding 12 months and employee has greater than 12 months service. (The ECD has an impact on statutory holidays and floating holidays.)
Temporary. Temporary employees are hired to perform work that is expected to last for a short period of time or to perform work in place of a regular employee who is absent from his/her position. For temporary full-time and temporary part-time employees, accumulated service shall mean the period of employment during which there has been no break in employment exceeding five months. Note that for pay purposes only, for temporary full time and temporary part-time employees, accumulated service shall mean the total of all periods of employment. Benefits for temporary employees will be as outlined in Part A, Item 16.0.
Temporary. An Employee who is appointed for a definite term or task that is expected to last more than three (3) but no more than twelve (12) months with a termination date anticipated at the completion of such term or task. No position, including Sessional or Part-Time Sessional positions, shall be filled for a period in excess of twelve (12) months by renewing a temporary Employee’s appointment or by appointing a series of temporary Employees. Employees shall not be able to grieve the termination of their service at the completion of the agreed term or task. Any temporary positions of at least fourteen (14) hours and no more than twenty-four (24) hours per week, shall be posted under the provisions of the YusApuY Unit 2 Collective Agreement.
Temporary. Temporary employees are those who are employed for purposes such as vacation fill-ins, sickness, leaves of absence or workload conditions. Such employment shall not exceed four (4) months’ duration within a rolling 12-month period; if employment is to continue beyond this period of time, the employee’s position will be treated in accordance with Section 6.6. The Employer, however, may extend the temporary employment period for up to an additional three (3) months upon notice and explanation to the Union of the basis for extension.
Temporary anyone employed to fill a position designed as temporary or experimental or to fill a vacancy that occurs after the opening of school, because of unanticipated enrollment, or because of death, disability, retirement or resignation or employment termination of a regular employee.
Temporary a) A temporary employee is one so informed by the Employer at the start of employment. Temporary employment shall be for a specified period not exceeding three (3) months' duration except as provided in Article 5.04(b) below, whereupon such employee shall attain regular status. A temporary employee reaching regular status will have rights under this Agreement which are based on length of service for seniority dated from the start of employment.
b) Temporary employees hired to replace employees on leave of absence under Article
10.01 shall not attain regular status during the duration of their temporary employment. Temporary employees hired under the provisions of Article 10.03 (Pregnancy, Parental, Adoption Leave) will attain regular status after three (3) months but the severance provisions of Article 14.05 and Article 17.05 will not be applicable.
c) A temporary employee shall be entitled to a combined Statutory, Annual Holiday Pay and pay in lieu of benefits at a rate of twelve percent (12%) of gross earnings. In addition, the Employer shall pay premium contributions in accordance with Article 11.02.
d) Temporary employees will be guaranteed not less than four (4) hours work on each day that they are scheduled to work.
Temporary. When an employee is transferred or moves to another store during their work shift, they shall be paid for all time spent en route from one store to the other and will be paid either the bus fare or its equivalent if they have a car. When an employee is transferred or moves to a store outside of the area covered by this Agreement at the Employer's request, they shall receive mileage in accordance with the company’s travel policy and a time allowance (at straight time rates). For the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island areas the mileage and permitted time as an allowance are agreed to be as follows:
Temporary. When an employee is transferred or moves to another store during his or her work shift, he or she shall be paid for all time spent en route from one store to the other and will be paid either the bus fare or its equivalent if he or she has a car. When an employee is transferred or moves to a store outside of the area covered by this Agreement at the Employer's request, he or she shall receive mileage at the rate of forty-seven cents ($0.47) per kilometer and a time allowance (at straight-time rates). For the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island areas the mileage and permitted time as an allowance are agreed to be as follows: Vancouver - Chilliwack - 120 miles return - 2 hours per day Vancouver - Abbotsford - 80 miles return - 1½ hours per day Vancouver - Mission - 90 miles return - 1½ hours per day Vancouver - Langley - 50 miles return - 1 hour per day Xxxxxxxx - Xxxxxx - 70 miles return - 1½ hours per day It is understood the above time is an allowance only and the employee would be required to work the workday scheduled.
Temporary. A member of the reserve corps of the armed forces of the United States or of the National Guard or the Naval Militia shall be entitled to a temporary military leave of absence while engaged in military duty ordered for the purposes of military training, drills, encampment, naval cruises, special exercises, or like activity as such member, providing that the period of ordered duty does not exceed one hundred eighty (180) calendar days including time involved in going to and returning from such duty. A member who is on temporary military leave of absence and who has been employed by the District for a period of not less than one (1) year immediately prior to the day on which the absence begins, shall be entitled to receive his/her salary or compensation for the first thirty (30) days in any one (1) fiscal year. For the purpose of this section in determining the one (1) year of District service, service in the recognized military service shall be counted as District service.